Convert to islam

Convert to islam

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I wish you guys the worst.

way ahead of you


why, i cant have beer, bacon or any fun
the only fun I'll have is fucking a bedsheets and raising brown kids who have no friends other than brown kids. my house will reek of curry constantly, my children wont know what fun is because they care too much about school. is it really that good :/

varg no

Wtf I have four wives now.

Let's be real, women respect their husbands, adultery is illegal, alcohol is banned, degeneracy is outlawed and they recognise the JQ. As a bonus, they upset all the edgy fedora tipping Atheists. What exactly is wrong with Islam again?

As an Anglo I could I probably fit right in. We look pretty much the same anyway.

i actually am a muslim hong konger (ethnic chinese, not convert. my whole family is muslim due to something with merchants)

We had just fine life before you guys came. If you wanna assimilate, you can stay. If you're a Muslim, you should live in a Muslim country.

I don't see why I should subscribe to a system that legalizes pedophilia, ban alcohol, ban musics, ban pork (??) and all forms of gambling.

Plus, there's the way things are presented and then there's the way things turn out in reality. The only reason people speak positively about Islam is because the possibility of genociding Muhammadan doesn't cross their minds. Like "Oh yeah that's right that's an option."

Alcohol is degenerate, brain cell killing, liver wrecking poison. If you drink, you ARE blue pilled.

Most non-African Muslims are barely even brown. Pic related is a descendent of Muhammad, does he look brown to you?

>my house will reek of curry constantly
Wrong race dipshit. India is overwhelmingly Hindu.

And, fuck bacon. It's bad for you anyway.

>ban music
lol we have a LIMIT to what type of music you can listen to. the whole "ban" is optional

>ban pork
pigs are dirty yo

>ban gambling
it's cause it's more honourable to earn your money through work, instead of gaining your money in a game/risking your whole life savings on a game

>legalizes paedophilia
lol no

I'm pure Anglo. Even my great great great grandparents were born here.

Banning music sounds pretty retarded. I'm pretty sure they don't all follow that though. Also, 99% of modern music IS degenerate. Maybe they are onto something.

fun what is that i've never heard of a "fun"
introduce me to this concept

only westerners care so much for "fun" and "life's a party"
it's why you guys have disorder in your society.
work is more important

>care too much about school
you wouldn't want to end up in a noose, before you are hanged by your parents, ah?

Varggggg, what have you doneeeee

You all may be wondering why there are so many "Convert to Islam" threads recently. The reason why is that these people live by a strict code. In this code the Target population has to be given a chance to convert before the killing blow is dealt. Time is short people

>only westerners care so much for "fun" and "life's a party"
>it's why you guys have disorder in your society.
Well fucking said.

>lol no

I beg to differ.

All Muslims are pedophile enabler and their way of life is such garbage that they systematically try to escape from their country to go elsewhere. I don't consider Muhammadan human.

>waiting period of three menstrual cycles after divorce
Damn, this is really smart though. It means you can't get cucked with another man's child.

Also, women used to get married at much younger ages in the west. It only seems weird now because of cultural conditioning.

Yeah. So smart. Why not one cycle?

Also, it's pretty evident you're a Paki. Also, I've just proven all Muhammadan are pedophile enablers.

Also, it doesn't fucking matter that there was pedophilia in the past. You just come to eliminate us.

Last sentence is correct. If these people liked POL, they would be pleading for us to convert. not demanding it.

I'm white.

Well, at least he waited 3 years. Also, here's a history lesson.


>hmm at least he didn't fuck her when she was six

Amazing. Also, you're a Paki. I know dawa when I see it and you respond like a Muslim since you know the alleged justification for the waiting period, which is bullshit anyway because I've just asked you why it isn't limited to one menstrual cycle and you've just ignored it.

But that's okay. Muhammadan are animals and they don't know how to respond.

Also, I don't care that pedophilia used to be legal.

>you respond like a Muslim since you know the alleged justification for the waiting period
No, that's the first time I've ever heard of it. I was impressed at such a reasonable suggestion.

>I've just asked you why it isn't limited to one menstrual cycle and you've just ignored it
Better safe than sorry. Why take the risk? Also, actually having to wait makes it more special and more likely you will stay together. But a fucking degenerate wouldn't understand that.

Also, there's nothing wrong with arranged marriages or multiple wives. Fuck off.

ps. I'm still white.

Better safe than sorry? So if a girl actually has her fucking period you're gonna tell me you gotta wait for her to have her period again twice to be safe?

You're a Paki and you deserve to die.

Again, more reasonable advice. Reminder that every other civilisation was engaged in slavery at this time.

>you're gonna tell me you gotta wait for her to have her period again twice to be safe
Sometimes girls miss their period and it doesn't mean they are pregnant. The cycle is not perfect. I can tell you've never been with a woman on a regular basis before or you'd understand that shit.

So, Paki, if a girl has her period why does she need to wait for three month? Couldn't the rule have been that if she has her period after one or two month she's fine but that if she doesn't after three well then there's a problem?

Also, I know you guys endorse pedophilia and raping slaves. You don't understand why the argument that others were doing it at the time doesn't work Paki? It's because in Islam it's allowed RIGHT NOW.

Come now Paki. Slit your throat.

Will that get me gf?

>if a girl has her period why does she need to wait for three month?
What if she's half way through one? Too complicated and too ambiguous. The wait is a smart idea and two is an ugly number.

>It's because in Islam it's allowed RIGHT NOW.
I could show you similar stuff in the bible. So what?

So then both are fucking stupid and if Christian gets uppity they ought to be massacred.

> Too complicated and too ambiguous

Muhammadan are a special kind of stupid (genocide victim).

Varg is not an Islamist. The beta Christians on Sup Forums smear him because he is a Germanic Pagan.


Nobody here is Christian, people just despise Varg because he's massive fedora only capable of attacking those who have no intention of defending themselves.

>muh degeneracy
>muh family values
>muh respectful obedient wife and nuclear family
>"convert to Islam."

Muslims only have white genes in their population at all because of slavery and rape.

The first time I spill a Muslim's blood, I will remember your post and have a little kek.

>The first time I spill a Muslim's blood, I will remember your post and have a little kek.

I'll use this edge to shave my balls tomorrow night.

Fuck off turkroach.

Varg, please go and stay go.

Oh hey man, mind if I ask you about jobs?
I majored in Teaching English As a Second Language and was wondering if you know anything about Americans teaching English in HK.