Find a single portrait of a high class ancient Roman with blue eyes

Find a single portrait of a high class ancient Roman with blue eyes.
Protip: You can't.

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Find a single portrait of a high-class Roman.



romans were degenerate. guals were savages. jews invented civilization.

moorfags BTFO

Those are all people that could afford expensive homes and fancy paintings so they were pretty high-class.









Btw this is pigmentation recovered from the statue itself..

The Romans were a bunch of ass backward faggots who cared about getting drunk and painting with their hands.


What if you have brown hair green eyes but a ginger beard?

wft are you trying to do, you filthy Brazilian rodent?
"Brazilian" is the result of Aboriginal(almost black)+Spaniards, neither of which were roman/mediterrainian you dumb fuck. Spanish =/= Greko-Roman

To be fair, the only surviving Roman portraits were from Pompeii, 241 km south of Rome itself and over Mt. Vesuvius. Pompeii was one of the towns south of Cumae, hence Greek and Phoenician enthicities. Augustus and many blond emperors were from Rome itself. "Golden bearded" Caligula was born just south of Rome in Antium (Anzio).

>TFW Brown hair green eyes.

I had blonde/green when I was a child but my hair darkened over time.

Nero was blond as well

>ancient Roman
>he still believe in fairy tales about ancient civilisations

There was no ancient rome, it was a reinassance fraud by the jesuits.
Read Fomenko.

>blond emperors
Does this look blond to you ? This statue was owned by Augustus's wife and the pigmentation was recovered from the statue.

Whats your point though as the blue eyed people fucked up Rome in the end

>pic related: Etruscan frieze

Though many Etruscans are featured as brunettes, Rome itself became almost independent from them (think of something like black Detroit vs white Michigan). Surviving Samnite mosaics featured many blue-eyed people (and possibly blond).
The only source of your pic of Augustus I could find was from Sup Forums, not any scientific articles. Post a source and we'll discuss.

Well, that's a painting of Brennos IIRC and the Gauls are described by Jordanes as "swarthy like the Iberians," so...

And if you mean the Goths, then pic related is a mosaic of a Gothic chieftain from the Palatium Magnum in Constantinople.

This monkey posted this yesterday. Sage and ignore


I posted it some 5 days ago, did you pass out for 4 days or something.

So plenty of French have a Darker complexion so do lots of Europeans look at this Frenchman.

These are all lies

Everyone knows Romans was kangz

It's almost as if neolithic Anatolian invaders were almost chiefly brunette like the mesolithic local foragers they mostly displaced and absorbed.

Not that I expect anyone on Sup Forums to know anything about anthropology that isn't debunked 19th century stuff, but still.

Oh God I forgot about her.
Is she still active?

Oh man, Liz Vicious brings me back. I used to fap to her all the damn time. hhhhhnnnnnggg

Who cares about eye color?


Of the 18 Emperors from Augustus to Commodus: 9 had blond or red hair; 5 had grey or white hair; 3 had no recorded hair colour, and just 1 (Hadrian), was referred to as dark-haired.

Of the 18 Emperors from Augustus to Commodus: 9 had blue or grey eyes; 2 had "wine-coloured eyes" (whatever that may mean), and 7 had no recorded eye colour.

Shitaly btfo

>the theorized original colours

Yeah, you see...
1: Only 2/3 primary colors are there
2: In order to paint shiny things such as gold leaf for blond or something else for grey, you have to use a primer.
3: If those were the original colors, remember that the function of the statue itself was in celebration of a Roman victory
>an art historian of the University of St Andrews in Scotland, Fabio Barry, has criticized this reconstitution as unsubtle and exaggerated
>The specific implications of each color chosen for the Prima Porta is unknown; assumedly red for royalty.
If you look at colored Greek statues, the surviving pigments are clearly exaggerated and flamboyant. Red may have been chosen as symbolic of fallen enemies.

we wuz Central Asians and shit.

The original white man was brown/red haired and brown eyed. Chinky... somewhat altaic.

The blue eyes came from cross breeding with extinct Euro-Pajeets.

Her boyfriend was found dead in a dumpster with one of her relatives being major suspect. Then she disappeared from public view.

Got arrested in 2014 tho

why the fuck would Mediterranean spaghetti people have blue eyes?

did you think before you made this thread? Who would contest it?

civilized countries do, pedro

>taking the best of x and worst of y
fuck off cherrypicking negroid.

>Read Fomenko
Oh boy, this is gonna be good.

How does he explain Thucydides or Plutarch away? Fraud?

Oh fuck, nigger.

Well let me be the first to claim my new jailfu.

>Coincidentally enough, my wife's appearance is not too unlike that of Liz Vicious, without the white trash, pseudo-gothic vibes and ridiculous hair colors.

Blond/blue eyed white man is too docile and can get through life easily by being pretty and worshiped by non-whites.

The brown eyed/brown haired white man grows up with a chip on his shoulder... that he's gotta prove to the world he's the original recipe white man.

Blond/blue eyed cherub... (he's so motherfucking handsome. 99% of the colored women want to have your baby)

Brown haired/brown eyed white man... all the white man's burden with fewer perks.

"Brown haired/brown eyed anglo... the white devil."

"The blond/blue eyed viking. OMG! They're so tall and pretty. They must be the original whites. I want a hapa baby with him. It's motherfucking Thor."

dennis reynolds

What the fuck are you on about?

>The brown eyed/brown haired white man grows up with a chip on his shoulder...
Yeah, the angry midget wog stereotype.

When he doesn't know that blue paint was really hard to make in the past. Even harder to do small details with.

north and south are brothers, they shouldn't fight

Do you have some fetish for blue eyes or what?

Dark brown hair gives off that badboy look women wet their panties over


Just another swarthy short fuse hairy-arm.

George Washington and Ramses II were redheads.

This. Britain and Portugal longest alliance ever.

>he still believes in fairy tales about fictional countries

Ahh yes north and south you must fight! There is no common enemy among you.

Nah, it falls apart after further study. It's a good psyop, but you couldn't lie about Thucydides or Plato as I suspected

>Fomenko also claims that Plato, Plotinus and Gemistus Pletho are one and the same person
How can this be true if Pletho wanted to return to the time of the ancient Greeks? The invented character takes part in the deception? That would mean not even Gemistus Pletho is a real person.

Kind of ridiculous that so called proof none of history is real has the claim that people are made up as part of the proof.

Thucydides is the same. Fomenko said Thucydides wasn't real, and the events are from Spain/Catalonya.

King Joffrey

This shit is amusing to me.

So some jackass determines approximately what pigment was used, throws a layer of paint on it, and calls it recovered?

Is that how an artist works? Color by numbers?

Fuckin kek, hhues are subhuman

>Fomenko's historical ideas have been universally rejected by mainstream scholars, who brand them as pseudoscience,[30] but were popularized by former world chess champion (((Garry Kasparov)))

nice, so the MOSSAD kike likes the theory that Christianity was invented in 1000 AD and there is no Rome. Imagine that...

>So some jackass determines approximately what pigment was used, throws a layer of paint on it, and calls it recovered?
No, they didn't paint the original statue, they discovered the original pigmentation with Ultraviolet Reflectography then painted a copy.

>painted a copy.
sure they did