National socialism is for leftist faggots

Sorry, but Adolf Hitler was a faggot socialist. The only good fascist dictators are capitalist dictators like Pinochet. The proper role of government is to drop leftists out of helicopters, not to provide free shit. Doesnt matter whether the free shit is free education for whites or welfare and paid family leave for blacks, FREE SHIT IS FREE SHIT.

Also killing the Jews is a stupid idea. Yeah, let's kill one of the most productive, mathematically competent races, that'll help the economy. But don't you dare kill any blacks or leftists, cuz thats genocide and genocide is bad, mkay?

Other urls found in this thread:ölkisch_equality

Give me the (you)s instead of this faggot OP.


> autisticscreeching.jpg

>implying facists didnt euthanize/deport/exterminate blacks and leftists too

Only Mussonlini stayed away from negative eugenics. Instead he encouraged native Italians to have more babies to outcompete the undesireables

can do

National socialism is for people who don't understand Jesus' words.

Socialism isn't a bad thing care about your neighbors.

Germans were one folk under National Socialism.

If you cared about your neighbors, and knew them by name, and knew they were good people, would you really mind Socialism?


Stop looking up to people and do it yourselves.

Only if you truly follow his teachings. i'd say so.

>National socialism is for leftist faggots
You realize this can be refuted by simply checking his wikipedia page right you stupid fucken kike? NatSoc is the third way.

> Socialism sucks, you can obviously see what shitholes Sweden, Denmark and Norway are
Seriously, look at what works, in a homogeneous and high-trust society we would have more than enough productivity to go around to care for those who are a part of our extended family while ensuring everybody has a good chance to be productive and receive a good life where they can care and be cared for by the nation which reciprocates their care.

Jesus was a cuck, and he's a jewish meme to make pathetic people be good goys and not revolt and kill the jews.

Question is
is segregation from your christian brothers because of one's race. Wrong?

Billions & Billions of people disagree with you.


This. Pinochet is the only 'dictator' there's ever been that is decent. Franco too.

Death to leftists. Don't tread on me.

>using the threat of state violence to take someone's property without due process and give it to whoever a beaureucrat decides is not a bad thing


*tips fedora*


Not since the 70's

I don't give a fuck i worship Assad only.

> Higher GDP per capita than America

>The only good fascist dictators are capitalist dictators
So Hitler then. Hitler's "socialism" has nothing to do with socialism. He only called it to make it look better for commies.

>I don't want to look after my fellow citizen

Why even bother having nations at all then?

Capitalism is the reason we have this globalised world with mass immigration and gentrification everywhere.

Fuck you you stupid fat capitalist cunt. Your whore mother should have swallowed.

Wahhabi detected.

>American education
Assad is a secular Alawite

Nazism maybe, National Socialism and in a broader sense Fasicm? No.

Fuck you you narrow minded collectivist asshole

No one is stopping you from taking care of someone else. If you care about it so much, get off your communisy ass and go volunteer

You don't need the government to help someone. But no, thay would require effort, and you'd rather claim moral credit without doing any work.

You are a cancer on the human race


Also baathism is mainly fascism, so...

Baathism is Nationalism mixed with Social democracy and Oligarchy. It works better than American democracy Inc. at least.

Civic faggot.

>throwing people from helicopters
I want nupol to go

He was implying Sup Forums worships Assad fucktard.

That sounds lovely except the Jews had him killed.

He was a Capitalist but not far right. Far right dictators are like Pinochet and Papa Doc. Hitler promoted a mixed economy.

This is just another 'but that wasn't true socialism' argument.

Nazis are leftists who worship big government.

Franco did not apply eugenics too

>National socialism
hehe. yes. very good goys, very good. hehe

I don't think so burger

almost like extemism on either side is retarded and that the best choice is a (((mix))) of both

>Hitler's "socialism" has nothing to do with socialism.

yeah, affirmative action, 'free' education, and 'social justice' are all definitely not socialist in nature, good goyim!ölkisch_equality

>...The Nazis advocated a welfare state for German citizens (able Germans of Aryan racial descent) as a means to provide social justice and eliminate social barriers between the German people.[2]

ya know when you say "i don't think so"
you're supposed to say, what you disagree with.

He wasn't implying clappers


How often do you see saudi's on Sup Forums
even more so have you ever seen a saudi say "i worship assad only"

do you not sense any sarcasm?

A real Saudi Wahhabist wouldn't be posting on Sup Forums amigo

Believe what you wish.
But i don't trust Saudi's not even in the slightest.

My favorite grandpa used to say, "God helps those that help themselves." Plain, simple and true.

My grandfather said that to me too.

badass grandpas

Will do fäm

The Pinochetcopter does not discriminate between National Socialists and Regular Socialists.

>b-but my form of Socialism is free of Jewish influence! It'll be better, trust me Untermensch.

Into the Helicopter with you faggot.

>Also killing the Jews is a stupid idea. Yeah, let's kill one of the most productive, mathematically competent races, that'll help the economy.

argentina is full of kikes

Nobody got anything for free in Hitler's Germany you uneducated faggot, everyone worked.

Chile is full of commies.

Commies and kikes are all the same. So you two are literally brothers.


There's way to many white people in Argentina.

Argentines kikes are redpilled though. They hate liberalism and they are pro-Trump.

>less communist then chile

Actually yes.

We don't have any communist party in the Congress for fuck sake, that's commie as fuck.

they are extremists, i would rather have a few far leftiest then a lot of social-democrats, which is what you have over there


>I rather have communist than just average Right-Wings

Peronism and Radicals are the two only forces in Argentina and both are Right-Wings.

Pinochet where are you mi general


your definition of right wing is soft my friend

No, just some bizarre baby swapping regimen.

Well considering that Chile Right-Wings are the same as here I would say is the same shit.

South America doesn't have an "Alt-Right" party anyway.

Fuck off like

If people are what bring a country its wealth more so than let's natural resources. Then why not invest in what brings its country its wealth as to help it grow and prosper even more?

Not rocket science m8. Yeah it is free shit but it is more along the lines of investment for the most than just handouts.


>retard detected

Hejaz detected