Time for a psych evaluation Sup Forums

Time for a psych evaluation Sup Forums.

This image is nonsense, it is just a series of scribbles. Find something in this image that makes sense and colour it, then post results.

It's just a bunch of dicks

the bean-shaped thing in the middle


Too lazy to drawn, but there is clearly an happy merchant inside the mess. You can see the hands, the eye and the nostril.

Makes sence to me

The only thing that I see.

It's the timeline to the movie Primer

I only added one dick as a joke friend.

Clearly a Ninja Turtle.

thats what I came up with.
what do you think Sup Forums


Uploaded the incomplete version. It's now a work of art.

I see tits.

I've solved it.

Thank you.


It's a bettle.


Le merchant hands of conspire



I found the Jew

I can sense the desperation of a man with a lot of free time.
The fall of a system, the crash of reason.
The desperate cry of a man forsaken by God.
I feel his actions as his ideas take over the world.
Everything powered up by memes.
Fear the frog. It will mark the end of our times.

It's glorious, desu-senpai



obligatory >we all die

Sweden YES

Coincidence I'm sure





I've really been on here too many years :,(

Oy vey!!!!



only thing i ever see when I see a shit post

looks like your mom



mfw i post a dick and my ID is literally "F*GT"


What could it mean?

OP wtf does this mean???

Am I doing it right?


have some more dicks I guess


Took me a whole 5 minutes

lmao fag

user, please seek help. serious.

I see something but I could not make out what it is.


That is fucking fantastic user

very nice

This is terrifying

Stealing this






> Be me
> Be this color blind

Now that's art


It creeps me out

I hate being colorblind

an attempt to make things look random yet you can see the obvious logics in there that are deemed error when it comes to image looking like nonsense

kill yourself

I too am colourblind
For we are all humans after all, no matter what skin-colour

It's pic related

>blue eyes
Never change, my black friend

Thanks user.

>Psych evaluation
>Using projective tests
I question your qualifications.

The circled area looks like the jew wringing his hands.

This meme just stays funny and I don't know why.

Just admit you noticed the penis first and move on. No need to start a revolution.

fucking kek

>flag checks out

Pile of dead baby kikes



>it is just a series of scribbles

>puts a clearly defined dick in the dead center

nice try

I don't see a dick, do you have something to tell us user?



I rearranged the lines for you. It looks better this way

do eyes come in other color?!??