Question about Russia

How does it feel knowing you lost your empire and that you will never be a superpower again?

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Horrible, but not much worse than all the other things make me feel.

A nation could become a superpower (again) through some amazing discovery or being thorough with war but try hitting peak white/national levels again. That won't be so easy.

you just described my entire life
for years ive been trying to find hte way i feel, to describe it, wondering

and you did it with one sentence

>a fucking leaf talking about power

Why slavs tends to be sad people? Is like if you are always mourning for something

Im not trying to insult, question is legit

Because deep down we hate everything.

They put a newspaper on the bench so the girl does not got splinters, true gentlemen

tolstoi genes...

>it's cold
>their drunk
>relatively poor
>corrupt leaders / dictators...
>be intelligent enough to realise that your situation is shit

confirm that

They'll never experience something as pure and strong as their mother's love when they were children again in their lives

This "superpower" was held together with with gum. It would never have lasted anyways. Also it does not feel so bad since Russia is much better of now then under communism. What does feel bad however is seeing the rapid downfall of the west. I've watched this country steadily head towards collapse since I moved here in 2000 from Kaliningrad.

This pretty much me, just remove intelligent and drunk parts. I'm not blaming our government for my faults, though, you can have a pretty comfy life in Russia if you got good nugget in your head.

Slavs are burned out on each and every ideology, and when that happens, the only thoughts that dwell in your head are dark and hollow. No faith of religion, no unity of communism, no aspirations and dreams of capitalism. People assume that, once you get rid of any and all ideology, world will become a peaceful, vivid place; but ideology is color, it is lenses, and without it, things lose their luster. Slavs are perhaps truly authentic, seeing things as they are: boring, bland, and hollow. But this authenticity is worth nothing, because it brings no happyness, goal or desire.

See? Only a slav can made this kind of thinking, would've love to get in touch with slavs in my rebel stage when puberty, felt like a slav until someone told me that puberty is the mourning of not being a kid anymore

ah come on...
here is a song to cheer you up my friend

DEAR Sup Forums,

This, to me, is the most Russian thing I've ever read on here.

Super power or not they still have enough nukes to wipe out any country they want. Also at least they were a super power unlike shitty canada.

Great. Now it's time for the multiracial financially miserable Federation to fall just like multiracial financially miserable USSR felt. People don't want diversity, more clay and imperial ambitions. people want homogenous society, manageable territory, iPhones and travel

Gave me cause to ponder.

I moved to the US for work and I'm still a sad lonely cunt

Stop spamming this you retard.

you should write a book

I want Russia to invade canadia for Christmas.

I've been good this year.

It's pretty brutal when you think about it, all that work and progress destroyed by bad decisions from a small number of people who just shrug their shoulders and fuck off to where ever on their fat pensions while the rest starve and freeze. Disregarding politics, it's really sad to see someone's hard work crushed like that, why couldn't bad shit just have happened to some loser countries in Africa that don't matter instead.

>This "superpower" was held together with with gum
That "gum held country" managed to rekt two mightiest military powers in the world within 150 years

Wouldn't be too sure about that leaf. Suffering breeds innovation and slavs have a monopoly on suffering.

You guys haven't tried Protestantism yet

This artifact seems to be from before Russians developed their natural squat

In fairness they took more casualties than any other side in the war and largely relied on General Winter

Can you imagine what russias population would be if theyd avoided communism and ww2? Theyd have like half a billion easy

i have wonderd about that as well

>they took more casualties than any other side
Because they were attacked in both scenarios. And majority of soviet loses during WWII were due blitzkrieg. Check blitzkrieg stats with Poland, France and other Euro countries. Soviets didn't have such horrible KD ratio after 1942

>and largely relied on General Winter
Guess what, soviet soldiers experienced mud and winter as well.

>tfw only way to stave off depression is to laugh at shitty memes and make meta-ironic commentary of life

Come fucking on with this winter bullshit, you made whole western europe look completely retarded retarded, as if they had no clue how to prepare to war.

What are you talking about? They steamrolled Ukraine, and once Trump starts making NATOfags pay for their protection (which they won't), Russia will be free to reclaim its native lands in Poland, East Germany, and the rest of eastern Europe. Sucks to be Estonian, Lithuanian, or Finnish, though, as they'll all be replaced by the rightful Russian inhabitants of those countries. What, are the refugees gonna fight against the Red Army to protect their newly-gotten gibs? I didn't think so.

>rightful Russian inhabitants
>most Russians are Kazakh/Mongolian rape babies

It's technically still an empire.

It is. Just not as powerful as it used to be.

Never is an awfully long time.
I mean yeah it's unlikely in any of our lifetimes but never is a very long time.

And Russians nonetheless. Checkmate, Fingolian offspring.

still doesn't explain why Baltics/Poland would belong to them

Only country you can make case for is Ukraine.

Ethnic Russians are Europeans without any admixture

I'd ask the same thing, but you were never an empire, nor will you ever be a super power, unless the world someday runs on maple syrup as currency

Who needs them? Literal mongrels. Russia needs to get rid of the gooks and caucasus republics and reunite with Belarus. Russia needs less clay, not more

pic says "come to us for construction"

I'm a lower-tier russian-as-a-second-language n00b. Can anyone tell me what the poster means besides that?

>you made whole western europe look completely retarded retarded

western europe is retarted

I'll bet you're the kind of Estie that thinks California should be allowed to secede from the US, right? After all, being part of a union doesn't mean that you're part of that union.

>Who needs them?
You, apparently, Ibrahim.

No-one asked to join the Soviet Union and get deported to Siberia dumbo.

The Russian Empire was built by wrecking other empires - Lithuanians, Poles, Swedes, Turks, French, Germans.
The Americans are the only ones who didn't get screwed.

Is Nihilism the next big ideology to hit Russia?

Not so fast Fedor

Very much alike to the Soviet Union, Russian Federation does not represent the interest of the ethnic Russians. Nor the said Federation is run by them.
"At the first free and honest elections they'll vote for the nationalists and hang us all" - Armenian Jew Margarita Simonyan, RT director

>No-one asked to join the Soviet Union and get deported to Siberia dumbo.
that's the idea behind an empire though

I don't know, I was born several years after its crash. But actually being controlled by a bunch of senile commies and fapping all day long at tanks and rockets is rather sad.

Now back to the real science

The American Journal of Human Genetics (Volume 82, Issue 1, 10 January 2008, p. 236-250)

>when you're defeated, call your opponent names. that'll sure shut them up
Sorry to be so racist, misogynist, and deplorable, but history is history. The Native Americans may not have wanted to be part of the US, but here they are, enjoying the protection of our military and the full faith and credit backing our money. Poland, DDR, Czech, etc. all enjoyed Soviet protection and technology for almost a hundred years, and they weren't even in the borders proper. You, an Estonian, probably live in a house built by Soviet hands, using the internet over Soviet telephone wires, drinking water from Soviet pipes, driving on Soviet roads. Whether your great-grandfather liked Stalin or not, you're fucking Soviet in all but name and flag, so suck it up and learn your real mother tongue.

I like Russia 10x more after reading this.

Oh boy, i can't wait.

It just a modern pin-up picture. Doesn't mean shit. It's mostly lewd women around men in pseudo-soviet setting


I really can't understand the passion for Caucasian highlanders (Dzhugashvili and Beria for example) which is inherent to the majority of Russians. It resembles cuckoldry to me.


Because they act like alpha males compared to your average Russian

>Armenian Jew
there is literally not a single person that I would trust less than an Armenian Jew

My entire family is actually Russian but whatever.
>Soviet technology
lmao, only thing decent in the Soviet Union was it's army and all of that shit drove off when we went independent. If anything our technology progress was stagnated to shit so now we're playing catch up.
>Soviet protection
Protection from what? Capitalism and higher standards of living? Protection from corrupting influence of the west? Fuck off.
>House built by Soviet Hands
If by house you mean huge piece of concrete then sure.
>Soviet phone wires, drinking waters and roads
Yeah because these things didn't exist when we were independent for 20 years.

>unironicaly supporting the (((USSR)))
>endorsed, supported, trained, financed the Civil Rights movement in the US
>supported, trained and financed pro-immigration, anti-colonialist, anti-racist groups in Europe
>opposed Apartheid from the beginning, financed and provided weapons to the ANC and Mandela
>imported Africans and Asian to the USSR as early as 1950s

>trying to make us feel bad for the choices and actions of our ancestors






>there is literally not a single person that I would trust less than an Armenian Jew
That's the RT director to you
No one cares for them specifically. People care for lack of the exclusively European areas. It's a struggle for, not against. Thanks for revealing culturally marxists thinking with that projection. Filtered
They are manlets who are afraid to fight 1 on 1. Even Berlin cucks and local Turks BTFO Chechens on Warschauer Straße

stop being such a cuck, bro. The bratva aren't gonna be happy when they see your post.

>They are manlets who are afraid to fight 1 on 1
And yet Russians are still afraid of them

>tfw school teachers in the west have always asked me if I'm depressed or were generally triggered by my presence.
>user, are you okay?
>user, you look like you don't want to be here.
>user, you have a real attitude problem.

All of this from my distant melancholy expression. They will never understand the slav struggle.

For starters, mostly retards and drug addicts get consripted to the Russian Army. You think Russians don't abuse them? You bet they do, they are just smart enough to not film it and post it online to prosecuted like that manlet in your picture. Read about what happened when ethnic Russians beat the shit out of churkas. Those """manly""" manlets asked to change their location, called "Soldier's Mothers Commite" and ringed to the "Racial Violence Protection Group". Shitskins gonna shitskin.

i know that homos get keked in your army but are racial/regional conflicts a usual thing there?
if so thats bretty bad for your army my man

>How does it feel knowing you lost your empire and that you will never be a superpower again?
From a leaf.

Keep in mind, the Russians have the only way the US can get to the ISS. Because the great and mighty USA does not have a manned spaceflight program.
Begs the question. Can you call your self a superpower if you don't have manned spaceflight?

Russia bros, thank you for continuing to let us ride on your wonderful Soyuz workhorse.
Maybe soon we can rejoin you.
pic related

Stop talking bullshit, Austria is surrounded by Slav countries and theyre all happier than Austrians/Germans.

Since the reform ethnic Russian chauvinism and mild hazing holds the army in clownesque order. When shitskins try to throw a fuss they get BTFO.

Oh hey Estonia good to see you here.

So...Vladimir Volfovich?

How do Lithuanians and Austrians take this?

Both of them were gigantic powerhouses that dominated half of the relevant world in their times.

Now both of them are tiny irrelevant no-countries. At least Austria is a top tier first world country tho, but Lithuania has literally nothing now.

I wonder how their history lessons are done.

Is it better to be on top and fall or to never be there at all?

Actually, he is a Jew himself. A good actor who has a devoted audience

So is something genetic and not socially?

Absolutely great. Painful and hardest step on a long road for nationalistic heaven. USSR was doomed in 1917. It's a miracle it lasted so long.

Now when we got enough military power so that noone sane will treat us with full scale war (wars were really devastating through out our history). We finally have no other way but to rebuild our nation this time free from (((mental viruses))).

Russian Federation is even worse than the USSR in terms of racial politics

I know. I'm just wondering if there's a nationalist guy popular enough. People seem to really like Putin there unless it's all propaganda.

i'm not defending (((Russian federation))). Last commie generation will die out soon, noone amongst youth believes this shit. So, i qoute myself:

>We finally have no other way but to rebuild our nation

There is only one way to make it tolerable

cyкa пoчeмy тaк жизнeннo
aнoн, я тeбя люблю

Feels like our white Christian Russian brothers need to team up with the USA and get them a little more territory call Doucheland.
Fuck you mooooslim. You Islamic faggot follow the shit bucket named Muhammed lost your plan for a Hillary /kill Whitey plan and are trying to sow discord wherever you lay your worthless heads.

Feels good to show bitches, like Islam, who really runs this show. The porch monkeys already know it's just you uneducated mooooslims that need it beat into your thick, round heads.

You mooooslims are so stupid you walked into the Germanic trap. We know we have to kill Germans every 75 years and we thought it would be fun to add some kebob up in that mass of burning flesh.
After we do 20 million Salafist we take our D-9's to the Mount and prepare it for rebuilding the Temple. Islam will be stricken from the pages of history and your children will be circumcised and made Catholic alter boys. Priest will beat them into submission.

I love a good plan!

I've always enjoyed learning and watching stuff about Russia.
To be honest, I want Russia to show the west that (((multiculturalism))) can go fuck itself. I'm not really sure how most Russians view Putin but from I have seen is a fucking alpha.

O agree. Russians should be our natural white Christian ally. We could submit China to our will and Islam will be kissing our boots like they did in the Iraqi desert. Republican Guard reminds me of Hezbollah. Hahahahahahaha! We kicked their asses so bad in 83 that they just stay home trying to keep their wives out of the disco in Tyre, especially The Gentlemens Club. Hezbollah wives are so easy and they marvel at the site and taste of a clipped American,!!! Hahahahahahaha!

Truth is: Russia always, always played for eternal anglo for a very very long time. Napoleon wars, WW1, WW2, even cold war, now imo Russia plays as a bully in middle east keeping balance of power and allowing eternal anglo to keep their traditional hypocritical rhetoric.

Just historical facts nothing more.

Don't care for Christianity. Not saying bad things about it. I like Syria and Hezbollah. I say leave NATO. Be more Nationalist. Lock down the fucking boarders. Jerusalem is Palestine. Don't move the fucking embassy.

I like it when some people call Russia a regional power. But they need to clarify what region do they have in mind. Is it Europe, Middle East, Asia where they border with China and Japan or perhaps the region where Russia borders with US via Alaska? Or Canada via the Arctic?

>regional power
Not at all. No resources or desire for the imperial ambitions. A Nation, not an Empire.

Feels batman desu
But I still dont understand why these EU-cocksuckers like Baltics so angry with us

Happiness is very relative and subjective term