OK lads, serious question here, not even memeing. How do we deal with the German Problem?

OK lads, serious question here, not even memeing. How do we deal with the German Problem?

This is the fifth (5th) time they've tried to destroy Europe
>toppled Rome
>invented Communism (delayed effect)
>flooding Europe with 'Syrian' 'child' 'refugees'

At this point, it's obvious to anyone that they cannot be trusted. It's not enough to halt them, then ease off because "they've learnt their lesson, they've changed, they won't do it again!" - because they WILL do it again as soon as you take your boot off their throat. Something must be done to permanently remove their ability to cause such destruction again.

The question is, what exactly?

can someone please nuke us already?


You forgot all the wars that resulted from the reformation lad. That makes 6.

You forgot Protestantism. They have destroyed the continents religion, although the Catholic Church was acting like a bitch back there.


Do not forget, that we have sent Lenin in a sealed panzertrain straight to Moscow, like some fucking Anthrax

Oy vey I wonder who is behind this post :^)

You forgot a few things.
Still the only true successor to the Sacrum Imperium Romanum

Not that i want to defend my retarded neighbours, but everything germany does since WWII is US agenda. They are neither sovereign nor free to decide on their own.

Germany is doing the right thing. You terrified ultra nationalist coward fascist need to back off.

Klopp for president!

We need a final solution

i need that hat

Wonder who's responsible ?

Geht Kult-Kloppo Jürgen Kult-Kloppo "Kloppo" Jürgen "Kult-Kloppo" Klopp in eine Bar. Sagt der Jürgen "Kloppo" Kult-Kloppo "Kloppo" Klopp: Ich bin der Kult-Kloppo "Kloppo" Jürgen "Kloppo" Jürgen Klopp. Sagt der Barkeeper: DER Jürgen "Kult-Kloppo" Kloppo "Kult-Kloppo" Jürgen "Kloppo" Klopp? Da erwidert Kloppo Jürgen "Kloppo" Jürgen "Kult-Kloppo" Klopp: Jawoll, ich bin DER "Kloppo" Jürgen "Kult-Kloppo" Kult-Kloppo. Da ist der Barkeeper erstaunt: Dass der Jürgen "Kloppo" Kult-Kloppo Jürgen "Jürgen Klopp" Klopp mal in meine Kult-Bar kommt, das hätte ich vom Kult-Kloppo Jürgen "Kloppo" Jürgen Klopp "Kult-Kloppo" Klopp ja gar nicht erwartet. Da sagt der Kult-Kloppo "Kloppo" Jürgen "Kloppo" Jürgen "Kult-Kloppo" Jürgen "Kloppo" Jürgen Klopp: Tun die wenigsten. Bis sie ihn fahren. Der Barkeeper staunt: Ach, Jürgen "Kloppo" Kult-Kloppo Jürgen Klopp "Kult-Kloppo" Kloppo, das ist schon brutal geil, Jürgen "Kloppo" Jürgen "Jürgen" Klopp, muss ich wirklich sagen. Da erwidert der Kloppo Jürgen "Kloppo" Kloppo Kult-Kloppo Jürgen "Kult Kloppo" Kult Kloppo Jürgen "Kloppo" Klopp: Dafür steh ich mit meinem Namen: Jürgen "Kloppo" Jürgen "Kult-Kloppo" Kloppo Jürgen "Kloppo" Kloppo Kult-Kloppo Jürgen "Jürgen Klopp" Kult-Kloppo Jürgen "Kloppo" Kult-Kloppo Jürgen "Kult-Kloppo" Kloppo "Kloppo" Jürgen "Kloppo" Kult-Kloppo Jürgen "Kloppo" "Jürgen Klopp" Kult-Kloppo Jürgen "Kult-Kloppo" Jürgen "Kloppo" Kloppo Kult-Kloppo Klopp.

>toppled Rome

It was Rome's own fault.

>invented Communism

From a guy who said he had no country


Serbia started it. And even if you disagree with that, Austria-Hungary started it then.


I'll give you that one.

>flooding Europe with 'Syrian' 'child' 'refugees'

Would have never become a problem had the United States never got involved in the Middle East.

Have you even played the rape game?

Its way too late. Europe is already well beyond saving and France, Germany and the Uk are heading for a muslim majority in 40 years.

And I couldnt be happier.
It took us some hundreds of years but we finally got rid of the white Europeans.
You almost had us at some points but I think we won this fight fair and square.

>Germany is the bad guy
Wrong briton, the UK was the bad guy during both those wars.

Bavaria, Brandenburg, Saxony, Pomerania must secede from the rest of Germany

this. not even bullshiting, germany must be split into smaller parts otherwise our power projection will always result in megalomaniac destructive behavior for the peril of europe.....balance must be restored in middle europe

murad stfu

austrians are germans

Fuck off you delusional inbred Britbong.


How stupid can you be? Everyone knows it was the god-damned kikes.

Wait until shtf Weimar Republic tier and enjoy

>germany destroying europe again!!!111!


>muh nazi party
>1488 xdd!! lul
>sieg heil

at least stick to one narrative Sup Forums

CDU/Merkel have done a good job salting the earth in Germany already, just a matter of time. only thing to do is stop them from spreading their self-loathing to other countries currently in EU.

>toppled Rome
>invented Communism (delayed effect)
Marx was a jew
Germany objectively did not start the war
Jews in Britain more than anything
>flooding Europe with 'Syrian' 'child' 'refugees'
Jew and jew-puppet female leaders. Not even debatable.

Fuck off britbottle, while your shitpile of a country is the one that actually will degenerate, Germany will still prosper for decades. Just facts you ugly rotten teeth subhuman


>implying (((them))) didn't primarily focus on us because we posed the greatest threat along with russia

Oh get goyim, don't look at us it was the German

Fuck off bong London is kike HQ, for centuries you have done (((their)) bidding , destroying everyone who could act independently