Everyone on here always talking about reddit

>everyone on here always talking about reddit
>go on there
>get into economic argument
>this is what they actually believe
Jesus fucking Christ how is this even possible. Can't even fucking comprehend this thought process
>inb4 >reddit

Please stay there



So leaving the echo chamber is frowned upon?

It's indoctrination, if you try to discuss it with them they attack you for not using the phrasing that (((economists))) use and refuse to debate you, saying that you are too ignorant to have an opinion.

basically the most Jewish thing conceivable, you have to prove you're in their club before your opinion won't be dismissed outright.

They get hung up on the nitty gritty of economics and stick to broad strokes where cheaper == better

Why be nuanced when you can take the moral high ground with such little effort?

>le Sup Forums is an echo chamber meme
No, really. Go back.

I went there once during the election.

I found out it's more of an echo chamber than anywhere else on the web. From making one post, I'll never go there again. I could find more intelligent conversation on a Justin Beeber fan site.

Laughed. No one on the internet talks about economics, unless it's a DNC email to dethrone the middle class and sell guns to terrorists.

Shit man, that pretty much sums up the entirety of my conversations there. It's seriously dangerous though, that way of thinking, really fucking with my head that there's people who believe that.

>country A and country B have thriving widget industries
>country A is first world democracy, country B is third world dictatorship
>free trade agreement
>country B leaders realize widgets are extremely profitable and so convert their entire economy to widget factories, filling them with slave labor
>country A now gets cheap cheap widgets, but their widget industry is ruined
>country B is enslaved

but the (((merchants))) living in country a and country b are making a killing. When the local economies are depleted of money, they move on to another country and do it again.
This is the "internationalist clique" that Hitler warned about.
This is why the Jew is hated worldwide.
This is the modus operandi of the Hebrew Inter-Nationalist

You're not wrong, but you're also not normie-accessible

We know who's actually behind it, but we are small, where the virtue signaling masses are large
Now we need to figure out how to distill this into an easy to swallow pill

It's amazing how one minute they can despise corporations but the next applaud them and claim they're doing what is best for our country for moving jobs to China

Go ahead and leave. But those people cant really be reasoned with...

It truly confounds me to no end that there are people who simply cannot be reasoned with on these matters.

I mean he's not wrong. I used to be like you, so in love with Sup Forums that I would jump down anyone's throat if they mentioned reddit.

But I grew up a little and found that reddit can be useful.

With that being said reddit's community is seriously fucking garbage. You can't even make a joke if it's not a pun. Everyone is a hyper-sensitive turbo pussy. Even r/the_donald is trash from all the "le upvote this rare trump picture" and "this police officer said he likes trump, he deserves and upboat". During the primaries, they actually had decent content (OC, news articles, actual discussions). Now there's no actual news of what Trump's doing anymore. And if you think Sup Forums's a hivemind, well there's a reason why everyone calls reddit a giant circlejerk.

Both "parties" gain in that the GDP of both may increase, but the "party" that is workers like you and me always loses if we are in the richer nation. Economists masturbate to formulas that tell them free trade is a good thing, but it isn't reality.

And when the people get wise to this sham, there is a (((war))) or (((revolution))) or (((domestic issue))) that arises to divert their attention, giving (((them))) a chance to consolidate their spoils, move and reposition for the next feast.

Don't forget the part where they try to destroy your nation's heritage and revise your history for trying to stand up to them

Or the part where liberal lemmings charge headfirst to the death of their culture, history and accomplishments

Is this why the Japanese don't reproduce?

>I mean he's not wrong. I used to be like you, so in love with Sup Forums that I would jump down anyone's throat if they mentioned reddit.
>But I grew up a little and found that reddit can be useful.

No one's jumping down anyone's throat. Reddit has not utility as a site and provides no real discussion. Anytime I've ever had to resort to clicking on a reddit link via a google search for a specific topic, I clicked out immediately. The place is a cesspool of just bad humor and "le funny mlg maymays". It's filled with shitters who derail their own topics within the first post. It can be bad here, but never to that extent. Despite all the memeing that goes on, this place generally has more informed posters.

remember that (((they))) know the whole truth and are prepared for it when we "wake up", imagine we are a child playing "checkers" and suddenly we notice that many of the pieces are different. But we don't quite grasp how they are different or what meaning the differences may have. And sitting across the chessboard from us is (((Gary Kasparov))) with a knowing smile on his face and our king in check.

um what is Sup Forums?

The birth rate really isn't that low compared to white people in western countries, the difference is that you have nigger fecundity driving up the national rates

Sup Forums is very reasonable, based Israeli posters for example have made us realize that the enemy is not all Jews, but a certain subset of them.

Its just a giant comment section where everyone is trying get the most likes.

but its not true that both parties always get a benefit one party can benefit and the other loses ,but the net win is always there so 1 party wins more then the other loses so if u see it as 1 economy its always an positive

if you disembowelled yourself and donated all your organs for transplant it would be a net win by the same logic

Japan, Seppuku will unfortunately never be in style again. You need to stop trying so hard to force it.

Reddit is only good for porn.

don't you have some new battleships to build? Since your old ones are leaking oil and all

Nigga we build aircraft carriers, didn't you learn anything from WW2?

Get off our board you were never here to begin with