Be honest, how many of these apply to you?

Be honest, how many of these apply to you?

Identity politics is cancer, including SJW antics and muh white race. Prove me wrong.

like 3 or 4 my dude

>The SJWs are the greatest enemy mankind has ever faced
Kinda this
>Fascism works
Why not?
>Build the Wall
Totally yes
>Breitbart, Infowars
Mostly ok, but too much bs
Everything else is trash

You're correct, both are means of Capitalists dividing us over false issues

>fascism works
>build the wall
>Sup Forums

Go into Detroit and say identity politics don't matter.

basically like 10 people on here are alt-right the rest are just buttmad about everyone calling them alt-right and then start defending the alt-right because the label was forced upon them, also none of them apply, I'm a commie, send SJWs to gulag pls

100% Emoji

>Sup Forums
>Fascism works (even though I disagree with Fascism)
>I'm am """racist""" because of the facts
>multi-cuck kek
>Fucking feminists

Of course the dirty Serb is a commie.

what point are you trying to make, exactly?

It's another /leftypol/ thread

Almost everything on that list is hyperbole.

The fedora is the problem. erase the fedora and it would not look so bad.

Everything but:

>I'm not racist, I just look at the facts
>Oy vey the goy knows
>Ben Garrison comics
>Fascism works
>multiculti kek
>Weapon of choice: Sup Forums

Is alt-lite territory.

zero because i only come here for happening threads and non-reddit tier political humor. i'm a liberal myself.

You will get mugged by a pack of niggers who very much so identify as niggers.

Identity politics are all we have.

>someone was butthurt enough to make this image
Your "alt-right" boogeyman still won. Stay mad libshits.

the alt-left is here

Only the fedora. Because I'm a classy man.