UHHHH HOOOOLD UP (smacks lips) WERE YOU DERE??? (takes a drink of grape kool aid) WHAT IS YOU SAYIN?...

UHHHH HOOOOLD UP (smacks lips) WERE YOU DERE??? (takes a drink of grape kool aid) WHAT IS YOU SAYIN?? (cashes welfare check) HE WAS A GOOD BOY, HE DINDU NUFFIN WRONG, HE WAS TRYIN TO GET HIS LIFE TOGETHER (lights a menthol cig) YALL JUST SOME RACISTS

He a good boi I seen him at church past Sunday and he goin to community college he gettin his life togetha why these po-leese hate to see a black man doin gud in his life

I'm not sure why the press conference is being delayed. Possibly a mic issue?

It appears to be getting started now.

>Minquell Lembrick
Who comes up with this shit

>the two officers shot were best friends

Wait, am I supposed to feel sorry for the police?

>self-inflicted gunshot wound
Wow, he didn't even put up a fight.

>Minquell Lembrick

hey that's the name of that black hobbit in the lord of the rings

>one of this guy's friends is going to get $70000 in reward money

Get this NAACP fucker off the podium.

Probably suicided by shooting himself in the back of the head 4 times


I wonder who could be behind this....

What's up, Eurobros?

Not much, I just had a beer and in an hour or so I am going to a party.
Ironically it is a murrica themed "college party"
The american pie movies really brainwashed my generation.

>cultural appropriation

Did someone at least import the red Solo cups?

Of course, of course.
And the beer pong table and maybe even pitcher glasses. Which btw are a fucking stupid invention, the beer gets stale in them.

I'll will say fuck that shithole Americus. We used to stomp those darkies every year in highschool football.

>pitcher glasses.

You realize that you're supposed to pour the beer into the red solo cups from the pitcher, not use is as a cup on it's own?

To do otherwise kind of makes you a douchebag

The European obsession with red Solo cups never fails to amuse me. Godspeed, Germanbro.

What's the demographic ratio in Americus? I only know one person from there and he's white.

I think he's talking about these, possibly?



t. LaTavious

no man, he's talking about a pitcher of beer. jesus

The way he said "pitcher glasses" as opposed to just "pitchers" makes me think he's talking about something else. I could be wrong, though.

I'm pretty sure that he's talking about one of these.

Da ba de da ba bi