Why is the atheism red pill so hard to swallow?


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Living things are scared of death

Because it's pushed by communists as a way to destablize the West.

Regardless of the content, these weaponised subversions are poisonous as a result.

If you don't want to believe in God, don't. That doesn't require a merit badge, a hat and a six hour footnote declaring why, does it? Unless you are a useful idiot.


I don't believe in any god, and I don't try to push it on people. The worst kind of people are those who try to force others to believe what they believe.

Because Religion makes people afraid, irrational and passive

because most "atheists" are too damn autistic about it

inbred culture of third rome

It's not?
Apart from a breif period in which I believed in new age bullshit, I've pretty much always been athiest.
It makes the most sense, seeing as how no religion has any proof of a divine creator or afterlife or anything

Communism is a Christian invention, the Jesuits in Paraguay started it with their gold reductions that built the Spanish empire which is why it got so popular among the ruling class.

Blue pill
>I'm atheist/christian because all of my liberal/conservative friends arr

Red pill
>thinking for yourself, finding the hard truth

And you're a slave invention

Because its a blue pill you nitwit


If only you knew...

>Because it's pushed by communists as a way to destablize the West.

Pretty much this.

Christianity was a mistake, but it's a mistake the west agreed on and became the status quo. Attacking it was an effective method of divide and conquer.

We are stuck with it for the foreseeable future until western civilization is less fragile.

>If you don't want to believe in God, don't. That doesn't require a merit badge, a hat and a six hour footnote declaring why, does it? Unless you are a useful idiot.

I guess believers ARE useful idiots then

It's actually quickly disappearing from the west. Soon it will be exclusively an African and South American thing



Religion and more broadly speaking, spirituality has survived for as long as man has lived. Different forms, different ways, different gods, but the belief in a higher order and in the trascendent has always accompanied man.
It's antifragile. Time has not damaged it, only altered it. And if it survived for so long it means this belief is evolutionary useful, otherwise it would have died over time.
That and the fact that materialism and scientism underpinning modern day atheism are both unsustainable positions, morally and logically speaking.
>t. deist

Wait but what happens if you're an agonistic atheist? Just wondering?

Though most people assume being “spiritual” entails being “religious,” this isn’t a necessary connection. When people talk about a spiritual life, they point to someone who has his mind on higher things, who is not obsessed with property or gain, and who is passionately devoted to a belief about the meaning of life and the path to happiness. But this describes any devoted philosopher. When people talk about a spiritual “experience” they point to the combined sensation of awe, inner peace, and enlightenment, which culminates in a reverence for life and nature, and a sincere self-reflection about these things and oneself. And yet that, too, is the experience of any true philosopher. I live a spiritual life, because I live a self-examined life of the mind, I care deeply about my beliefs, I care more about my ideals and human happiness than about material things, and I experience awe, inner peace, and enlightenment when I fathom human minds and the natural world.

As Sagan would put it:

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual."

This is not an uncommon sentiment among scientists, proving that spirituality is not exclusive to what we normally regard as “religious” life, nor does the term always entail something supernatural.

Meditation as a secular path to spiritual enlightenment is perhaps unequaled, and ought to be mastered by all. It does have beneficial effects on health and self-understanding. But the most common path to godless spirituality is through an appreciation of science: by truly taking in the awe of nature and her complexity, many a scientist has had a spiritual awakening that had nothing to do with God.

I'm not against the message on the image but god damn how fucking dense do you need to be to make the same mistake twice

>many a scientist has had a spiritual awakening that had nothing to do with God.
If you mean YHVH or some other canaanite god, then no for sure. But i find the idea of a God=Universe=Universal Consciousness making ultimately sense, therefore i can't say i'm an atheist. Although i recognize the futility of rituals, i despise self professed atheists for some reason



>he doesn't realize man created God for a reason to live and without God man is nothing

Because everyone knows God exists.

>christcucks literally believe that their god is more real than the muslim god

Isn't pope a catholic?

Because it's not the red pill.

Aye, there are still idiots who conflate Catholicism with Christianity.

>i find the idea of a God=Universe=Universal Consciousness making ultimately sense, therefore i can't say i'm an atheist

Care to explain what observations you made to come to this conclusion? Sounds like pantheism, which is basically when someone decides "god" is a synonym for "universe" then continue to live their lives as if there is no god (like atheists)

>there are still idiots who conflate Catholicism with Christianity
Is a term which in its broadest sense refers to the beliefs and practices of Christian denominations that describe themselves as catholic. It commonly reflects traditions of Catholic theology, doctrine, liturgy, ethics, and spirituality.

>watson & crick
There's better examples than these two


Could you imagine what it would be like to come to a realization that everything you believe as being "part of a plan" and "being taken care of at an 'inter-cosmicological' size" is actually just one big huge unguided series of events that had no rhyme or reason?

What is your purpose, at that point, besides hedonism, and eventually, nihilism?

Not to mention the historical fact that once any great nation has ever abandoned its religious principles, it has invariably suffered a massive fall.

So yeah, hard to imagine why it would be such a hard sell to, you know, want to destroy everything you have ever loved, conceived to be true, and your entire sense of security and well being predicated on such a belief system.

blame retarded american protestants and their autistic antichrist shit. they dont know anything about non-US history

1. People don't want to believe they will die and stay dead.
2. People want to be able to explain things they don't understand
3. People want to believe there is someone protecting them from bad things
4. People want to believe that people who wrong them will be punished
5. People want their life to have meaning and identity

In short, intellectual laziness and wishful thinking.

>Care to explain what observations you made to come to this conclusion?
At a fundamental level the building block of the Universe is not energy, nor matter but organized blocks of information. Which is the same basic component of consciousness (which can't be reduced to a purely materialistic phenomenon for a number of reasons).

I'm an atheist but most atheists are the biggest bunch of fags around. I like Christian morality and you can't deny the fall of Christianity has led to a more degenerate Western world.

There is information on my hard drive, doesn't mean it is conscious


I said organized information. More of that here >en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_information_theory
It's interesting because this approach might give us a theoretical basis to build truly sentient AIs

Where is kekism?

>christian morality

You almost had me.

>Could you imagine what it would be like to come to a realization that everything you believe as being "part of a plan" and "being taken care of at an 'inter-cosmicological' size" is actually just one big huge unguided series of events that had no rhyme or reason?

I am not atheist and i believe all of the above. Actually i find any kind of predestination and "being part of the plan" deeply unsettling because that would imply total lack of freedom

>You almost had me.
>If you don't believe in what I believe in you're not worthy of being real

>Integrated information theory (IIT) attempts to explain what consciousness is and why it might be associated with certain physical systems.


Look, I am a software engineer. The information on HDDs are organized as fuck

Because it's not an authentic representation of reality and the redpill is about perceiving reality authentically. Also Jesus doesn't save you from himself. That's retarded. He saves you from what you do to yourself of your own free will.

It's literally the opposite. Atheism does those things.

It seems like a no brainer to me since I never practiced religion. I can't claim to understand the actual power the religion holds over you to keep you in it, but I know for a fact there is also some power from seeing disgusting feminists and other degenerates "preaching" their atheism and get angry over their non-beliefs.

I say that if you're practicing your religion and not letting it make you angry or hold you back in any way, then why even bother swallowing the pill at all? At least in our first world society, it can do more good for some people than bad.

See. This is what atheism does to people. Communism was invented and propagated by jewish atheists. It was Christians who fought and fight against it. It's atheists like you who enable communism by attacking your own people.

>440 BC

>No Orthodoxy

Oh I'm laffin




i am not religious, but that is a retarded argument

theres also incest in animals

>What is a subspecies

most atheists are not redpilled... secular humanists and such.

So Gays and Hermaphrodites are useful? And Aids? What about cancer? Still there. Useful?

Laugh all you want, but there is a significant portion of the population that buys into these things. Why do you think the gov't has kept the "ayy lmao" out of public knowledge?

Religions were invented to control people.
