Self improvement thread

Self improvement thread

What are you doing to make yourself great (again)?

Useful books (.pdfs and a few .epubs):

bunch of /biz/ books, enjoy!1R0QATqZ!Eb1_M5KC9gkxK6w32R2ETw

Bunch of Sup Forums book recommendations!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg


Other urls found in this thread:

trying to stop coming here.


So we haven't had a self improvemnt thread in a while and now let's see if we can have a constructive thread today.
I added the philosophy books to the OP.

Not downloading those Trojans you linked.

Thats a good start but you should try to gather information about truth and virtues before you leave Sup Forums

Learn and master psychology

Accept Christianity, accept power of God the father and sacrifice of Jesus the Son

Train hard

I'm not aware of any trojans in the links, I could succesfully download them all. But of course you can buy the books

Gonna watch the new Star Wars movie.

masturbating furiously every 3 days for 3 hours at a time until my balls start aching then my hot cum splurts out penetrating tissue and i have to clean up and my foreskin is swollen af lol

How do you commit to Christ? Any good books (beside the bible)? I ask as a atheist

Atleast you're not raping white women, Achmed

Commune with nature, friend. His Glory can be seen everywhere.

Spirituality isn't exactly the same as christianity but I get what you're up to

Excellent picture! I hope you find what you're looking for Germanbro.

>commune with nature
>nature told me to avoid unnatural things
>christcuckoldry is one such thing

Thanks man. I'm currently more into stoics than spirituality but lets see what could happen

I am sorry you feel that way.

It's funny, I basically already look like that statue just with a beard.

so you don't need to "self improve" then :^)

You know, I was the usual depressedfag, so I kinda just stopped being it. The only thing was to stop caring so much about other people and leave self-loathing aside because it is unnecessary effort.

Give me some recs out of the political books

my mom wants me to go a family christmas party, she was really trying to talk me into it and said "you can come, eat, and drink"

I said, mom, I don't drink alcohol anymore

she said since when?!?

and I said "since donald trump was elected president. I'm finally ready to start winning"

Finding G*D is the first step to self-improvement.

Other ways to self-improve.

>Take good care of your body.
You have to eat and sleep well, and you cannot neglect physical exercise. Do sports, weight-train, etc.
>Take good care of your mind.
Read books, take part in civil debate, research different topics.
>Work hard.
Put your mind to everything you do, be it studying or your job.
>Maintain a social life.
Get friends, form relationships. Anti-woman propaganda is bullshit. Don't allow yourself to get emasculated, but recognise that the foundation of society is the nuclear family.
>Love your country, love the LORD, love tradition.
Everything boils down to this. Be a god fearing and hardworking patriot. Preserve the tradition and culture that has made your nation great. Defend it at all costs.

Nonsense, you can always improve

Dunno, the one I'm currently reding is "A Handbook of a Traditional Life". It isn't in the OP list tho

Trying to avoid cigarettes and high in alcohol content drinks, only beer one time a week. Also no drugs ofc

I'm getting the fuck out of western society.

I've saved up 10 grand. I've gotten a 1 year working holiday visa for Japan. I'm gonna bum around the countryside, working on farms in exchange for food and lodging, and in general just experience a different life. If I have enough money left at the end of the year, then I'll travel to some other country.

But can you speak japanese?

>Believing in god

Nah. A few helpful phrases. But I'll get by. Most of the people I'll be staying with speak English, and are willing to help me learn Japanese.

understand the cause of whats bringing you back here:

a. it feeds your internet addiction

b. its one of the few places on the internet where you can express right wing ideology

b is not an issue but if a applies to you then you have work to do.

we should compile a small list of crucial readings and material for help with self improvement

currently two recommendations i have are tony robbins: awaken the giant within and meditations.

I wouldnt mind 2-3 more suggestions from people who found it to be extremely beneficial.

The Everlasting man by G.K. Chesterton

Oh, what a revolution! and what a heart must I have, to contemplate without emotion that elevation and that fall! Little did I dream, when she added titles of veneration to those of enthusiastic, distant, respectful love, that she should ever be obliged to carry the sharp antidote against disgrace concealed in that bosom; little did I dream that I should have lived to see such disasters fallen upon her, in a nation of gallant men, in a nation of men of honor, and of cavaliers! I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards, to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult.

But the age of chivalry is gone; that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded, and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever. Never, never more, shall we behold that generous loyalty to rank and sex, that proud submission, that dignified obedience, that subordination of the heart, which kept alive, even in servitude itself, the spirit of an exalted freedom! The unbought grace of life, the cheap defense of nations, the nurse of manly sentiment and heroic enterprise is gone. It is gone, that sensibility of principle, that chastity of honor, which felt a stain like a wound, which inspired courage whilst it mitigated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itself lost half its evil, by losing all its grossness.

Edmund Burke - 1793

>But the age of chivalry is gone; that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded, and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever.

Quit the sauce
No more junk food
Starting cardio
Healthy sleep

10 days in and I feel the chance already.

So you're meeting up with them beforehand. Is there a certain website where you can organite this kinda stuff?

However, I bet thats quite a interesting experience and it will help you to learn the language

there is no god or purpose to life goyim, you are an animal resulting from a mutation not made in anyones image. There is no higher purpose, Go live a degenerate lifestyle doing drugs, partying, fucking whores, and never get married. Children are unnecessary and high birthrates are for the god believing muslims not for you.

A fucking leaf

Just weighed in at 250 pounds, 60 pounds gone, 50 more to go.

I like it, mostly because of the lack of free-speech limitations and for me it's not really a big issue to come here again and again.

I try to watch that later

A fuck didn't read the reply

A fucking leaf did good

Read the Gospel of John first.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life -- the only way to God is Him (John 14:6)

Romans 10:9 tells us that if we confess him as Lord and believe that he was raised from the dead, we will be saved. Committing to him is praying earnestly to Him and resolving to read the scriptures and follow his commandments. He tells us that this is how we love Him. (John 14:21) If we do this, the verse also tells us that we will know God.

The Christian life is about three things:
Knowing God
Making Him known to others (so that they may be saved also and experience true life)
Growing in Holiness (turning away from the sins we commit that God despises and died on a cross for so that we may be free from doing them.)

Hope this helps.

I read red pilled books about how my profession actually works.

And go to the gym at least a few times a week.

I'm writing a short story for amateur workshop, and doing some exercise in between.

Rember, the increased blood flow gives your brain more energy!

Stopping coming here will not help you. You will instinctively find another addiction to latch on.

Just try to shorten the time you spend here, and use it for something better.

Trying to get my core stronger with Yoga and also reading Walden by Henry David Thoreau

Quit pop
Quit energy drinks
Quit fast-food
Doing 50 push ups each morning

I eat vegan until 4-5pm. Dinner is always a healthy portion (6-8 oz) of meat. Drink water throughout the day.

Right after waking, I:
Fastwalk for 30 minutes 6 days per week, and do pushups, situps, dips (no jogging so that my joints don't get fucked up).

Shit, Shave, Shower and get to work like a man.

I eat under my TDEE to get back to my target weight. I only have 20 pounds left to go (I've lost 11 pounds in 1.5 weeks.).

Visit /fit/ to get and share ideas. Pic related is a fitness fiend. He's barely aged since Dune, and that was 1984.

I honestly don't know if it helps to recite quotations from a 2000+ y/o book. And I also don't beliefe that a god (if he exists) wants to punish his creations if they misbehave. Nevertheless I want to be a morally good person (for example, I respect truth, virtue and liberty)

I completely avoid xenoestrogens (mostly plastic) and i'm looking way more masculine than before. Feels good, man

Is there a blacklist or something?

pic related sums it up really well

use this instead of normal shampoo:

plastic and alcohol.

Thanks, fellow Hans

thats a good idea bro may i suggest instead of fast walking join a martial art club i did that and u do more exercise and its not a chore becos ur hitting things :D

Well, I just got back from the gym, so there's that.

I'm a retard who got a degree in art. I'm not talent-less, but I have a terrible work ethic and in turn terrible portfolio. No one hired me so I work at a grocery store. I've got no skills outside of art and writing.

Engineer SO makes $60k/yr. I make $18k/yr. We have no kids or pets.

I don't know how to fix this, but I want to. Last thing I need in life is to be dumped later down the line for not contributing enough financially. I also don't want to drink myself to death while self-medicating my hereditary depression exacerbated by a shit min wage job.

Any advice, Sup Forums?

Guys I need a mission in life. What should I pick?

Most processed food nowadays is selled in plastic packaging. How can you avoid that? Self-sufficiency?

That works, too. Not a bad suggestion. Get in shape, and learn some basic hand to hand self defense.

.txt or fuck off

Is Economics a "red-pilled" thing to study, to put it like that? Statistically, I'm make around 47k USD when I'm out of school, and about 90% of everyone graduating will find work within 6 months.

Also, for the Christians here, what do you feel about the Pagan 9 Noble Virtues? They seem like a really good thing for self-improvement.

Get an entry level Tier 1 helpdesk position. Once you learn the different fields in IT (Programming, or Systems Admin, or Databases, or Reporting), pick one, get a cert, and get good at it.

“Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it.”
-Theodore Roosevelt

C'mon you have nothing to hide or do you?
Maybe try to get internship and gather expericence in the environment you want to have a career but I honestly don't know. Maybe learn a trade job instead

>going from F1 to D2
Man I've got a long way to go.

Do companies do internships for people not in college?

i want the least amount of niggers to have control over my computer

with 1 (me) its enough

Try to avoid most of it, definitely don't eat anything airtight wrapped in plastic.

Fischstäbchen, Kartoffelpuffer, Eier, Brot vom Bäcker, rohes Gemüse/Früchte (gewaschen), reis und nudeln (in gläser umgefüllt und nach dem kochen abgewaschen), Mehl, Haferflocken, Apfelmuß, Honig, Rotkohl

Lost 10 pounds so far like 60 more to go.

What should i add Sup Forums?

I used to be G2. I've finally started loosing weight again and it's wonderful. I'm already down 36lbs. With hard work and dedication anyone can make it

I rather live by the 9 noble virtues than the 10 commandments.
Some christians may find their moral compass in the Bible some doesn't ( are they real christians tho?)

I don't know how that actaually works.
All I can say with 100% confidence is that you can't work in your current job forever if you want to improve your situation.
Buy the books then

Umfüllen hilft?

can't, don't have money
all you have to do is upload them to a pdf-to-txt website that does the service

Nice, I'm currently waiting for my "Mediations" too

Make a list before you go shopping next. Take down all the things you need to buy to restock the fridge or the pantry. Take the list to the store, get your cart and say this to yourself right before you start putting shit in the cart:


Now, look at your list, and buy only those items that are from the produce section. What you are going to find is that you could have grabbed a basket instead of a cart, and still had a week's worth of food to take home.

Dried or Canned beans, lentils, and Quinoa an exception to this, and are arguably some of the most healthy things you can put in your body.

Quinoa has a complete BCAA profile.
So do some Vegan shakes (look for those with Rice and Pea mixtures - they are BCAA complete).

Before you leave, get a portion of meat for dinner each night - between 6-8 oz for a serving. Salmon is healthy. Chicken is healthy. Multiple egg whites with one yolk per day is healthy.

If it's dairy, leave it. No, I do not consider eggs dairy due to Casein proteins not being anything close to dairy (whey) proteins.

That's lot of unsupported claims and stupid shit taken out of context.
Dried fruit is source of estrogene? Really?
>When it comes to applying something to your sking, it is absorbed directly into your bloodstream, long before the liver realizes that
That just plain wrong. The purpose of skin is to protect you form enviroment. Yes it does absorb, but only in very limited amounts. Why do you thing shampoos have "Only for extrenal use" written on them?
Also liver DOES filter your blood.
Sugar is your main source of energy, and coffee has very little negative effects. They're both fine if not overdone.

This picture is trying to tell you that modern chemicals are wrong, but it should be noted people in medieval times were also fat and very unhealthy. Just avoiding chemicals doesn't grant you godly body. Balanced diet and sport will.

the soy sauce?

Lift weights 4-5 times a week
Study emerging computer science topics
Talk to my housemates, increase social gains
I'm getting the trifecta lads.
Adapt your life to have these if you don't already.

not alcohol; hops in beer (many ales don't have it)

retaking constantinople for white people

Dude that are 5,59GB of textfiles. I don't have the whole day, gotta go to my nightshift in the next 30 min

Maybe I'll sound like a retard why exactly is dairy bad? I've always assumed it was my job as a white man to drink as much milk and eat as much cheese as I can.

ugh everyone circle jerks over meditations

well, let it rest in your consciousness that i couldn't self-improve cause of your excuses

Ok thanks for the /adv/ice

Got a lots of recommendations from anons during the last week

Isn't it worth the risk my friend?

it's alright but it's not the best

also stoicism=slave morality

Money will not make you happy.

Don't think about yourself bad just because you have degree in art. If you really need more money, get a better job, or second job.

would you care to post your favorites then?

>Maybe I'll sound like a retard
You don't know if you don't ask!

Yes, true white people CAN consume dairy. For many of us, it goes straight to the fat cells. The reason for this is the hormones they pump into these animals. Think of it this way:
Milk that is meant to take a calf from 200 lbs to 800 lbs is supposed to be good for you?

Dairy products, though very calorie rich (which was needed when the Neandermen and eventually northern Europeans needed to survive winters) are not a requirement for complete nutrition. Plus, much of the bad stuff they do contain goes straight into your arteries.

Put it this way, Bruce Lee consumed zero dairy products, and wondered why the in the fuck anyone would when it simply wasn't needed.

I use almond milk in my protein shakes, and no, I don't eat ice cream.

consider joining the movement and help reforge the world

this. any 4chin retard can work a help desk job. I did for a little less than a year now I got a cushy support gig. I make 50K in nyc.

>also stoicism=slave morality

There are some epubs there, download those


Couldn't you download the one's you like, and upload them to a .txt converter before you open them? Rather than asking another person to convert all the files for you.

so you don't drink milk because it's bad but you use meme gym supplements?

>An EPUB file is a ZIP archive that contains, in effect, a website—including HTML files, images, CSS style sheets, and other assets. It also contains metadata. EPUB 3 is the latest version. By using HTML5, publications can contain video, audio, and interactivity, just like websites in web browsers.

I'm getting a hair transplant to lower my hairline, I feel like my face is pretty handsome but my forehead/ natural big widows peak is so naturally high that a HT would balance it out alot more and It would make me feel more confident in my everyday life. Pic Related

/r/ it another time maybe.I can't do it today. I'll try to make another thread in the next few days.

sounds safe enough to me

>the less you know the safer it is folks