Defend this trumpets

Defend this trumpets.

How many Goldman Sachs executives does this guy need to run his presidency?

If I see this thread dies with no replies then I will know the full extent of the hypocrisy of Trumpfags.

Other urls found in this thread:

He also hired Bob Iger to a council.

Trump is owned by (((them)))

Stay triggered cucks

I see you follow Cher's twitter, too.

It's called winning, get used to it occupy cuck

its almost like the current Attorney General and director of the FBI weren't involved in the 2008 HSBC market crash....oh wait they were prominent figures in that company before being appointed to government.

face it, corporations are the real government. However not all corporations agree with each other on how things should be done.

>Trump says he can stop business exploitation of government and people because he knows it
>proceeds to hire people who also have an intimate knowledge of how to exploit regulations

Am I supposed to be shocked and angry?

I wonder how much debt he's in

i dont actually hate Goldman

i just want Trump to do what he said he would

so lets see how it goes

no other option really

Gee, it's almost like Trump is actually owned by Goldman Sachs

Why wouldn't you hire a prominent individual from the best bank in the world?


Because he is a dirty opportunist who caused the global crisis of 2008?
He was also against bringing back the glass-steagall act when Obama tried. Oh and emember what Trump said he would do about the glass-steagall act?
It's too early to say that he fucked up but people have legitimate reasons to be mad at Trump, especially his supporters.

>i its ok Trump is filling his ranks with the jews...

you fucks were rused by the kike puppet.
good fucking job. enjoy the corpocracy.

Obviously no source would satisfy you

>It's called winning, get used to it occupy cuck
globalists aren't welcome here

Of course he is.

> kids marries jews
> nyc real estate
> outspoken zionist

What gave it away.

Much better than Hillary or any other candidate, but he's not a god.

Oh NOW the Washington Post cares about ties to Goldman Sachs, do they?

>Much better than Hillary or any other candidate

Even Hillary wouldn't have blatantly appointed so many Goldman Sachs/George Soros execs.

>All this concern trolling
>All this obvious newfaggotry
>All the snarky, tumblreddit style posts
>All these fresh new anti Trump copypastas

The shills are back lads. Sup Forums is under attack for the 3453th time in a row. Watch yourselves out there.

OP, fuck off.

lol good one. I'm sure Hilldawg would have drained the swamp.

>>Trump is owned by ((them))
>>not using ((them)) to MAGA before building concentration camps with all the money.


Sure, you 1 post ass hat. Obama had around thirty Goldman Sachs employees, and I bet you think (and post) what a good president he was.

He could laugh at American poorfags all day with his rich friends and I wouldn't care. Trump is a badass and that's what matters here.

Who cares? Normies voted to drain the swamp. I voted to make America white again.

Jews are bro tier and our greatest ally in defeating the Muslim scourge

I am utterly shocked by this.

I seriously believed Trump was fighting for the working class American and would drain the swamp.

How on earth could I have known he would have done exactly what his donors told him to do?

Who else to drain the swamp if Not somebody from Goldman Sachs?

While others merely adoptrt the swamp he was formd in it, molded in it.

>Who else to drain the swamp if Not somebody from Goldman Sachs?

Yeah I remember when Obama also appointed wallstreet shills in his cabinet and drained the swamp. Oh wait....

He hired mega jew's to jew the system. Whether it's in his own favor or in the favor of the people remains to be seen.


>implying it's October still.

Pretty much.

Still, I don't see how we're going to drain the swamp by giving power to the swamp.

Not even joking dude. She would have appointed politicians not Banking CEOs. This most recent guy is literally the president of Goldman Sachs ffs

Wake the fuck up

Yeah, but Trump isn't Obama.

I can't believe Sup Forums fell for the Trump meme

concern shill, go back to ledit.

>Not even joking dude. She would have appointed politicians not Banking CEOs.

They're all a bunch of douchebags. Each group wants to increase government power in their own autistic way.

>Yeah, but Trump isn't Obama.

Sure thing faggot.

>concern shill, go back to ledit.

Look who's talking /r/the_donald.

Bill Clinton caused the recession, not the banks who had to give loans out to niggers.

hillary wouldn't have appointed anyone. citibank would have given her a list of who to appoint. just like they did for obama

I don't know how fucking stupid people can be.

Here's what's going to happen. At some point during the next 4 years, the economy is going to tank. Badly. And not accidentally. And GS will scoop in and buy up all those assets they want on the cheap. That is how they operate. And GS and Trump will make a killing, and you dumb cucks are going to get ass raped. Watch and see.

2 goldman sachs people is better than the WHOLE FUCKING COMPANY. none would be best, but the jews won't allow that


Hes been saying that hes gonna be hiring "killers" this whole year

We all know what he meant

This is just another mainstream media bullshit ploy to d&c us

Lol working overtime today

Nice sources

>Lol working overtime today

Trump Internet Defense Force out in full force I see.

>Suddenly, CTR is anti-jew
12D Chess

There is a difference between former Goldman Sachs execs working for the president, and the president working for Goldman Sachs.


>uses vague rhetoric so he can ram whatever he wants to do and his fag supporters call it space ches's
>b-b-but evil liberal media
Go get a dentist appointment brit bong


Wake up and smell the coffee retard. How many more establishment stooges does he have to appoint for you to get it through your thick leaf skull that you got played?

Pic related

I love this.

At least Sup Forums gets to get fucked for the next 4 years with the rest of.

Face it, you faggots got conned hard. For a bunch of white nationalists, you cucks sure love Jews fucking you up the ass. I wonder how David Duke is responding to all these Goldman Sachs jews in his cabinet.

>posts fake news.
>no source


You're talking to a leaf. I mean look at the state of their own country.

Murricans are the fattest dumbest people on Earth.

>is so retarded he doesn't understand the difference between hiring the best people to do the job for him, and awarding jobs to the people who gave him the most campaign contributions.


Are you in Trumps cabinet?

>trumptards read sources

>jews are good with money
>why put a Jew in charge of money trumptards

>The best people
>(((Goldman Sachs)))
God you're a retard. Get off Trumps dick Leafboy


>However, in 2011, when considering a White House bid, Trump attended a Tea Party rally and told people to, “Leave George Soros alone, he has enough problems,” giving the distinct impression that Trump might just owe the global manipulator money. The magnitude of the George Soros identity is not known universally.



wew indeed lol

>Sup Forums before Trump
>fucking jews cant be trusted they will always fuck us over if in power
>Sup Forums after trump

>Then, in partnership with (((George Soros))), hedge fund manager John Paulson and others, Mnuchin bought the failed housing lender IndyMac in 2009 for $1.6 billion


Not an argument

>1 post by this id

>you'll never be part of the uber elite and control nations from the shadows

You're right. #NotAllJews

George Soros is a great man who dindu nuffin. In fact he should be Trump's Secretary of State

hi br anzu friend

>ranting about Jews and conspiracies
>doesn't remember Trump "PROMISING to hire (((killers))) to his cabinet as far back as the primaries

lurk more fool

The most distinguished Jewish historian in the USA calls America a Monarchic Oligarchy.


It's literally okay when Trump does it.

>says he wants the best people
>he hires the best people

World of difference between someone like Hillary who would pick cabinet members based off what she owes them

>Gay Couple
>8 years old

>It's literally okay when Trump does it.

Or Republicans in general.

Big corporations and the swamp is ok when they do it.

Obama hired a bunch of niggers....

and got nothing done.
Jews are gonna fuck over the goys to line their pockets. good job jethro.

America is a joke country now. 4real

any indication Trump is at least remotely aware of the Jewish problem? If not nothing will change.

it must be hard to become the 51st state of your former colony.

Citibank picked Obama's entire cabinet...

Trump IS the jew problem. Look into his family and his history.

What the fuck is up with this retarded idea that hiring the people who fuck things up is going to fix anything? What's next, hiring ex-KGB for the head of CIA because "they know how it works"?

Trump supporters at this point are just outright stupid. Anyone with a passing understanding of how our government works knows damn well that no single person can fix it or change it BECAUSE IT WAS DESIGNED THAT WAY.

If you guys genuinely believed that the government is completely broken, put your money where your mouth is and be the gung-ho patriots you always play yourselves out to be.

Get armed and on the streets faggots, this country was made for free men, not cucks who wait for a benevolent king.

Hey dumbfag, Goldman Sachs people are some of the smartest people in the world. Suck a dick.

I am here to stay. infiltration takes time to calm your keks, and bluepill you