A question for my fellow Dixiebros

Virginia reporting in.

So I've read on and off the last couple of weeks about this Calexit business. Now I'm a dye-in-the-wool States' Rights supporter (secession included) but this Calexit shit is laughable. I mean, these are the same fuckers who not a year ago were ridiculing the South and secession as treasonous and now they're the ones demanding to leave the Union. All because of an election they lost fair and square.

It does create a dilemma for us Southerners though. If California or another liberal state were to actually attempt to withdraw from the Union by force and President Trump, who will almost certainly not tolerate it orders the US Military to put down the uprising, whose side does the South take?

I'm gonna assume most of us won't be missing out on the chance to take part in the Second Civil War, but we'll be facing the mother of all dilemmas. Either we defend the right of people we hate to withdraw from a government they want no part in, and thus turn our backs on Trump. Or we volunteer defend Trump and the Union, disgracing our ancestors by upholding the same tyranny they sought to end.

What do we do?

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Slow night?

Californian reporting in.

This dilemma keeps me up at night. I've pondered it for the past month.

It never occurred to me that the liberals would try and use Secession to get out of having to acknowledge Trump won the election.

Still haven't found the answer. I hope it doesn't come down to that though.

>tfw I'm basically General Lee at Arlington agonizing over whether to follow my duty and defend States' Rights or follow my heart and kill the Liberal traitors.

Let 'em go. That's 55 electors that can fuck off, the 9th judicial circuit, Pelosi, all of those faggots. Let them go have their progressive society free of hate. Ten mucha suerte.

>implying we shouldn't let them leave

We can support Northern California's democratic right to counter-secede back into the United States (Jeffxit if you will), but beyond that, I'd welcome them to leave.

is less southern then south Ohio buddy you lost the Dixie card a long time ago

Only problem is that Donald Trump will never allow that to happen. He's a staunch Federalist.

Like Lincoln, he's prepared will fight to preserve the Union. The question is will we draw our swords for or against him.

>implying Tim Kaine isn't a cheating sack of shit and experienced at election rigging.

Unlike Michigan, a recount in Virginia could possibly sway the election... Even more in favor of Trump.

Remove Fairfax, Loudon, and Prince William Counties (and all of the cities within them), and Virginia is uncucked. Even the Whites there (many of them Yankee transplants) vote Democratic because of their Government jobs.

I'm worried North Carolina is going to trend in a similar way. Asheville has always been cucked, but I'm worried about all these fucking Yankee transplants moving to the research triangle.

Like OP mentioned earlier. There is not a chance in Hell that President Trump will allow California to leave the Union. The political ramifications of such an act would devastating on their own. Never mind the loss of all but two of our major West Coast ports, 1/6th of the entire population, dozens of military installations (including nuclear sites), and the economic impact (expect the dollar to go into free fall).

>whose side does the South take?
I say we squash their rebellion, remove their mexicans and other illegal (wed never get rid of their blacks in a civil war on these terms.), and then we succeed in seceding and make the south its own country..

The chances of it happening are slim to none. Whether Putin supports it or not doesn't matter. Supreme Court alone would laugh and throw it away. It's like how Texas has wanted to secede for decades and it's never happened. It can't happen. Not without civil war, and Trump, Congress, and everyone except these stuck up liberal whores know it.

On top of that, Cali can't survive without stealing things from other states. You honestly think in the situation as dire as its in right now, it has the means to secede whatsoever? I hate these stupid threads and I hate that it's become a legitimate topic.

On the extremely off chance it does happen, though, don't expand the wall until I move the fuck out assholes.

canada dont want your ass. you racist.

If those fucking Califags manage to pull off their separation, then there's no reason the Confederacy can't rise again.



Born in Cali here, I want them to secede and take their millions of Democrats and spics with them

Cal-fat reporting

that sounds like hate, faggot. easy, killer.


It looks like Mass is worse off than Cali. Why don't you fix them first?

We will defend the union. California is much too important as a coastal state to let secede. It will be a wonderful opportunity to cleanse the region of Antifa-esque communist socialists, deport the beaners, and bring California back home where it belongs. Think of the bombardment of Hollywood and the seize of the Zionist Jew epicenter. Their credibility will be destroyed while lifting the multiculturalism propaganda veil off of the rest of us. It will be glorious.

>Dixiebro here despite the flag. I'm currently in Germanistan.

Anyway, the states that wish to remain would simply seize the material wealth in Cali that belongs to the greater union. Allow them to seceded, but sanction the shit out of them, and cut off national infrastructure unless they pay for it.

I wouldn't support a military intervention.

>It can't happen. Not without civil war

That's kinda the scenario we're discussing right now.

Also, you have no idea the depths of extreme stupidity liberals will sink to.

Trust me, they are actually foolish enough to try it.

>When your Taiwanese imageboard populated by autistic NEETs becomes the basis of Trump's 75,000 Volunteers to preserve the Union.

>to try it.
Yes. "Try". And they "tried" to get the witch queen in office, and look how well that turned out.

quit projecting because your ancestors were stupid enough to throw the country into a civil war that they lost to

>quit projecting

I have these fuckers for neighbors and coworkers I know what I'm talking about.

everyone is stupid it doesnt matter if they're liberals or conservatives, especially in groups they just become fucking dumber

I think we are beyond saving
(((they))) have made sure to dumb down every other goy to be a mindless hollywood worshiper

>Implying fat liberal dykes and numales who can't even fire guns will ever win a civil war.