A high school white student who lunged at his classmates with a knife in the schoolyard before being shot by police...

>A high school white student who lunged at his classmates with a knife in the schoolyard before being shot by police snapped after he had been bullied for days, it has been claimed


Why this is not on the MSM?Oh yes i forgot.The kid is white and police don't shoot white people.

Whats your opinion?Justified shooting or not?


Other urls found in this thread:


These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.


>Sup Forums will defend this

Look at all of the non-whites in the background.

Poor kid.

Had a ginger hold a knife to my throat in primary school.
Just pushed him away as I had recess (snack time) to attend to

>pushed him away

Retarded choice of weapon.
He should have gone full mass shooting

>bullied for days


Fuck off, I think Pizzagate needs to be looked into more but not every thread has to be about it. Just focus on the shills in the dedicated threads rather than trying to label actual posts about other topics as "SHILL SLIDE THREADS".

It's not justified for him to have stabbed him in the fucking gut, but good for him for standing up for himself. He just did it in the completely wrong way.

I will.

>antagonize someone
>wahhh help help hes attacking me

Normies deserve school shootings.

Your telling an autist not to be autistic.

This. Anyone who went to a more "urban" neighborhood knows how tough it is to be a white kid. It's fight or die

Should have shot the school up knives are a terrible choice if you want revenge.

>pasta nigger

Video with better quality


did he died?

Hush, Cohen


killed no one and got killed himself instead
deserved to die


Notice something i didnt noticed before.

He has blood in his lips before he got shot.That means he prolly GOT JUMPED by niggers.


>white pants after labor day
he deserved it

>get bullied
>get shot

white lives matter

No I'm sure he's just taking a breather.

>"Logan Clark"
>typical Italian/Hispanic name

The reason you Jews failed to install Hillary to the presidency is because of this sloppy shit, give up, jidf

>nigs and spics bully and attack white kid
>brings knife to defend himself
>gets shot

libnigs will defend this

Poor kid. Does bullying really make anyone stronger?

wish white parents would stop sending their kids to school with these subhumans, if you're poor just homeschool the kid, hell, even letting him dropout is better education than a school with shitskins

>bullied for days
What a faggot to snap in such a short time

>Ayo wherz muh fone

dude he's so cool !
i wish i was that cool during high school

>was bullied for days before he snapped and attacked his friends
>attacked his friends
pick one

being white in a school that's mostly shitskin isn't easy. I sub for extra cash sometimes and I see that shit. either it forges you into a war machine or you become a beta cuck.

When you get bullied and people always say "you gotta stick up for yourself" "you gotta put bullies in their place or they keep doing it" etc then this happens. Lets be honest, teachers dont give a fuck about bullying and some weak ass kid like that guy isntt going to suddenly become MMA expert and beat up all his bullies. His options are either drastic measure like this or just sit there and take the abuse.

Is typical american schooling to back a kid into a corner like this then shoot him when he lashes out.


in the long run, yes
if you vow not to kill yourself or or somebody else
and forgive those who hurt you, they are just ignorant

You don't have to be mma fighter. Stand them one one and show you are ready to go to the very end. They will break. Cornered rat is dangerous.


Kid looks like a tard. Have these people never heard of fist fighting? Christ what a sperg.


The kid only wear a Italy shirt:his name is american
Also Italian are 100000 time better than leaf
We delivered the referendum while you are taking dick from rapefuge

>fist fight Tyrone
>9 Tyrone clones show up and attack you too

Rule #1 of fighting blacks is use a gun

drumpfkins will pay

if only that worked in the real world

school is a shit everywhere

Have you seen the signs?

Who attacks some one for being bullied? This kid was a danger to society. Being white doesn't justify violence.


Well even after he got done defending himself why did he refuse to comply with the police officer and drop his weapon? I guarantee you this kid is some kind of miscegenated retard. He looks crypto mestizo. But whatever, none of this matters.

>bullied for days
for DAYS!

school shooters snap after years, this guy couldn't deal with a few days.

there is a muscle you train your entire life, its the jaw
bite his face off, go for his eyes and throat, tear off his ears


So sand niggers attack the kid, kid defends himself, then gets shot. Wow.

Does this kid know that its just a meme?


he's just a dipshit especially when he's italian and is able to kcmod all the beaners at his school

Are you not entertained?

Angry nigger hating white nationalist who grew up in a pretty tough neighborhood. Can confirm. I feel for the kid. It is NOT easy. You're not strong when you're young. Your teachers are liberal idiots. Parents might be too. Luckily my dad taught me to stand up for myself.

it's a spic, who the fuck cares

how is cannibalism any better than swinging a knife around? fucking ruskies...


No, the rules for bullying are to either take it or file a complaint with the school. Fighting back is a violation of the school's zero tolerance policy.

Really the only sure fire way to stop a bully is to say that they pinned you down and groped you, because that'll cause a school to permanently expel them.

this proves shit skins will treat white americans like subhumans the very second they become the majority

>Snapped after only a few days.

No, there is not a single shred of evidence to support that.

it's better because you won't get shot for having teeth

>muslims watch out

Is that a fucking bread knife?
That guy needs to step upp his game e level.

The boy’s father, Justin Clark, posted a message on Facebook to say his son had been shot and he would like some “public support in the battle with the city that’s sure to come from this”.
“My son was a superior athlete and has lost part of his lung, with alot more things that will b known over the next few days especially tomorrow,” he wrote (sic).
“Now he won’t have the ability that he had before, so he won’t have the chance to go to college or any other way to use this gift.”


>superior athlete
>supreme gentleman


Dual wield kitchen knifes

buying gf

Real videos



That's basically what I said. "The school doesnt give a shit".



Pizza gate is a psyop.

Crawl back to whatever shithole favela duplex you rent with your fat shit of a grandmother.

After listening to the audio I’ve determined that the cop shot the wrong kid. In fact, he could have shot anyone else around including the cameraman and the world would be a better place.

Seems fine to me. Pulling a knife on someone because they said mean stuff is fucking retarded.

good riddance.

>relying on sports to send your kid to college

Nothing of value was lost here.

>not maining a dual-wield class

>he dindu nuffin he good boy
Sup Forums will defend this

I went to upper class schools, all whites, bullied ruthlessly, still daydream about revenge, has nothing to do with race you faggots

>My son was a superior athlete
Should have put more points into dualwielding and daggers then.

>It's fight or die
I guess my neighborhood wasn't urban enough, it was more like fight or wait for them to be in jail while you graduate from college to laugh at their miserable lifes.
But then you pay your taxes and you stop laughing.

Favelanigger, stop writing this on every thread.

>Italian flag

Ginger's an anagram.



Nah. Could learn you an important lesson though, and that is that fighting back is usually the best option.

We get indoctrinated in modern schools that if you fight back you're just as bad as the bullies so you're just supposed to take it. But after i smacked a couple of them in the face they eased up a lot. Can't say it helped me build any character really, just to shed some of the leftist indoctrination I was raised with.

This kid went at it the wrong way though and now he'll be labeled the bad guy in the situation.

what a fucking cunt

What did you expect from an unfit cop?
Literally a blob.


>not on the MSM

I have no problem when a knife wielding person who lunges at another with an intent to harm gets shot by police.

That said, the cop's a fag. He could've just kicked that little bitch in the nads and cuffed him.

top kek

>dailymail brit MSM
