What's Sup Forums doing on a Friday night?

Well? I'm here shitposting. Give me one good reason you shouldn't be sitting on your ass doing the same and why you SHOULD be out trying to get laid

It's cold and snowy outside and I have final exams to study for.

im watching star trek episodes and masturbating

HAHAHA sitting here, shitposting, playing gears of war 4 drinking beer. Girlfriend coming over later and getting laid. Shitposting and lurking on 4 chan right after fucking, like usual. kek

Studying. Nice digits there bud

Sounds comfy as fuck. You're a lucky man.

praise kek, for he approves of your shitposting user.


Watching Futurama and chill

same bb

In between moving into a new place and couch crashing at my sisters so just drinking and playing bf1 pretty comfy desu


sitting here at work for another hour, trying to mAke enough money to help my wife make it through chemotherapy, spend a few hours there, then go back to work.

im not ok

Kek your getting cucked by cancer
It's literally in her body while you sit there


Shadilay brother. Praise kek.

Looking for ideas how to meet a waifu

drawfagging for generals on /mlp/


Drunk at a redneck dive bar.

Disgusting user. fix yourself

nice trips

my friend is coming over soon and we're gonna play Super Smash Bros Melee

pic related rate my oc

Save her

Picking up food for my family and celebrating school being over for a month

So am I.


Too cold to go somewhere else

Listening to Tyr and smoking. Going to drive some friends to target soon

sounds pretty comfy desu. Which state are you in m8? And dive bar sluts there?

My friend's GF makes me hate myself


I am married to my dream girl. We fucked last night.

There is no answer in this thread that wasn't part of a Jews plan
Everything you're doing tonight is because it's one of their options for you

I worked all day, it's cold outside.
A perfect night for shitposting.

I do it for practice. there's an infinite demand there

u got lewds?

No unfortunately.


Did you succeed?

Hope you're enjoying your Friday night americabros, from the future here Saturday morning, just cooked up some strawberry pancakes, gonna go ride my motorbike for a couple of hours then head to the beach and find a slut to bring home. Life is good.

But when sports came out they really came into their own

Why does she make you hate yourself m8?

Watching Tucker and playing p99 tbqhwyfampai

I guarantee you will do none of that.

I graduate college tomorrow morning so tonight I'm going out for a celebratory dinner with a female friend and then we are gonna bang it out. Then I'll probably leave her house and play battlefield 1 and smoke cigarettes the rest of the night.

because she settled for a degenerate nu-male

>you shouldn't be sitting on your ass doing the same and why you SHOULD be out trying to get laid

Looking for a stable and traditional woman to marry, and have 10 white children with. FTFY

Don't feel bad user, degenerates settle for degenerates

Buying guns

I'm fucking his dream girl tonight

>Looking for a stable and traditional woman
No such thing in America

This picture makes me think about what Peter Hitchens Instagram would be like

writing my suicide note, I'm on page 67

Publish it first, make millions of dollars, get bitches, and THEN kill yourself

Ate some sushi that tasted salty as fuck, I usually eat pizza but I'm trying to cut back on that shit. Play some guitar and learn some Alice In Chains. Watch some anime, just finished Ghost In The Shell SAC 1&2 and loved it. Might finish the night with some beer and music or stay sober and play some STALKER or Swat 4.

>tfw no friends or gf

A family member died so i'm at the ceremony seeing what's new on Sup Forums

I guarantee you that the only thing not guaranteed about that is finding a slut that's actually worth bringing home. Later burg.

Pretty much sums up my life. Nothing better than some post-coital shitposting.

Did he die?

>out trying to get laid
Yes, go have meaningless sex with a a person you knew for 2 hours, sounds great.

I'm watching Forensic Files. It's great seeing these people get caught by the smallest things. The worst episode though was this child murderer getting away clean because they didn't use forensic evidence and instead went with anecdotal evidence.

I'm contemplating on what to eat for dinner. After that going to get cleaned up, snuggle in with FOX on and alternate between shitposting and watching pic related.
Also cry about not having a job for a second Christmas in a row.