Be Irish

>Be Irish
>Run out of potatoes
Literally how does this even happen?
Is potatos all they eat?

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Also meat.

And other root vegetables.

Serious answer: Brits took the rest of the food because they could make more money selling it where people had money (i.e., England).

Yes. Irish inheritance practices meant that all the land was divvied up into smaller and smaller plots of land, where the only things that could be exported were potatoes. That coupled with a point blank refusal to diversify breeds of potatoes meant that potato blight tore through their crops.

>Irish landlords* took the rest of the food because they could make more money selling it where people had money (i.e., England).

>implying most of the landlords weren't Brits

Are the british actually evil or is it a meme?

They're great people. It was a different time.

We are nice now that we have no power, but if you offered the empire back we would take it in a heartbeat.

We held the secrete of perfect health so the Anglo Jew had to destroy it. Immortality could have been yours. We were not strong enough.

Only part i dont like is starving the irish, otherwise you guys are top lads.

Their agriculture was basically 100% homogeneous as they ONLY planted tomatoes. Without any genetic diversity a bacteria came along that happened to be extremely efficient at killing the potatoes and then replicated to kill ALL of them.

It's why I'm so happy about the multicultural push, it's not going to happen immediately, but the beautiful weakening of our genetic diversity is going to inevitably lead to a plague that annihilates all of humanity

They didn't run out of potatoes. The majority of Irish needed the potato to survive but when it was struck by pesticides in the great famine, the Irish had nothing to eat and was either forced to immigrate to your country or remain eternally cucked in Ireland by the House of Lords in Britain.

Irish starved? Never heard about hunger among Irish Lords. Poor people starved but Irish - never.

Anglos are historically involved in the creation of most problems, second only to (((them)))

A large part of it is the sense of Anglo 'exceptionalism' that existed particularly during the days of empire.

>all of those cute, red head Irish girls who could be your gf died

Remember to report off-topic tjreads or don't complain about mods not doing tjere lofs.

Oddly enough, the Irish populations exploded in growth during the period before the famine even though all the food that was present at that time was the potato.

The Irish are pretty much inbred potatoes

what did the Irish people eat before potatoes were transplanted there from America?

Funny thing: this bacteria and lack of the genetic diversity didn't affect Irish elites. Really makes you think about annihilation of the humanity.

The British are some of the most advanced, brilliant people on earth. They just had shitty government that fucked over the people like the war mongering Churchill.

isn't there a sea full of fish nearby too?

The nobles took all the good food.


>british actually evil
Yes. Their position of successful island empire demands this. They stir eternal war between Continental countries and live from this. Treachery and lie is their life.

>tfw running out of potatos
>tfw you just didn't plant more potatos

>when you're on an ISLAND SURROUNDED BY FISH and die because no potato

irish are the africants of europe


literally an Alan Partridge joke from 1997.

"Landlords in Ireland" =/= "Irishmen who were landlords".

They couldn't fish without botatoes to use as bait.
Irish fish only eat potatoes.

Can't have fish without chips, m8

>they ONLY planted tomatoes
>it was struck by pesticides
>what did the Irish people eat before potatoes were transplanted there from America?

ireland is mostly rocks.
not much grows there because of the poor soil and the cold weather.
before potatoes were imported from south america not many people lived in ireland and those who did had to import food.

>isn't there a sea full of fish nearby

fishing was difficult at the time of the famine due to rocky shores, a lack of boats and rough seas

>refusal to diversify breeds made them weak to disease
really makes you think

>ireland is mostly rocks.
>not much grows there because of the poor soil and the cold weather.
>before potatoes were imported from south america not many people lived in ireland and those who did had to import food.

Fuck off Plastic. We have some of the best growing land in the world. Only people from Kerry eat rock. and they deserve to die.

>be Irish
>literally surrounded on all sides by oceans full of fish
>never figure out how to fucking fish and starve because no potatoes?

Seriously how fucking stupid are these niggers

>the best growing land in the world

what do you grow in acidic bogs?


Seriously, though, if Ireland were so poor for agriculture, there wouldn't have been food exports to Britain during the famine.

The climate and soil quality in Ireland favor the growth of grass over arable crops.
As of 2014, most of the country's farmland is dedicated to supporting livestock for export to meet a high demand for meat overseas.

Dont worry, it killed off lots of the Irish Chads as well so we have less competition

Can you eat Peat?
No, all you can do is burn it.

That's why

>seriously, though

is there. To let you know it's a joke.

>be american
>Israel has some shortage of food or fuel

Ireland made more than enough grain to feed everyone, but it was sent to feed English cattle while the Irish starved.

Even Wikipedia would tell you this if you took 5 minutes.

Our political class is evil frankly.

>offered the empire back we would take it in a heartbeat.
im with you britbro

Kind of true. We never wanted one continental power to dominate over the rest lest it become a threat to us. "Balance of power" and all that.

what's taters precious?

>Britain prevents 8 famines in the past in Ireland alone
>Lets one slip while dealing with food shortages in India. Ireland are always dealing with them, surely they've learnt how to adapt now
>Nope, they die


When we've prevented so many, one only 4 years before this one by shipping tons of our own food there, the Irish needed to adapt and change their farming methods. Yeah Britain could have handled it better but it also Irelands responsibility to look after itself too.

Whatever, potatoes are the shit. They could be eating disgusting like poutine.

>Be forced by english lords to only grow potatoes for sustenance, everything else gets 'taxed' and sold for a profit for the lord.

>Lol why the irish are starving when potato harvests are fucked ?????