Most red-pilled YouTube channels?

I'm a fan of Sargon of Akkad and Stefan Molyneux. What are some other good political YouTube channels?

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I fucking hate Kraut and Tea.

(((Sargon of Mossad)))

I recently started watching STYXHEXENHAMMER666

He gives a lot of political commentary, and seems to be way ahead of the curve. Even if he is a hermit
Make sure you are prepared for his red pills.

Styx is good too but I didn't want to start another styx thread on Sup Forums lol......

How can you watch Akkad? His videos are so fucking dull.

30 min of him talking about ONE article, where half the time is spent listening to his fake laughter.

Varg Vikernes is cozy, so is Ramz

Sargon is a pro EU cuck

lawlz Is anyone not subscribed to PewDiePie at this point? Srsly he need to get 50 million. I want it to happen to see what happens.

I really enjoy the hate of pol for cuckadon
If you aren't watching every episode of the daily shoah then fuck you

Thank you, I really do appreciate it.

my wife's son of akkad. Don't lie, I know you mongoloids think Sargon is intelligent and thoughtful. That's why you should've gone to college and paid attention in school. So you wouldn't be another rat led by these pied pipers.

An actual cuckold and thinks the EU is good.

Brother Nathanael is truly redpilled.

>Thanks Muslims for conquering Byzantine Empire, has hate boner for anything Christian even though he lives in fucking France.
>Actually autistic

Vark Vikernes and the Iron pill is the only thing that will lead us to valhallah

>literal cuckold


>step-daughter means I am cucking someone else


the highlight of every tuesday

>thinks the EU is good
why do people need to lie like this? You could just write that he's a cuck and that would be enough.

I thought Sargon of Mossad being a cuck was just a meme

>Youtube Intellectuals

but dude, to get redpilled you must try some blue pills for you to distinguish between them.
I remember when i thought be a cuckold mean to be a good christian and take care for a single mother and her kid
Now thanks to you i know that this is a horrible mistake.

Way ahead of the curve? When I used to watch him he would literally plagiarize threads on pol. The hero worship for this fag that thinks he can cast spells is so pathetic.

So you're saying I can get 70,000 subs by sitting in my house and summarizing the day's Sup Forums threads? If I name the Jew I might get even more popular than Styx

No 'alt-right' memery, but Douglas Murray and Peter Hitchens are two of the most important (imo) conservative voices. There's some guy collecting their best stuff:

>choosing to spend your time listening to autistic neckbeards

E Michael Jones

There is nothing better out there.

Sam Hyde
Morrakiu even though he is a Mulatto

Brother Nathanael is a real interesting figure.

Peterson is elder God tier.

He's a good intro red pill

He keeps dogging Alt-right and he keeps shoving the fact that he's a classical liberal in every video.
Molyneux is much better than Sargon imo.

good lord

They were great on Murdoch Murdoch's new vid.

Hes a faggot

pewdiepie ofc yolo swag

Sargon is just tsundere for us

I mean, I agree that TRS is awesome and the Daily Shoah is the number one podcast but here's the thing: Do you have to be such an obvious TRS shill?

Personally I watch Stef, Dave Rubin, Milo sometimes when I'm bored, Black Pigeon Speaks is pretty good, and I like when Joe Rogan has political guests on his podcast.

>The Golden one

Literaly the only ones I could find who are not 'DUDE WE ARE WE THE REAL LIBERALS LMAO'
True right wingers only

>Murdoch Murdoch

Similar ones I can think of right now are:
Ryan Dawson
Bill Still
Paul Joseph Watson
Black Pigeon Speaks



His videos are too damn long so nobody knows what they contain. You shouldn't just assume he's dropping red pills in there, you need evidence in the form of videos that are watchable in full.

To answer your question, Styxhexenhamer666 is where you should be subscribed.

He's a low energy Boomer but he is exactly what being red pilled is all about

any daily soah fans here?

you'll regret those words

JBS Watch

corbett report podcasts are a good start

Peterson might as well be the smartest of the "red pilled youtubers".
He does not agree with Sup Forums on a lot of things, such as universal constants in human cultures, but he has enough evidence and argumentative abilities to present his arguments clearly

>Sargon of Acuck


Sargon is in denial about being right leaning.

Styx is good.

I usually just look for videos of Zizek, Will Self, Peter Hitchens, or Richard Spencer, they're pretty entertaining.

>too damn long

me listening
Get to the point Rachel Maddow

so much logic, with a dash of humor

Fuck Sargon.

Redpilled list:

Redice radio
The golden one
Black pidgeon seppuku
Report of the week food review
Colin flaherty
Stefan memewew
Tommy Sotomayor

Cuck teir:

PaulJ watson
Mike Cthernobitch
(((milo cumguzzleropolous)))
(((rebel media)))
Water filter merchants aka Infowars

it's a fucking cartoon featuring meme characters

Sargon is alright but hes a liberal and as the conservatives have started to gain power in the western world he has become more winy about it.

I like him talking about the benefits of a classical education and the like but he is a true liberal. Someone who puts the rights, not even the benefit, of the individual above all else, event he family. He also believes in a welfare state. He believes that the government should protect you from the tyranny of being poor.

Did he talk about Pizzagate yet?

I dont know why people think its cringe. Its pretty entertaining. There better be another installment of that alt-light battle.

a coward that would rather live in Hungary than his own homeland.

I hate the format of
>Watch a video
>Pause every few seconds, and be snide
>Arguing with someone that doesn't even know you exist
>repeat until a 7 minute video ends up being 40 minutes

Sargon is a fucking fag.
Not only is he a lying socialist marxist bitch, but he's a moron who lies about everything and uses any trick he can to discredit the opposition without having to address their arguments.

The way he deals with people who say that IQ is inherited is by calling them racist and constructing elaborate mental gymnastics traps to make people jump trough hoops as they're talking about collectivism or some completely unrelated nonsense.

I've made comments on his videos debunking his claims and they get deleted.
He deletes comments if they expose his awful arguments.
Meanwhile he allows comments that call him a cuck or call for genocide, because that helps him push the narrative that anyone who disagrees with him is just some low IQ ''raycist''.

My channel. It's gonna be up soon. Me and my waifu are pretty red pilled and we're gonna be shit talking feminists and SJW's stay tuned niggers

>Most red-pilled
> Sargon


If you listen to him he's actively telling you to fuck off. He's a self-proclaimed liberal and barely shrugs off that mental baggage enough to see that SJWs and feminism is a problem.

A pretty entertaining cartoon sometimes. Also the music videos can be great. The trump one and vampires are my favorites.

Sargon is a literal communist who hates racists because his grandfather was half-black.


Gad Saad, Jordan Peterson.

I would love to see a conversation with Stef and either of these guys.

Gad Saad is an evolutionary psychologist who specializes in consumer behavior

They all do that now because they get auto flagged for copyright after approximately 20 seconds. Anyone making response videos will do something similar. Its how they avoid the automatic algorithms.

2th what are you doing here nigger


>Lionel Nation
These are few that I usually watch. Strangely enough, I've seen very few people talk about Lionel despite his popularity.
Sargon is a cuck and every one of his videos addresses the same handful of points that were already tired in 2014.

The format is incredibly boring. Rather than just comment on what the video was, they do this drawn out crap

Crashing insomnia with no survivors

The Alex Jones Channel?

>"I'm really attracted to men."

post 'em faggots, also help me make a purge, I probably don't watch 80% of these

Hah me to bro. Sargon is fag and i'm pro EU, have you ever worked in UK? Also quit my job today so halp.

Ryan dawson is the most redpilled person on youtube

He did have a video that quoted a study that shows the correlation between race and IQ.

Outright said that blacks have an average IQ roughly one standard deviation below the average IQ of whites.

Is there an alt-right youtuber bingo?

It should have stuff like "is gay", "has a wife's son", "sub-100 IQ", "is a furry", "is an unironic pagan/satanist/occultist/wiccan", "converted to christianity in the year of our lord 2015", "is an obvious plant", "lives on welfare" and so on.

>amazing atheist

I worked in the UK for about 4 years. Can barely even manage to speak Latvian anymore.
Living in UK is what convinced me that EU is the biggest pile of shit scam possible and everyone who supports it needs to get gassed.

UK is destroyed because of EU immigration policies.
Latvian economy is destroyed because EU economic policies.

Just fuck my continent up, senpai

Definitive redpill list:
>Millennial Woes
>Stefan Molyneux
>Golden One
>Aaron Clarey

>most re-pilled youtube channels
>sargon of akkad
I like the guy, I watch his vids, but Sargon is nowhere near to being the "most red pilled" channel: he's too much of a rampant individualist for that.


Styxhexenhammer666 has an interesting perspective. Its rare to find sombody who is into the occult and not an alex jones tier conspiracy nut. The guy knows what hes talking about most of the time.

Aside from him, the only other guy i still watch is vernaculis, but he seems to be in a rut. His content is usually pretty good though.


Peterson who? Where's the God damned channel?

Barry Soetoro

Golden one

Northern brothers

Brother nathanaeieaeal


>that guy t
low tier god?


She's literally just another person ragging on the extremely low hanging fruit of Feminism. She's too afraid to swallow more controversial redpills like race and IQ or even Islamic threats to the West.

>Le Rational Skeptic xd

Her arguments are very easy to make. She's too afraid to address legitimate non-joking Alt-Right arguments because she knows she'll get manhandled like Sargon did in his debate with Millennial Woes or Vee did with one of his Alt-Right subscribers.

milo is less conservative then UK conservatives aka european neocons cons