What are Sup Forums thoughts about my beautiful country The Kingdom of Norway?

What are Sup Forums thoughts about my beautiful country The Kingdom of Norway?

These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.

>oil is my only source of income and it is running out

It's great to be a part of it.

We have fish.

> Irrelevant country is irrelevant

I do like the party you have when all the high school girls are about to graduate and everyone gets piss drunk and has an orgy, that's fun. Otherwise, you're worthless.

But at least you're not Sweden.

You're not sweden

Not even in the EU and Oslo has more sandniggers than any other group of people.

It's a marxist hell nowadays, sadly.

more divided now then we have ever been, mixed between libtards and logicians. girls and cucks vs men

Lost to niggers and mudslimes.

unite to destroy denmark when

>the entire Norwegian army is composed of buglers

The country seems really interesting, I heard there are a lot of Poles there. One of my friends works in Norway. He said that Norwegians are mostly ok with Poles but hate blacks.

Is it true that the housing is really affordable? I think I read somewhere that it's one of the best in Europe.

You should be under Denmark's rule

>The Kingdom of Norway

Commie bastards.

Tomorrow hopefully
We aren't completely fucked by a plague anymore so no

Kalmar union when.

Bastante buono

It is my fatherland, and I love it.

affordable housing?!?! HAH mabye in the faaar north or in the middle of nowhere, but if you wanna live anywhere relevant its expensive...unless you're in student housing or a kollektive then its mostly affordable

Then maybe I'm wrong, but I swear I saw an image on plebbit /r/europe and Norway had lowest rating of young people living with their parents.

mabye when the sweeds get the shtiskinns out and the danish starts speaking properly

Thats only because we are rich

thats problably because student housing is cheap and young people mostly live in kollektives, as in sharing a house with 3 or more people

Denmark > Norway >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sweden

>I heard there are a lot of Poles there
It's our biggest immigrant group by far.

>He said that Norwegians are mostly ok with Poles but hate blacks.
Norwegians are skeptic to eastern Europeans, since we get overrun by eastern European criminals each summer. This is mostly Lithuanians and Romanians though. Our biggest concern with Poles is the undercutting of Norwegian wages. Since many Poles will work for a year or two, and then go back to Poland as millionaires. Personally I've never had any problems with Poles. You are hard working and integrate well. I'd switch out every nigger in Norway with a Pole in an heartbeat.
As with Norwegians hating blacks, I'd say few people really hate them, we just don't want them here.

>Is it true that the housing is really affordable?
In rural places, yes. You'll get a nice big house pretty cheap. In cities though, no way.

I see, makes sense.

How's Norway on the blue-pill/red-pill scale?

I constantly hear contradicting things.

This is correct.

Off all the Nordic posters, they come off as the most level-headed and intelligent
I'd share a beer with one of you guys

I love my country, like most Norwegians do, but these last few days there have been ridiculous amounts of Norway threads. We deserve our own threads once in a while, but not several low effort "whad u dink aboud nobway :DDDDD" every day.

So OP, you can fuck right off.

Jeg liker norge og snakker en lite norsk, men for mange blå pilled folk og mudslimes på Oslo. Mer nord er bedre.

Jeg vil gjerne reiste till Tromso I fremtiden of snakker med norskmen.

Er du boer? Hvis ikke kan du godt bli i Afrika!

And yes...sorry for butchering your language


Ja, haha, jeg lærer norsk fra en venn.

Natural ally against sweden

We'd rather be irrelevant than piss all our money on wars that benefit noone other than the military–industrial complex while flooding a whole continent with third-worlders.