Got Fired/homeless for doing a good thing

>be me, 6' 240lbs white boy
>takes light rail in to work every day
>generally poor
>always been ugly
>been struggling recently with work because of a serious knee injury suffered on the job (torn LCL)

So I'm on the train one morning, heading into work, when these two high school QTs get on the train. Both white girls, it was strange since most of the kids for school in Mesa are Mexican. They were sitting not far from me. they're both doing high school girl things (phone shit), when this giant fat ass drunk Mexican comes on the train at the next stop

This dude reeks like a pile of dog shit left in the sun, and he zero's in on the 2 QTs, and starts harassing them. It starts out with him grabbing one girl's breast, then it escalates. All the nu-males on the train look the other way, I don't know, maybe it's not PC to care when some drunk Mexican starts harassing some white girls?

I'm conflicted, cause I know nothing good will come of stepping in. The dude might be armed, furthermore I can't afford to be late for work, and getting into a fight will make me late. Well the girls are now crying and pleading for help, and no one else is lifting a finger, and the fat piece of shit corners them against the wall of the train. He's telling them to suck him off and shit, calling them sluts and the like (they're dressed conservatively in school uniforms)

I can't stand it anymore. So I stand up and one punch him in the back of the head. Break my fucking hand on his stupid head. the dude drops like a pile of bricks. NOW the train stops. Metro police come on and cuff me. No word of thanks from the girls (not that I expected one, I am ugly). Go to county for 73 days until trial (too poor to make bail) get community service and 4 years probation, Mexican is let go never goes to jail; because illegals don't get arrested in Mesa AZ, because mesa is a sanctuary city.

Now I'm homeless and Jobless; at least the godking got elected; Some days I want to hang myself Sup Forums

These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.


>No word of thanks from the girls (not that I expected one, I am ugly).

sounds like those women should have been raped by the mexican

>calling yourself 'whiteboy'

Nigger roleplaying or you deserve to be gassed

how does this have anything to do with Pizzagate?

Just venting. I mean I'm living out of a friends place and looking for work. All my shit is gone. This is america under the hand of liberal insanity.

White guy stops illegal from raping/abusing two white girls, and white guy goes to jail while mexican isn't even arrested.

>Nigger roleplaying or you deserve to be gassed

I live in a pure mexican/nigger part of town. and i grew up in a nigger/mexican part of town. I've called myself a whiteboy my whole life.

Probably support Mexicans, illegals and other "oppressed people" an were angry at you for not allowing the Mexican to rape them and equalize their privilege ratios.

only wrong thing you did was punch him in the back of the head, should have just choked him out

My emperor

This post is to mock those FB posts where liberals posts bullshit that never happened right? Like how a car of KKK members suddenly turned up and started lynching a black guy right in front of them while shouting HAIL TRUMP?

Don't you realize blacks invented the term 'whiteboy' do emasculate white men? Are you retarded?

>only wrong thing you did was punch him in the back of the head, should have just choked him out

I regret breaking my hand, but the dude easily out-weighted me even though he was shorter then me.

I am still conflicted on if I even did the right thing. But what happened to me doesn't piss me off on what happened to the fat illegal. Dude was never cuffed once!

Something like this happened? I got out of tent city 2 days ago. I've not been up on what's been going on since Trump's election.

I wish it was made up

I know this is pasta but I'll bite

>240 lbs
>he easily outweighs you
>couldn't choke him out

It's not time for teh race war yet buddy. They need to suffer for a couple more years. When the women are literally bleeding beaten in the streets screaming for help, that's when we step in. Until then, white people are still the enemy of the state.

not a pasta, just got out of jail 2 days ago.

he EASILY outweighed me. he looked like a fucking bowling ball. and finding his neck in those rolls of fat and suffering that cheese smell. ugh. he really smelled like rotting cheese and shit.

Stop being a faggot, leaf.

I'm near Mesa.

Get into a shelter. We can go dunk on the local politicians. I didn't realize that Mesa was a shithole like that.

You got that guys picture???

I think heros are NOT ugly. Get your knee better and be more selective of who you protect in the future. They were BLESSED by your actions and may karma help you NOW. Perhaps others on the train learned from your example also. Thank you SIR.

serves you right. hope you learned a lesson

You will learn to love NEET life. Hang in there and be sure to get gibs ASAP.


>implying this is real

>Get into a shelter.
I'm at a friends place. He thinks there is a job opportunity with a new housing development, which I'm going to go apply for.

If you can see about getting that guys picture, maybe I can make him disappear forever. Also I need the police report number.

Jesus Christ, this is why every good men should take at LEAST a year of bjj...

I ran into a similar situation, not involving girls though, and I ended up choking the guy out.

Keep in mind, i'm 5'6 barely 160lb, and the guy was probably close to 6'0 and had at least 20-30lbs on me.

Do mma for at least 1-2 years, you'd be ready against just about 95% of the male population in a 1v1 combat.

This would seem to make sense but in most states strangulation is a much more serious felony than assault.

the fact that he did not get arrested should tell you everything you need to know regarding whether you did the right thing or not.

next time btfo

ntm, no shit those girls aren't gonna thank you. you just punched and knocked a guy out from behind without even trying to diffuse the situation with words first. to them, you're just as scary as that spic. No normal person or a 'hero' looking to diffuse the situation resorts to violence straight away.

anyone can pick on your weak mental vibe, and the action came from a place of hate.
>this fuckin foreigner messin wuh MUH WHITE GIRLS

What you expect? That those girls immediately drop to their knees and start sucking you off?

To think there was a point in time you would of been applauded and the police would of shaken your hand.

This shit pisses me off like no other.

This is what should have happened.

I'm not really put out about the arrest. I mean I admit I wasn't expecting it, but I knew it was a possibility. I did sucker punch the dude in the back of the head.

they were crying and pleading for help. It was pretty brutal harassment that went on for a while.

I didn't want sexual favors. They're HS'ers, just kids. A word of thanks would have been nice. It was a pretty empty feeling to be arrested after helping two kids who were being sexually assaulted and not get a word of thanks.

the cops weren't particularly mean or anything. The dude who arrested me apologized for arresting me; he was even careful about my broken hand. I just was really pissed the illegal never even went to jail. that rather pissed me off. Still pisses me off.

This is missing too many details. No one cares you stopped a rape?

>This is missing too many details. No one cares you stopped a rape?

ok, I can go into more detail

After I punched the fucker, 3 other guys finally stood up on the train and came over. They all helped me keep the Mexican pinned to the ground. Not that I really needed help at that point.

Almost immediately the train stopped and the next stop, and two metro police officers came on with guns out. The other three guys and I plus the Mexican and two girls were taken off the train.

We sorta stood around for like 10-15 then the mesa pd showed up. At that point everyone was separated and questioned. The Mexican was drunk and belligerent the whole time. The metro pd actually cuffed him.

After about 10 minutes of that, the girl's parents showed up and left with them, then another few minutes passed and the police let the other witnesses go. They released the Mexican and told him he could go as well. He was so drunk he couldn't even walk straight. Then they cuffed me and told me I was being charged with misdemeanor assault and battery.

I was told i'd be out by dinner time. Then the judge gave me a 10k bail. I couldn't pay the 1k needed for the bond, so I stayed in Arizona's famous Tent City till trial.

>so I stayed in Arizona's famous Tent City till trial.

What was it like there as a non-criminal?

Wow. Cool.
Can you make up shit like this all day?
This is better than Netflix.

I understand, and I commend your bravery and for doing the right thing.

It's just frustrating for me to hear a noble-intentioned action would cause such misery for you and no consequence for the other. I was just mad at the reality that in this world, good intentions don't mean much.

In any case though, you did what you thought was right, and did what you did with the knowledge you had.

I've been prepared and trained for these kinds of situations BECAUSE of cases like you, so I know where all went wrong in your situation. Basically you did 0-180 without doing the necessary steps to get there, but I understand you didn't know how to exactly handle the situation which says a lot of good things about you.

Hope everything turns out okay, and I hope you prepare in case something like this happens again. Taking 1-2 years of mma mixed with more practical street applications is small price to pay to know how to handle situations like this for life.

You did a good deed. No good deed goes unpunished.

>What was it like there as a non-criminal?

interesting. the food is dog food. It sucks being outside in the desert though it was much better the past few weeks, working the road crew was alright. Nothing worse then nothing to do all day and stare into space.

Lots of other "non" criminals there, from drunk drivers to homeless people who were arrested for being homeless. Plenty of legit criminals too. No big deal, though having a broken hand did make the place suck for a bit.

Joe keeps a tight reign on the place. The gangs weren't as bad as I feared. At least no one messed with me. The pink boxers were funny.

Ooooh, next time can you make it an airplane, and they had to land just to arrest you???