What are some Sup Forums-approved video games?

what are some Sup Forums-approved video games?

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EU III/EU IV (latter due to genocide simulator)
Victoria 2
Rome 2 & 3

Red Orchestra 2.

Everyone on the German side are usually real Nazis.

Warhammer: Vermintide (Germans executing hordes of ratmen invading their cities)
Medieval Total War 2 (especially for the Third Age mod, fuck that's sweet)

How is EU4 a genocide simulator? I've been pissed because I can't exterminate/sack Mecca like I can in Medieval Total War 2.

That's pretty true actually. I remember some cuck trying to start an anti-NS chat one time and being surprised how many were either national socialists or close to.

stellaris can be definetly

>literally genocide every inferior race you come into contact with

>not playing Total War Attila

You can kill natives in the New World.

>Total War

You can forcefully change population culture. There's two ways of doing it. The long way is to simply wait and eventually you can convert province culture due to contact with your culture if you rule them.

The much quicker way involves spending diplomacy points to quickly change province culture in just a few years. Since this is basically impossible in real life, it's heavily implied that this is probably through genocide.

You can also conquer native tribes and wipe them off the face of the planet.


Total war is Goebbels approved.


Mountain Blade

Not enough micromanagement/diplomacy/intrigue.
CK2 and Vicky 2 are the best Paradox games and the GSG games

Mount and blade playerbase is based as fuck

Im bored, have very limited internet access, and can only afford to download a game thats around a gig in size. Any suggestions? Please help. I don't care if its an old game. Also something that will run on low end pc

HoI 4 is cancer. Play DH or 3 only.

Heroes of Might And Magic 3
Disciple 2.

Definitely not pic related.

Papers, Please

Dwarf Fortress

Thank you!

Too bad you are stuck having niggers in your aryan kingdom

>Mountain Blade
u wot nigga

After what they did to our mod? You should be ashamed of yourself

>literally genocide every inferior race you come into contact with

For a diversity oriented game dev they make it really hard not to genocide whole planets...

>tfw Games Workshop stopped caring about WHFB
>tfw there will never be another WHFB video game
>tfw your first Ork army in Fantasy will never be complete, because you're building a 40K army due to lack of motivation

Who the fuck thought that Age of Sigmar was a good idea

Skyrim. Skyrim is for the Nords.

There's quite a bit of all that going on in Attila.

Attila is by far the most complex total war game. You have to deal with land fertility, food, and sanitation. A climate change event, disease and of course all the agents, assassins, spies etc. You have family trees, character traits and "gear" that affects their stats in battles and on the map. With the family trees comes marriage and political intrigue events that you have to deal with. There are also a bunch of historical events like the birth of Attila and shit like that. If you're shit at managing it all some of your generals might just break away from your faction and create their own if your royal family/emperor hasn't secured their loyalty.

There's also an internal structure of offices in your faction characters can hold, and some characters can become governors of provinces.

There's a lot you can do with your characters in attila, there's a lot going on on the campaign map and there's a lot going on in battles.

It's an incredible game.

Attila isn't just;
>Get money
>build armies

Far from it.

No hops M'lord!

COD Zombies

The whole game is literally trying to survive hoards of communists.
>hive minded
>Attacking the living (productive)

That's at least how I imagine it...


what a shitty cover tho.

Paradox slapped the true GS lovers across the face with HOI4

Literally babby tier mechanics, with even more retarded AI.

They even had to cater to people who couldnt understand map sprites.


beat me to it

Op has shit for taste.

>When there is no butter

game has so much potential... but they just keep ruining it

HOI4 is trash. Terrible game. They fucked the mechanics too much, the AI is shit, managing fleets/airplanes is still unbearable, and they're going to force feed you 40 DLCs just like Paradox does with every game these days.

They're STILL making CK2 DLC. It's getting absurd.

world in conflict, if you can still buy it

It's always interested me, but I'm still hesitant.

Do you need autism to play games like Hearts of Iron / Europa Universalis?

Because the most I've ever done regarding similar games is Rome: Total War and Civilization 2 and 5.

Also, has anyone ever played Napoleon: Total War? Thinking about tormenting it and playing it over Christmas.

Well... they did ask for total war...

And what did we give them lads?

I don't understand what you're asking of me. I just want games.

Now they're cuckd by the studio
You notice how much harder they're pushing the female warrior meme or how every gameplay video and demonstration has been with a female MC?

Vermintide is getting its second DLC LITERALLY a few days... Warhammer Total War announced its third DLC coming in February.

Games are still supported.

Spore is based

>This guy goes near your infantry and slaps their asses with his aoe attack.
What do?

I'd rather have dlc than """sequels""" every year like most AAA "games".

spore is fucking gay lol what are you talking about

EU4 and the total war series.

I would invest a lot of time into either purging or enslaving pops with black portraits it was part of the fun of it all for me.

its beautiful and the production system is well done but its worse in every other way.

what happened?

Friend and I would play AoE over LAN.
Teutonic/Byzantine Holy Alliance.

All computer players set to Muslims.

>Raiding Party

No survivors.


THERE'S NOTHING Wrong WIth being gaY OKAY !!!!

One time people started sining Panzerlied.

>Dark Knights
I havent played Mountain Blade in a while, but I don't remember these. Are they part of a mod or expansions?

Rhodoks are the best

Maybe, maybe not. I'm not a Nazi but whenever I play as them I just say "sieg heil" a lot. Definitely a better faction than the red army tho

Yeah you need to be pretty autistic to play HOI3

The thing that weaned out the normies is the fact that micromanagment is 75% of the game. That there was more thinking behind just moving units around a map.

You always had to account, order of battle, supply lines, production to resources available. Not only that but managing air piwer while moving land units is really hard. I never play past 3 speed

not exactly interested in any of those franchises (I don't trust Creative Assembly on their games) and I am referring to a game similar to Dawn of War.
Though it is unfair of me to reject Vermintide, so maybe I'll give it a go...

Red Orchestra.

There's a mod that separates out humans into Europeans, niggers, arabs and chinks.

>>brb 4th reich in space.

Theres a mod for that, i think they took it off steam, but you can still find it

>"Doing whats right!"

>Because the most I've ever done regarding similar games is Rome: Total War and Civilization 2 and 5.
>Also, has anyone ever played Napoleon: Total War? Thinking about tormenting it and playing it over Christmas.

Civ2 was perfection.

Medieval Total War 2 is fun.


company of heroes

Are you sure its still available, they had the one that removed the black portraits deleted from the worksho.

Kek. Sounds fun

What? Warhammer Fantasy has never, and will never get a game like Dawn of War.

It seems the peasants have risen up and found swords!

Older game but definitely Sup Forums approved.


China rill gwow rager!



that feeling of glassing a planet....

Come on guys. I'm pretty sure someone else played it.

The guy just removed the links that (((paradox))) didn't like.

Last time I checked it was still working and available.


This is for people who can't run Red orchestra, it's fun as fuck tho. It's not as realistic, but i find it to be more fun.


I still like Fall of the Samurai more though, it does a great job of simulating 19th century battles.

Still need to finish Desperados.

HOI4 is only for accountants.

I see how Half-Life is too political.

command and conquer: Red Alert 2

CK2, in my current Ironman playthrough I started at the earliest date as duke of Middlesex, now it's 989 and I'm the Emperor of Britannia owning the British Isles, drivine Muslims from Span and owning much of the penninsula, and i just won the crusade for Jerusalem


*don't see how

Ho Ho Ho

Art thou my eunuch? I shall make it so.

Yeah FotS is on par with Attila really, another outstanding TW game.


>tfw off by one

Civ 5 is k

Playing The Last Roman now, and its pretty fun, crushing vandal and sardinian armies, though im starting to have troubles paying for my troops

combat mission 1 gen games
if you love thinking/planning and ww2 setting

I love these games that teach you jewish tricks