Mfw Sup Forums is now defending Goldman Sachs

mfw Sup Forums is now defending Goldman Sachs

Other urls found in this thread:

>Someone once worked for Goldman Sachs a year or two a decade or more ago.

>Omg Goldman Sachs itself is literally elected President

The left is retarded. Literally retarded.

>The Goldman–Sachs family is a family of German Jewish descent known for the leading investment bank Goldman Sachs.

KEK, This place is but a shadow of what it was, Sup Forums is dead.

you aren't getting your life savings of $10 back from bernie, let it go

>criticizing Sup Forums
>while posting a communist jew reddit beta male


Dude, Trump is going to ruin the economy!
Haha, looks like Trump is improving the economy!
I win, Drumpfkins!

Yeah like they forced Americans to take out mortgages they couldn't afford fuck off

>Goldman Sachs
>Undeniably one of the most important financial giants in the world
>This is somehow bad

Get the fuck out of here, CtR.

Kek confirms. Sup Forums is ded.

bernie biggest cuck ever

>I have no argument because you're right - The post

I voted Trump but even I'm woke to his Jewish favoritism. All I care about is his principle of the nation state over globalism.



Replace Trump with Hillary in this infograph and would you say the same?

I found the original.

I'll wait to see how it plays out, but it doesn't exactly inspire confidence. It depends on who's in control - Trump, or his advisors. If he can use their financial savvy to the benefit of America then it'll be good. If he gets used, well, he can only ever be as bad as Clinton, so it was still worth a shot.

>bannon is swamp
>alex jones is swamp

Who made this chart?

>supporting Goldman Sachs
>calling someone else a CTR

Quite ironic eyy

The whole problem with Trump is that once again, people thinking that if you vote an outsider into office, things will change. This is also what you believed, you fucking idiots

Nothing will ever change with this current system, so that means we have to DISMANTLE THE SYSTEM ITSELF

It literally wouldn't make sense with Hillary.

desu I don't expect much to happen during these 8 years Trump is in office, all I know is that I'll have fun mining salt from libtards for a long time.

You'd just get different faces with a (D) tacked on to their name, but they'd support the same policies

Rumours of Sup Forumss death are greatly exaggerated, even if Kek seemingly endorses it's death. He works in mysterious ways and if he wants you to think this, then maybe it is only to weed out the unfaithful and cowardly. Sup Forums lives in all true believers and so can never die, even if the Jews shut it all down, like they did with MDE

>rationalizing intensifies

Sup Forums is dead. Long live Sup Forums

both parties are gonna be salt mining as Trump puts middle man idealogies into practice. As soon as trump shits the bed those trump generals still cease to exist and Sup Forums will become a ghost town.
Don't call it a grave, its the future you chose(not that you had a choice anyways)

So what's your alternative? Giving the power of the economy in the hands of someone who has been working as a janitor or a fucking fast food minimum wage job?

JIDF... Hasbara... CTR... they are everywhere.

I simply don't understand why people hate dictators but have no problem with one family owning almos every single national bank on the planet.

It's true then huh?

Jews are actually winning... always.

I wonder (((who)))'s behind this divide and conquer post

Israel is our greatest ally

Jewish Trickery at its finest.

That's what happens when you let in redditors who have staked their entire political ideology on Trump and are incapable of criticizing him.
The Goldman Sachs thing is disappointing, but not world ending

By the argument of some stupid people, if you have ever worked in Goldman Sachs or in the finance sector then you're as corrupt as someone who has taken any type of public sector job (which would by that definition make you a part of the establishment/illuminati or some shit), which is a fucking ridiculous thing to claim.

Not everyone who has worked for Goldman Sachs or the government are some fucking shape shifting illuminati reptilians that loves to do spirit cooking. Most of them are rich because they know how to make money unlike you and most of them are not worse people than you or me. I know, because I'm a friend of many rich people. Many of them love the country and want it to succeed.

Now, the real question is if they (chosen people to lead the U.S.) have the best interest of the citizens in the country or they're just trying to rip us off. That's what you should focus your arguments at.

The same people who use this ridiculous argument as a way of discrediting Trump are the same ones who are dependent on government benefits and are currently running around chasing imaginary Pokemons.

But they always seem to be such experts on knowing about making money and pointing out who's best on leading the economy yet themselves have never had any better life above minimum wage and living month by month.

Bring back the Ron Paul 4 Sup Forums era and I'lol be happy

Ever since Trump Sup Forums has turned into corporate bootlicking goldman sachs defending jew loving anti-science retards.

>muh global warming


You can't smugly post bernie anymore after his grand cuckout.

Doesnt the goldman sachs guy want to audit the fed and return to a gold standard?


Sincerely believing in the gold standard is grounds for dismissal from goldman.

KEK! Case in point.

Anyone else remember how much shit Ted Cruz got here for being married to a mid-level manager at a third-tier branch of Goldman?

Here, you can watch a whole video about it from an authoritative source Sup Forums credited.

Yeah it's shit.

But 80% of Trumps cabinet picks make it worth it.

Jeff Sessions as Attorney General for immigration excites me to no end.
We won't see a brown immigrant for a looooong time, much less a refugee.

The end justifies the means.

>The end justifies the means.
How progressive of you.

Just remember those words of yours, user, for when you're wondering how it all went wrong.

I feel like you have no idea what you are talking about since you clearly don't know anything about the policies Trump is pushing.

Yeah, should have voted for Hillary, you're right.
Open borders and all.

Muchin was kicked-out of the Goldman Sachs club because he supported trade protectionism.

>general election binaryism
Get you ass out of the head of the partisan trap fool. Thinking as you did en mass gave us the crappiest major party candidates of all time.

>Open borders and all.
And just you wait until that deal is swung to do something for those dreamers


you mean

>the end justifies the memes



>treasury secretary used to work at a bank

Really makes you think.

Nigger, you are a fool if you think the third party will ever win in the US.

Even if you convince 5 people not to vote 3rd party, there will be 100 who vote for one of the two major parties. This is why Trump didn't run 3rd party.

Still better than Hillary


Kek wants the Jews back making pyramids in the desert. The Jews are literally his enemy.

You do realize his cabinet are his bitches right? they don't control trump...trump controls them. I like how nobody who's making these threads realizes this.

Face it, If the cabinet controlled the president. obama's presidency would've been over quicker then Nixon.

And you got the intent of the post wrong yet again.

I'm talking about you and your like's 'tactical thinking' during the primaries that gives us such bad choices every time.


> Hillary gave speeches to these people, DON'T VOTE HER
> Trump just won and gave the keys to the very people Hillary gave paid speeches too, but it's all good..

Pick one.

>Trump is somehow different and special in a superhero way in that he'll control the decisions of the literally thousands of people who make up his administration

KEK confirms. Sup Forums has turned from his light. Trumptards must be purged.


You mean like at least 20 right? the rest like the house don't count in my argument. Him picking Mitch McConnell's wife was a smart move. He would end up using her to make Mitch approve of his suggestions.

Neocons are dumbfucks and Mitch is a big example of that.

>muh turd party
Hillary was open borders.
Gary was open borders.
(((Stein))) was open borders.

Trump AT LEAST pays lip service to our immigration concerns. You're full of shit and you know it, if you actually think any candidate who believes in open borders is a good fucking thing. I don't think most of pol actually believed Trump is going to save the world faggot, let alone be a perfect candidate (that's plebbit The_Donald shit). He is a means to an end and he has so far delivered in a primary goal here and that is crash and burn the election and main stream media (helping to open a few eyes on the left's hypocrisy has been a bonus).

I think what pol, and most of America expects from him now is to see him break up the terribly one-sided trade deals currently gutting our country and doing something proactive about immigration (wall and deportations of as many illegals as possible, which isn't outside the realm of possibility here).

Fact is, Trump is better than ANY of the options we were presented with, even Rand is fucking weak. We couldn't afford 4 more years of a cuck or an sjw enabler.

We could have fucking crashed the system Sup Forums, but you didn't listen. If neither candidate had gotten to 270, the entire system would have collapsed as the establishment went to war against itself. Meanwhile, people left and right would be out in the streets fighting to fix this shit system that gives us the same choices every year. Even when someone promises Hope and Change, or when they promise to Make America Great Again, we get the same people in the same positions with the same policies fucking us over.

Imagine what the Hanged Vote universe looks like right now.

Ted Cruz
Donald Trump
>Well okay he appointed him personally i support this.

>You mean like at least 20 right?
I mean thousands.

A president's cabinet includes like at least 20 people. Each one of those cabinet level posts oversees a branch of the executive government which themselves typically employ thousands.

>Him picking Mitch McConnell's wife was a smart move. He would end up using her to make Mitch approve of his suggestions.
>Neocons are dumbfucks and Mitch is a big example of that.

Elaine Chao--Mitch McConnell's wife--is going to be in charge of the allocation of resources to Trump's proposed trillion dollar infrastructure bill. Who gets tiny percentages amounting to millions of dollars per percentage, what states that funding is split between, who gets favor from the administration and gets to brag to voters how much of the pork he was able to bring to their state so to aide them in their reelection bids, among other things.

Yeah, how stupid of Mitch and his wife.

yeah dud youre right trump betrayed us
how many lobbyists are on his team by now?

>>muh turd party
Now read the rest of my posts. Including one right in the conversation chain.

>I only read the headlines of the articles I send to other people on my contact list

>how many lobbyists are on his team by now?
You may as well ask how many angels are on the head of a pin. Having an excessive amount of lobbyists aren't the only way to fuck up an administration. Obama could do it with college professors. Bush could do it with think tank material.

Better to have them working for you than against you.

(((Sup Forums)))

Is this picture implying that Bernie Sanders would've been a better choice? Please tell me yes so I can have a hearty guffaw

>third world shithole

its too early to tell yet...

trump owes the establishment nothing

we will know soon enough if he is for real or fake and in any event reshaping us politics is a virtue with its own reward

one president and or presidential term is nothing in the greater scheme of things, its the trajectory of public consciousness, values and political architecture of a generation that matters more

>Sup Forums is one person
I don't even care what Trump does or who he appoints. Hillary lost and liberals are eternally butthurt about it. That's all that matters to me

>Alex Jonestein
>Not swamp
This board has been taken over by JIDF.

Thanks FDR.

>Goldman Sachs shill


>implying the people had any power
The system is rigged. Trump himself said it.

Krump has been lumped... I am now a B-b-berncuck...

Schadenfreude is not a particularly worthwhile political agenda.

No, Sup Forums is defending Trump picking some of the best people for the job.

But, I'm sure if he chose someone you never heard of who had far less experience, you'd be praising him, right?

Nah, you're just fucking retarded, please slit your wrists while drinking bleach just to be sure the job is done right.

And Obama, and Wilson, and Johnson, and Bush, and the other one, even Reagan. It's all been an exercise in growing government and its scope. Never one dedicated to trusting the American people to govern theirselves as they mostly did in the style when the country was transformed from a tree filled wilderness into the country with the largest potential in the world in multiple endeavors, economic, agrarian, industrial, what have you, and returning to that power relationship even by a slight degree.

Perhaps not but I don't care. I'm on the Trump train just for the lulz. It's the only thing that's certain nowadays


>But, I'm sure if he chose someone you never heard of who had far less experience, you'd be praising him, right?

Sure. Anyone who hasn't gotten bailed out by the government for bankrupting America would be a pretty good start.


Steve Mnuchin and George Soros. Google it, get triggered and kys.

Clearly he's doing it to distance himself from the Nazi claims. He better keep him on a short leash

>Someone once worked for Goldman Sachs
You mean the fucking president of Goldman Sachs?

>asking Sup Forums to be critical thinkers

Washington has a better chance of passing a budget on time than this bunch of monkeys doing anything.

Found the original.

>its too early to tell yet...

Why are Bernie memes so pathetic?

>instead of telling my supporters to stop the violence against a specific group of people, let me showcase my support in this group by picking the most corrupt ones within it

Trump supporter logic