Russia Tests Status-6, mega-weapon designed to destroy california and new york

“The Status-6, a nuclear powered, nuclear armed drone submarine, is the most irresponsible nuclear weapons program that Putin’s Russia has come up with,” said Schneider, now with the National Institute for Public Policy. Status-6 is designed to kill civilians by massive blast and fallout,” he said, noting that such targeting violates the law of armed conflict.

the weapon is a self-propelled underwater craft capable of carrying a nuclear warhead up to 6,200 miles. The vehicle can submerge to a depth of 3,280 feet and travel at speeds of up to 56 knots.

Status-6 will carry a multi-megaton thermonuclear bomb payload. (Hiroshima was 16, this will be over 2,000+)

Essentially it is a drone submarine that will get as close as possible to a coastal city or naval base and then explode. With an absolutely insane payload that will cause a giant tsunami and immense radiation damage for hundreds of miles.

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Nah it's ok. Putin is the savior of the white race. He's saving it by blowing up California.

How exactly does one "test" this?

>targets are NY and Cali

Wew. I was almost worried for my country there.

Interesting parts

- Nuclear powered, but also detonates a nuclear bomb.
- Intense Radiation salting of the area around blast
- Basically a "Dumb" weapon that is just meant to be as damaging as possible due to fears of MAD doctrine becoming obsolete.
- Obviously based around fears of missile defenses as it is basically anti-missile in every way. Doesn't shoot anything and is just a suicidal drone.
- Extremely irresponsible because it is a remote drone with no human in control. AKA mishaps can fuck shit up.

They know how nukes explode already

Probably the drone delivery / pathfinding / sonar footprint, etc.

that's not real

Pentagon just confirmed it was real today

It's not that big of a "secret" project

It's a doomsday type device used as insurance. Both countries have enough shit stockpiled to end humanity. This is just another "fuck your missile defense" weapon.

prayin for this to be real, delete CA now pls

Just dont fuck with us and you're fine.

BTW Yellowstone is anoither priority target for nuking.

Russia has a very bad track record with nuclear navies. Like a list thats 4 dozen incidents long. Those were WITH human intervention.

Past that i could care less if they spend cash on stupid shit like this.

>It's a doomsday type device used as insurance.
It's named STATUS ffs

>noting that such targeting violates the law of armed conflict.
The burgers threw out those treaties out the window once they started to place ABM systems in Europe.

Get fucked.

It's just another weapon of last resort, just modern version of T-15 torpedo from 60s.

We kinda paranoic about whole NATO shit around our borders, so we're developing systems like Status-6 or Perimeter.
Just planetary scale "Samson Option". Nothing special, I suppose you all have that shit too.

Soviet systems are rendered obsolete when we can teleport a nuke on top of Putin's head.

Waste of money on all sides.

And then they deploy their doomsday weapon and fucks you to.

Congratulation, nobody wins.

It's cheaper to develop this type of stuff than a huge conventional deterrent.


russians being cunts.

Nothing new.

Weve done all the physical testing we need with nukes. Now its all computer simulated.

In the 50's 60's we blew nukes up all over the fucking place. Space. Underground, underwater, directly above soldiers heads.

Impressive and the idea of "law of armed conflict" sounds dumb. I get the history and shit behind it but whole holds back punches when they are in fear of their life?

Not a decade goes by during which Russia doesnt unveil "THE ULTIMATE SUPER WEAPON-NATO BTFO!" that then turns out to be mediocre at best.

Also many of these weapons systems are announced once and then never again mentioned. Or they remain nice CGI models that never went beyond being just that and will never be built.

pic very much related

Putin telegraphed this build up pretty hard over worries of NATO having a working missile shield.

At least the visual/public side is that it would be too expensive or hard for russia to compete with America conventionally or with their own missile defense system. Hence having to resort to improving their offensive capability.

In the game theory side of this, developing Defense is more aggressive than developing more MAD capability.

Being able to destroy the world 4x or 5x isn't much of a difference. Being able to survive and neutralize an opponents ability to destroy the world is far more useful.

There in lies the issue. US citizens think WW3 is impossible. RF - inevitable.

This is probably not the most insane doomsday weapon on the boards.

Who gives a fuck.

>not being interested in cool explosive weapons

So vlad built a drone kaiten fitted with a nuclear warhead. That's pretty fucking cool.

There is no need for this weapon democrats are already in power there, they'll destroy California and New York in due time look at Detroit, Chicago, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia y Ecuador.

>Extremely irresponsible because it is a remote drone with no human in control. AKA mishaps can fuck shit up.
How is this more irresponsible than a missile?


if it is just chilling in the ocean waiting for a signal to attack it can be much more dangerous

It's funny you should say that because yesterday I was speaking to someone from a company who work on world-leading security solutions like this. (The new Dreadnought-class Sub)

The guy says they built an unmanned jet capable of surveillance and weapons (Taranis) which was announced years ago but he admits it's working, but mediocre. It's down to the gov to buy something before they can 'actually' make it.

So yeah, it's weird how true your post is

it's launched from a submarine

My favourite part looking at it - it's not designed like a conventinal nuke. It's designed like a dirty nuke with load in megatons. Essencially rendering area of effect useless for the duration of the war, nevermind killing everyone trough a slow agonising radiation death.

excellent Smithers. Plz vaporize LA and the Bay, the rest of the leftards should fall in line after that.

Thanks, NorCal

It's just a missile then

I'd imagined it as some device that just chills at the bottom of the ocean somewhere waiting for an attack signal.

I guess the same sort of attack signal could be sent to a submarine with people too and fool them.

Soviets used to have the fractional orbit bombardment system, where they'd launch a nuke into orbit and it'd come down whenever. Although I think that had to be preset at launch, not a remote command. It couldn't be countered once deployed because shit goes really fast during re-entry.

>destroying Commiefornia and Jew York

They'll be doing us a favor

>inb4 scare tactic
why would they broadcast it on tv?

>Russia makes a bomb to wipe out degenerates and jews
More news at 11

State of Jefferson when?

>New York

I don't think anyone would mind desu

B-b-but does it have a near silent caterpillar drive?


>implying russian military isn't a joke
They're USA tier - all they can fight are towelheads.

B-b-but does it have a glorious soviet intro music?



pick one

Godspeed Russia. The sooner you destroy cuckfornia and jew york the better.

i had a dream last night or this morning when i was awake about a fucking computer defense system that broke because no human was in control.

>Status-6 will carry a multi-megaton thermonuclear bomb payload. (Hiroshima was 16, this will be over 2,000+)

That can't be right, Tsar Bomba was a mere 100MT


>Dead Hand (Russian: Cиcтeмa «Пepимeтp», Systema "Perimetr", GRAU Index 15E601, Cyrillic: 15Э601),[1] also known as Perimeter,[2] was a Cold-War-era nuclear-control system used by the Soviet Union.[3] General speculation from insiders alleges that the system remains in use in post-Soviet Russia.[4] An example of fail-deadly deterrence, it can automatically trigger the launch of the Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) if a nuclear strike is detected by seismic, light, radioactivity, and overpressure sensors.

>implying Hiroshima was 16 megatons

And these people used to be a world superpower.

sensors go out on my phone all the time. lets hope russia built this more reliably than their toothpaste

i bet we can hack it. oh buoy this guna be fun

'member that drone?
i member

>tfw your government makes fancier presentations than guys in CIA
Wow, i'm proud of mine country now

Is there any model that can predict just how much devastation from detonating one of those near New York?

I mean I'm imagining tsunami waves reaching Western Europe, is that possible?

>Status-6 is designed to kill civilians by massive blast and fallout,
As opposed to regular nuclear weapons which politely ask the local civilian population to leave by dropping leaflets?

>this will be over 2,000+
I think if it would be over than 2000 megatons we can actually blow up it right in Moscow, because it will crack actually fucking Earth into two parts.

>Tsar Bomba
>100 megaton
Little Boy was 15 kiloton, Tsar Bomba was 57 megaton. OP, the greatest of faggots, obviously meant 2 megaton.

>destroys california and new york
>democrats never win again

Sounds good to me.

Speaking of leaflets...

Dat bantz.

He used Hiroshima as a reference, Little Boy was a 16 kiloton bomb.

>destroy New York and California

We must assist Putin in any way possible.

>16 kiloton bomb.
15 kiloton bomb*


Inb4 it sinks to the bottom of the ocean like other Russian subs.

why didn't the cameras explode? All this shit is models and propaganda

How far would this reach? I don't like directly in NYC but I want to die

>costal cities and states

If the election map shows anything then its that these irrelevant costal cities and states aren't really American anyway.

You guys dont think it would to the gulf of mexico huh? Or go up the mississippi to the interior of the counrty?

Bomb the tumors pls

Thats gonna be preety fireworks, cant w8 to see NY or Cali go sparkle sparkle bum bum.
Post webms ruskie.



2k bomb is not big enough.

>do 2500kt with fallout on New York
>fallout spreads near Boston


Based Russkies keeping JewSA in angst


>Russia thinking about destroying Commiefornia and Jewyork

How did we go from bitter enemies to the best of friends?

>Nuking california or new york
Would probably be an improvement desu. If russia invents a drone that delivers 2000 megatons of liberals we should surrender.

It's from Obama's speech, where he says that they're most power country n spends a lot of money on military n shiet.

with the submarine being the bomb they could keep making it bigger and bigger and not clean like tsar bomba

Russian here. Sad to realize Motherland spent the money not on imroving living conditions for me, but on this shit.

How's those bread lines doing?

>Russian sub sets sail
>hits the Aurora

>Designed to destroy California and New York

Based Putin does it again!

Not bread lines yet, but closer to them every day.

>N-n-no! Not that kind of war!

Aries doesn't care.

Oh I must have been thinking of their 100mt prototype, they made on but never used it iirc.

do it faggot

well thats actually quite funny

>usa ignores start 3 and plasters eatern europe with anti missile defenses against "Iranian icbms"
>russia build drone stealth sub that carries the missiles basically into the heart of the usa
>usa just wasted billions on a defense that not working against subs.

how did the cameras function?

Just reading from the articule, I know it doesn't make much sense lad.

I wish shit wasn't going that way, Ivan. Best of luck boyo

That was their "clean" test version, the production version would've used a DU tamper instead of lead and done the whole 100 MT from fast fission of the tamper.

No, it's military law that personal can't show political opinion.


>designed to kill civilians by massive blast and fallout,”
So like every fucking nuke then? Holy shit these guys are retarded.

USA is king of spending absurd amounts of money on stupid tech though