Spend 1 year floating false stories with no evidence of any type about President Elect Donald Trump

>spend 1 year floating false stories with no evidence of any type about President Elect Donald Trump
>not one mention of the Fake News meme despite almost destroying this mans life
>anonymous floats 1 (ONE) story featuring a mountain of circumstantial evidence
Indubitably obligates one to ruminate over the situation

Other urls found in this thread:


i agree. personally i think the shooting at the restaurant was a false flag.

>Accuse pic related of being a pedophile through some very shaky circumstantial evidence
>Destroy his entire career and legacy despite no conviction
>anonymous floats 1 (ONE) story featuring a mountain of circumstantial evidence

Absolutely drives an individual to ponder

>actually be a pedophile
>still valued as an asset to society and a religious figure for all to respect
>anonymous floats 1 (ONE) story featuring a mountain of circumstantial evidence
>Your boss (the pope) cries "FAKE NEWS. SHUT IT DOWN

You know what they say though: All Pizza Leads to Rome!


CNN not spewing "fake news"

One of my favorite news blunders this year

pizzabot incoming


I can see you are well paid by the russians. Russians are sick, you are sick.

I can not rest until CNN is bankrupt and their executives are murdered

>BREAKING: Pizzagate Conspiracy Theorist Accuses CNN Of Being Fake News (we're not) - CNN

Nice going faggot

Now for sure it is coming

Perhaps, indeed

>All Pizza Leads to Rome!

ohh sheeiiitt!!!!

I watched that video.
But I don't see how it's a blunder.
Seems like typical CNN rambling and liberal spin to me.

They said that it's illegal to look at wikileaks, except for the news. So trust the news to tell you what's on wikileaks ;)

I unno what it's like in leafland but we're allowed to draw our own conclusions in America(It's just heavily discouraged)


Okay. Yeah. You are right. That is a pretty stupid thing for them to say.

But from my perspective, it's what CNN does every day. The only difference here, is they outright said it.

In Canada, we can draw our own conclusions, but if you speak them out loud, you may get arrested. Something about instigating hate or violence. Which is a very vague set of rules for prosecution. Saying something mean can get you sentenced in this country too.

But I will say this, our news sources are of a much higher quality in general. Actually relaying what's going on, and without too much bias!

only a leaf would miss the overt 1984 self-parody in that vid

CNN is a 1984 parody every minute of every day.
I didn't notice it because it's par for the course on CNN. It blended in perfectly.

They actually had this clown on a panel discussing "fake news", I couldn't believe it. These people have no shame whatsoever.