What's up with dutch women and niggers ?


Why dutch women are such coal burners ?

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These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.

I wish I knew, I see like 50% of the Dutch in my town with black men. They absolutely hate their own white men.

Never trust someone who lives below sea level

Good meme

Dutch girls are a cute!

They're not, the girl in the video is just acting submissive and weak so she can get his dick. Dutch women are whores when you get to know them.

Dutch girls are gorgeous, but they seem to just like filth.

Was in Holland last summer. 1 milf cop woman couldn't keep her hands off me. Touched about 4 dutch girls during the 2 weeks I was there. Randstad

>the alt right pinnacle of sexual conquests is bragging about "hey gais i touched 4 girls while I was on vacation outside of moms basement for a whole week!"

Pretty much yes. Don't care. I'll be back for more :^)


The Randstad is an open-door asylum for insane lefties and brown people.

Same with you misteg bagée

same in flanders

Women's suffrage was a mistake.

Nigger? That's the Reem you fuck!

Overeem is a hack fraud who was only ever exceptional on roids.

Good thing we have a political party represented in parliament that wants to return to voting rights for the (male) head of the family only then.

Fuck you I've never been with a black man and neither has anyone I know and those who say that dutch women are easy need to stfu because we are not

t. Dutch woman

nice try geert

Not saying all dutch girls are easy, tho it certainly isn't difficult to find a decent girl there, compared to Denmark where 40% of us are single.

nice try Dirk

Black men are usually taller, more confident, women know they have bigger dicks. And they're more masculine. No girl wants some pale feminine white boy, especially a blonde white boy. I'm gay but I have convinced many of my girlfriends that they should try a black guy, because I'm with one now and it's the best sex ever.

Because this is the average dutch man.



Holy living fuck that's surprising. A leaf that's a degenerate coal burning faggot trying to lead women into being single mothers. I'm so shocked. A leaf....being a total faggot? When did this start?

Blacks are the 2nd tallest race, there's no way they're taller than Dutch guys


Holy fuck. Think we can agree on this one leaf.

This thread is cancer.

I know this is bait, but I've been waiting to use this edit.

You would be too if you were a woman.

Trannies don't count as "girls".

Day of the rake soon for your leaf


Kek, what is the source of this ?


Genetic diversity man. It's all biological. Stay salty cuck

>those cuck comments under the video

the female brain is still selecting on male physical dominance feature, even after creating martial arts and civilisation and wealth, they still operate with their lizard brain.

All of my female friends exclusively date white guys, three of them are not white.

How cucked is Rotterdam?

hey bb can i get ur #?

totaly fucked

I dated a Dutch Dyke once.
It enlightened me about the dangers of the Eternal Batavian.
>Suffer not the Dyke to live.
>Let them drown

poor white cameraboy
i wonder how was he feeling through all this

Dutch women are the world's biggest racemixers

Hey flikkers, kom eens op acht chan kijken. Daar gebeurt meer in en buiten de Nederdraden dan hier.

>touched 4 girls

BTFO Dyke and take your retarded German with you.

Says the frenchie

It's always a leaf doing the cuckposting rofl

I've noticed this too.


>In my town there is a refugee centre. This is a place or compound where asylum seekers are being kept until they get the Dutch nationality. These guys have a lot of freedom and are not allowed to work so most of them hang around in the town centre during the day. Most of them are male, from black African countries, around 20 years of age. One of my friends works as security in the centre and told me the most amazing stories. During the day many Dutch girls come to the centre to meet their boyfriend. Because there are new refugees coming to and leaving the centre every day, many of these girls take their female friends who don’t yet have a refugee boyfriend but also want one to get one for themselves. These guys normally don’t have much money and are showered with gifts from their girlfriends. In no time most refugees have hand phones, nice clothes and bicycles. The refugees who have not much to do compete with each other over who has the prettiest and most girls and who gets the most gifts.

>alt right meme

No we don't you retard

Part of the reason is Zwarte Piet is a popular character in Dutch tradition who is a nigger and is good, happy and helpful and gives candy. He is often played by Dutch people, showing niggers are just the same as white people with a paint.

Little girls grow up thinking coalburning is not so bad partly because of this.

The bitter irony?

Protecting Zwarte Piet is number one cause to Dutch "nationalists".

Fucking pathetic.

>Inb4 you're making shit up

Yeh, because women are too smart to be fooled like that, right?

you're making shit up


It's not only dutch women though

Least cucked, Rotterdam is actually a concentration of Party for Freedom voters

Time to start stabbing them, send a message.

>These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
>Do not fall for them.

100 posts later....God damnit pol.

Fuck off JIDF


40%.. holy fuck. You people need to get off the internet, literally wouldn't be surprised if majority of that percentage had neet tendencies

have you ever been to holland? 50% of guys are taller than me and iam 6'4

Dutch fag here. This guy is bullshitting.

Rotterdam was disgusting. There was something like a Carribean festival and everywhere where the eye could reach there were coalburners and half nigger children. It disgusts me.

That nog is one of the biggest roid abusers in MMA history. I'd be surprised if his dick still worked after well over a decade of non-stop steroid use.

>bitter MRA fag who can't get white woman so moved to Thailand making up bullshit

Why we push baby making policies.

It's bias. Almost every commercial shows a black person, and interracial couples (always black male white female) are not too uncommon either, on tv ads and in magazines.

However IRL most women are not like that. Based on many women I've spoken, friends of friends, acquintances etc they say they dont care or dont like black men. Even liberal ones.

So yes I do see white women with black men once in a while, but the majority does not want them (altho the majority probably respects the decisions of the individual to date a nigger).

Its all the colonial nations that have inherited the cuckold gene. America britain nethercucks


Same reason a fucking white male jacks off to fucked up degenerate shit like motion pictures from japan that are a form of revenge for nuking them.

Girls are fucked up too, only they want to remain in the normie realm because they have many social media accounts to keep and maintain with their bullshit.
A fucking white male, thanks to the infinitely accelerating technology, lives a sheltered life, thus gets lazy and unmotivated to do anything.
While niggers and alike are primitive lesser versions of man and arent yet showered with the shelterings a fucking white male receives.
The black women have it worse. They want their man back who is finally enjoying luxuries he never before had. All a black woman can hope for is for a decent black man to come to his senses and wants a family, which is rare as rhinos these days.

Basically this. No one cares about interracial relationships but it's not particularly common.

Why arent we speaking norse languages?

Tell me you wouldn't let this guy fuck you.
>protip: you can't.

ugh that's disgusting. if your daughter ends up like this you should be allowed an honor killing.

What about Morrocans?

>not showing the most obvious ones

keep in mind he is 6'5

Because Im finnish and i speak a finno-ugric language. Second you couldnt understand what i was saying since youre a muslim and speak arabic and english and i dont speak arabic



I know this is fake but lol.

No wonder why the only girl I made out with on my trip to Copenhagen just left me after literally 1 second...

lmao poles. TFW i was born im Polish/American. But actually polish born and speak it fluently

fuck she is hot
also her moaning while he choked her


I hate Tumblr.

they should. why would you churn out some wonky faced mulatto when you could have a glorious aryan white baby? it should be illegal or sanctioned by the state for genetic reasons.

>the weak should fear the stronk

>implying women are not the most sheltered beings today
>implying niggers have it bad (having infinite amounts of gibsmedat wherever in the west)

A imas i ovde takvih kuravi. Kako to objasnjavas onda znajuci da mi zivimo ko stoka?

Nice try Johannes

>1 milf cop woman couldn't keep her hands off me

Can you greentext how you met her and how the relationship progressed?

I dont speak arabic, and you are talking shit which i dont understand, despite communicating in english with you,

you mongoloid snownigger

All European women are, and American women. Best to just accept it at this point. White men are becoming undesirable. Get an Asian woman while you still can.

If this is true you are more cucked than Sweden, it's very uncommon to see black and whites in relationships, slightly more common to see mudslimes and whites but still rare.

zato sto smo stoka i generalno smo najsretniji kad se ponasamo ko stoka

yeah the response rates suggest otherwise

Here's your (you).

Ive never seen an user say "my nation's women aren't whores", only the opposite.

maybe because that guy is a star

where are all the successfull white fighters

tip: there are none

This guy has brain damage

Most of Calais volunteers are british.
Also there's so many niggers here that french women doesn't have to go to Calais to get a nigger cock, there's probably enough niggers in their city.
