Ben "Kike Killing Kommando" Garrison's new cartoon

Is breitbart and infowars racist?

Other urls found in this thread:

can of beans in the garbage

What did he mean by this?





Short answer: yes

Long answer: absolutely, but they don't even realize it

No. CNN the fake news is.

Plus most the LGBTQXYS community is also racist.

havent note user.Pizzagate ?

I'm sorry I posted the wrong comic.


>"beaners" in the trash

real subtle, Ben.

Such a smug Trump!

Ben knows.
He put it in every cartoon since last month

These are great.

new Ben Garrison

my fucking sides are in orbit

he always draws Molyneux with buff arms

why would you eat a pizza sideways?

trash artist draws trash

Cuck posts cuck tier opinions

ok Ahmed.

suck my dick you worthless nazi trash

nice meme word you got there

Why would you play dominos on pasta?

nice rapefugee you have there

says the mexican, how's that drumpf working out for you

>hillary's shoe in the trash

oh god I'm dying

you aint hiding from (you) you little s

trash country lets in trash mudslims
>women and boys raped cuck shit posts instead of killing muslim invaders

I honestly thought it was Mike Cernovich at first.

Samefagging this hard

We really did a number on him. Sup Forums's a helluva drug.

red baseball cap fedora detected
how's that social exclusion working out for you?

I clicked the wrong number, problem?

Faggot. You deserve what us coming to you queers.

Post the original please.


The only reason anyone knows his name is because the white nationalist parodies of his shitty cartoons were popular

nice job projecting your latent homosexuality mate
is there something you would like to share with the world there outside your closet?

Stop it PewDiePie.

We already know you've lost your mind. No need to remind us.

Yeah and than he drew some trump shit to attempt to get cash from the average poltard

You know i haven't seen one, not one the Donald post on the front page or second in weeks.

Did they shut it down, was it taken over, or another algorithm to not even see their posts.

>how's that drumpf working out for you
says the cuck
how is rapefugees policy working out for you

>The shoe


Let's face it, the guys who support drumpf on pol is the ones with a few screws loose

pretty good desu, my country is taking the humanitarian burden that the rest of europe refuses
And there is not any noticable effect on crime like most polsters go on about.
At most there is a lack of housing in southern sweden, but that is because the swedish government is bad at creating initiative to build housing.

About as well as your native cartel savages that rape and behead. Now shut up you tortilla faced idiotm

>puerto rico tellling another country to shut up
>puerto rico
>american wannabe
>not even in america.

Thats great, rapefugees will have warm houses to rape swedish girls.

What is Ted Cruz doing in this CNN garbage can?

yeah here is that bullshit again
The only reason swedish rape statistics are high is because Sweden counts "minor" infractions as full on PIV
In reality, sweden has had the same actual accounts of rape as our neighbouring countries.

You're quick with the edits, amigo.

>same actual accounts of rape as our neighbouring countries.
thanks to rapefugees policy, very smart.

No, they havent taken on a fuckall worth of refugees compared to us, thus showing that there is no correlation between refugees and rape statistics
If you're gonna keep spouting memes I am getting the fuck out of this shit thread

>showing that there is no correlation between refugees and rape statistics
jesus christ...

well there it is
ask your mom to take you to debate lessons
bye shit thread

>take you to debate lessons
>wa wa , ask your mom wa wa , bye.

get lost cuck

From the tumbnail in the catalogue I thought the rubbish bin was Carl the cuck.

But, sucking dick it's libtards prerogativa. So go, and suck your's, master Ahmed dick.

Keked and checked.

>The thing is...
>When someone doesn't agree with you,
>They are literal nazis.

Hillary's shoe!

Where is the pickle jar?

checked and keked

Mexico murdered this dude like 43 male students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers' College

get fucked Sweden

You should start building that wall Paco, you have a lot of work to do.

try again Tyrone


However, Paco is grateful. He already has the greencard and because of Trump, he will actually get paid for building the fucking wall.

Fuck off taconigger.

t. moderat


> a russian mongoloid


Finally someone posts the real version.


everything is racist, everything is racist, everything is homophobic and you have to point it all out - laci green.

>not adding foreskins to the trash pile

I;m thinkin about thos beans

"fake news" really was just their counter to lugenpresse wasnt it

>wanting to remove troublesome outsiders from your land means you are retarded.
>sweden flag

to be fair, we don't throw them away in America. we sell them to cosmetic corporations

everything is racist, everything is sexist, everything is homophobic and you have to point it all out - laci green.

unfortunately they're not even close to racist you fucking nigger

Why would you eat it crust first?

or this

Hillary's left behind shoe

No more than blm, sjw, atzlan, ADL, SPLC, NAACP, and all the racebaiters individually.

Who the fuck eats a pizza like that

>my confirmation bias can be confirmed by anything
>fuck a pizza slice all i needed was 3 dots t connect as a triangle and I was going to leap to this conclusion

we Post Truth now, kouhai!

Fatty Bankrupt eats his crust first

fat leftist

Who throws out a perfect piece of pizza?