Hillary Won (Yes Really)

Would you be fine with Hillary taking the presidency she deserves? Be honest.

We all know that Trumps victory was unfair as Hillary cleaned up the popular vote. This plus the fact that she fought way harder for it and it was her turn because she is a woman means she should be given a fair chance. She isn't getting any younger and I think it would be a nice gesture after all this hate and devisiveness to let her win.

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You make an outstanding case for yourself with your excellent sliding.

The electoral college exists for a reason, you vapid cunt. Otherwise everyone would be a slave to the coasts.

Your inflated majority figure means jack shit when it's coming from California and New York.

btw, enjoy your incoming voter ID laws, faggot.

Hillary has served in public office for decades, it's only right that she gets her fair share of the presidency.

It would be like if you had been my loyal employee for 5 years and instead of promoting you I fired you.

Didn't realize this was satirical, was in autofire mode due to too many low-effort bot threads.

Sorry about that, m8.

>has been in public office for decades
>it's only right she gets get fair share of the presidency

holy hell, what is that logic?

you forgot to mention that that employee got fired because he sat around and jacked off for those 5 years and was a detriment to the company.

And I thought participation trophy parenting was a problem in the states....

>Hillary Won

Nope, she lost.

Also, stop trying to meme hillary into the presidency, meme magic does not work that way.

If she deserved to be president, she would

>what is a federal republic

Gas yourself Ahmed.

>she deserves

What is this fucking faggotry? We're not British cucks over here.

>obviously browses Sup Forums
>sees pizza gate threads
>still want this child predator in office
Pic related, my captcha

>not using legacy captcha

>Hillary cleaned up the popular vote

She won a game that nobody was playing. Good for her.



hide the sandpaper

>loosing fair and square is unfair

Keep playing checkers, Democrats, while the rest of us, including Greens and Libertarians as well as resurgent Republicans, are playing Chess.

> 16D holographic Chess, thank you


I bet you also supported remain?

gr8 m8 no d-b8 i r8 it an 8 i h8 2 b in an ir8 st8 but its my f8
hey m8 i apreci8 that u r8 it gr8 u wanna d8 and mayb masturb8 i can ask n8 and we can meet at the g8 dont b l8
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it an 8/8 plz don't h8
gr8 b8 m8 cant even h8 so I r8 8 outta 8
Gr8 b8 m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8., I'm str8 ir8. Cre8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8

She belongs 6 feet under.

Check my get. Hillary will die next month.

A FUCKING ______

now fuck off, nerd virgin

In no capacity does she deserve be anywhere near public office. I wouldn't even want her running a community rec center. Deeply and utterly corrupt. She needs to be in jail so this bullshit can end.

Hillary is confirmed to die in 2019. Her expiration date was planned some time in the year.

the one she deserves? yeah
she can call herself whatever she wants in her 8x8 windowless cell

I'm getting so bored with these bait threads...

No and it would be the last straw that causes me to participate in a Civil War if there is one, and if there isn't one I would join the most radical right wing militia I can find. I firmly believe Hillary did not win the popular vote if you subtract illegals, dead people, and people who voted a dozen times.

And even after all that if she STILL won the popular vote I still don't care because I believe in and understand the reasoning of the electoral college system.

there would be some serious shit that would go down if she stole the election

black people wouldnt even be 5% of the population in 4 years and every cop would walk. open war and the nigs wouldnt have any way to stop it

>Forgets about Texas too

>Conveniently doesn't realize these totals don't include caucus goers and that if you include that Hillary loses the popular vote

>And Shillinois

she deserves a short rope and a sudden stop

She won the participation award. I get why this generation thinks that counts for something, but you know, whoever gets the nuclear codes wins in the real world.

Great, a britfag..

Fuck off, we aren't your colony anymore.

Everyone knew the rules before. Now after she lost its suddenly a problem.. Reminds me of someone that loses at chess and then complains he whould have won if we had played checkers so he should be winner...
Dont you think Trump would have changed his strategy if the rules are different... of course.
Thats why your idea is stupid.

I thought op said she deserved a shot?

something like 3-4 million illegals voted for hillary, whos votes are void. she lost by a large margin, its just the kike media dosnt tell you.

But what will happen when illegal wetbacks can't vote

No get

All her extra votes came from California.

She got more votes from illegals and their kids.

She won by 2+ million votes? She won California by 4+.

1 fucking state

Not shilling, but what would you guys say if it had been the other way around? With Hillary winning the electoral college and Trump winning the popular vote?




Isn't she funded by the people that fund ISIS? Why does no one care about that.

we would have said that he campaigned wrong

because every president for the last thirty years has also been funded by saudi arabia

youre shilling because such a scenario would never happen.

California is literally the only reason she won the popular vote. In fact if you take away 4 counties in the entire country, Trump wins the popular vote. Trump would have never won these areas. If she somehow won the electoral it would have taken he winning Ohio, Michigan, Florida, and Pennsylvania. They were all a tight race.

For Trump to win the popular and lose the electorate he would literally of had to come within 500,000 votes of her in California or flat out win California, which would never happen. There's a reason Republicans basically never win the popular vote.

>We all know that Trumps victory was unfair as Hillary cleaned up the popular vote.

The popular vote is not how a president is selected in America, nor has it ever been. Deal with it.

>white woman steals the election
>time to kill some niggers!

Can't even turn it off at this point, eh?

your thoughts, OP?