Think of what's been happening this last week.

The entire MSM starts talking about Fake News and the Russian propaganda connection. The Senate then passes a bill that establishes an agency for "counter-propaganda". The house will soon vote on it and Obama will sign it.

>WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) today announced that their Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act – legislation designed to help American allies counter foreign government propaganda from Russia, China, and other nations – has passed the Senate as part of the FY 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Conference Report. The bipartisan bill, which was introduced by Senators Portman and Murphy in March, will improve the ability of the United States to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation **by establishing an interagency center housed at the State Department to coordinate and synchronize counter-propaganda efforts throughout the U.S. government. To support these efforts, the bill also creates a grant program for NGOs, think tanks, civil society and other experts outside government who are engaged in counter-propaganda related work.** This will better leverage existing expertise and empower local communities to defend themselves from foreign manipulation.

Other urls found in this thread:

Obama then orders a review of any "election-related" hacking done by Russia.

>Washington (CNN) — President Barack Obama has ordered a full review into hacking by the Russians designed to influence the 2016 election, White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Adviser Lisa Monaco said Friday.

>"The President has directed the Intelligence Community to conduct a full review of what happened during the 2016 election process. It is to capture lessons learned from that and to report to a range of stakeholders," she said at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast with reporters. "This is consistent with the work that we did over the summer to engage Congress on the threats that we were seeing."

>Monaco said the administration would be **mindful of the consequences of revealing the results of their review publicly.** All of the Democratic senators on the Senate Intelligence Committee have called on Obama to declassify intelligence on Russia's actions during the election.

>"You want to do so **very attentive to not disclosing sources** and methods that would impede our ability to identify and attribute malicious actors in the future," Monaco said of disclosure.

Then a source starts claiming Russia helped Trump purposely.

>The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

>Intelligence agencies have **identified individuals** with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.

>“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”


Finally, keep in mind the DHS was **CAUGHT** probing the Georgia State network.

>Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp has asked federal officials to explain what appears to be an attempt by the U.S. Homeland Security Department to breach the state’s voter registration database a week after the November election.

>The claim comes after an IP address associated with the federal agency attempted to penetrate the state’s firewall Nov. 15. The attempt was unsuccessful, but in a letter Thursday to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Kemp said he wanted to know whether the department had permission to conduct what he called an “unauthorized” scan of Georgia’s system.

>“At no time has my office agreed to or permitted DHS to conduct penetration testing or security scans of our network,” Kemp said. “Moreover, your department has not contacted my office since this unsuccessful incident to alert us of any security event that would require testing or scanning of our network.”

The way the narrative is flowing, I think Russia could be framed in some sort of hacking attempt on the voting machines to help Trump. Afterwards, the electors would be pushed to choose an alternative Republican such as Kaisich because of an "on going investigation". Finally, when Congress meets the damning report would be released so they would choose that alternative Republican candidate because of "Trump's ties to Russia". Remember, Obama wants the investigation done prior to January 20th.

>The Congress is scheduled to meet in joint session in the House of Representatives on January 6, 2017 to conduct the official tally of electoral votes.

Look carefully at Trump's response. "These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. " What do we know about this in hindsight. Well the CIA concluded that there were no WMD's, however the bureaucracy at the top used select CIA findings to establish a narrative that wasn't true to justify regime change. Does this sound familiar? Remember all the concern trolling about Trump going back on his promises before he is even inaugurated? What if that's just to make it more acceptable to us when the covert coup happens?

The liberals that have been harassing electors now have something to push as well. They can all say, "Don't vote for Trump yet! They have to finish the investigation!"

If you aren't opposed to foreign powers interfering in our politics, then you aren't American.

I don't care if the result is preferable, we're setting a dangerous precedent if we let the Kremlin control politics in America.

Kick and scream all you want, this establishment's agenda is done.

Now you can stop trying to destabilize the country, and help make it great again. Or you can fuck off to Canada.

This is the exact narrative they are pushing, the deep state may very well be activating it's contingency plan. Also didn't the FBI and CIA have a feud going?

The covert coup has already happened. Drumpf and co. stole the election in collusion with Russia.

>we're setting a dangerous precedent if we let the Kremlin control politics in America.

How did the Kremlin control politics in America?

I'm pretty sure the "lead candidate" being the target of multiple active federal investigations is what did that.

Russia showing us the truth isn't dangerous, lying about it is.

The entire Wikileaks saga is going down the memory hole. Democrats still think Clinton dindu nuffin, it was just emails.

Also, remember when you decided to play testbed on Sup Forums with your GamerGate virtue signal brainwashing?

This administration deserves the fate history will attribute to it.


I'm partial to the idea that this new angency will be used to silence all "conspiracy theorists" that think contrary to the narrative the MSM and Government will feed us. We can only hope the huge distrust in the media will be enough to make people skeptical of the narrative they push.


>literally creating an intelligence agency to fight Sup Forums

Sounds like fun, too bad they'll never be able to compete with someone who does it for free.

It's possible CTR was just the prototype. They want shills operating 24/7

Will this include JIDF propaganda?

>24/7 CTR
can we just starting shooting these people now?

You could throw trillions of shekels worth of shills at us. It won't change a thing, except maybe cause more word filters.

They won't do anything about the presidency. They just want to keep their stranglehold on the media.

There really won't be any discourse at that point.
>everything is a lie if it doesn't confirm my own bias

Because why the fuck not? Going to be a wild ride.

>They just want to keep their stranglehold on the media.

Should've thought a little harder about pushing that "fake news" meme, then.

>Governments still can't comprehend the Streisand effect

If by some unprecedented legal gymnastics Trump is prevented from being president, there is no definitive next step.

The uproar could be big enough to give DHS and the militarized police an excuse to finally get shit on lockdown.

On the other hand this could be in anticipation of new leaked information. They are trying to get people to not believe something they fear will go viral.

That's all I think about these days. How many people probably died during that whole ordeal.

Wikileaks is probably dead now, last I heard there's still not any proof of life outside a video for Assange. If anything, you can kind of tell that there is a lot going on behind the scenes. Makes you want to hold your biases tightly, and not believe much of anything.


Except thats being used as an excuse to undermine democracy.

If it happens that the people of America are over turned on this, there will be war, there will be blood, and no one will be left standing.

Damn straight.

I see you, Colleen Corporation.

Anyways, just keep soldiering forward boys.

Mainstream media revealed to be fake and complicit in information fraud, selective and slanted reporting.
All news is fake news
Incapable of honest reporting
"See world through my lens user"

So much for free speech amirite?

Russia exposed a criminal that would have become president had they not? Russia actually saved the United States? What a bunch of fucking assholes.



Which liberals should realize is exactly what Russia wants: an internal conflict that neuters America on the world stage.

So who gets to be the arbiter of truth?

Yes, fuck you libtards


I'm scared you guys. This is serious, blood in the streets type shit. Are we ready?


lelno. Most of the American populace won't give a shit since we're now lazy as fuck.

I'm worried about Sup Forums's future though, specifically Sup Forums's.

if there is a coup going on, I'm glad to have Mad Dog on our side

Everyone is freaking out about this, I'm just not that worried. I honestly believe overturning the election now would result in a civil war, and these idiots are the ones who got rid of all their guns and seem to think we did too.

I'm afraid that if anything did happen that they'd get away with it because people are so spineless now. Too many would be unwilling to risk their comfortable routine of drinking, watching TV, and playing games. The ones that do try to stop it would just be killed and labeled terrorists while most of the nation eats up the lies and asks for seconds.

His cabinet just sucks and he just appointed another banker jew.

He's just another cog in the elite's machine, Sup Forums is still in denial to accept that they got conned.

Trump has the support of the military. None of this noise matters

we'll see

seems like a lot of energy from the establishment gov and the media is going towards deligitimizing him and his cabal. i'll enjoy watching the (((globalists))) get dismantled

Why don't you think he'd try to push his third term at this point?

This is where the shit's in the punch bowl.

Counter propaganda with more propaganda. It's all fake news. The MSM is fake news.

why would they try a coup if your argument was correct and trump was establishment all along?

good try retard.

The government an the world thinks ordinary Americans are stupid but the same silent majority that voted for trump is gonna fuck shit up. I'm not a Republican but this fake news shit is the death rattles of the Democratic party that's been BTFO

Literally x tier trash have a bump you sorry niggers need it

I'm starting Jill Stein just pulled the most awesomest of false flags ever. She literally took cash from the democrat's pockets to prove that Trump did not cheat but Hillary did. Wow!
Noone can question the legitimacy of Trump now, he has evidence.

a legally elected president getting usurped by an fbi coup would legitimately be the point at which normies would take up arms and there'd be blood in the streets and revolution, but thats just not going to happen

the cia is shaking an impotent fist to smear trump but theres no way in hell anyone would risk the chaos of trying to deny him. Its 100x more likely that trump and pence would get assassinated than that the DNC would try to organize faithless electors to screw him

its all a bunch of hot air,

It would be interesting. I think if forums like, where you can have frank discussions about current events ceased to exist, I likely wouldn't use the internet.

I can't imagine that going down, can't imagine my electronics become that useless to me 90% of the time.

Of course, I come from a long line of rebellious frickled face cork county Irishmen. In this case, if it happens like op stated, then there will be a unilateral war wth many lone wolf style attacks all over the country. It may start in a French Revolution esque style with reserve, national guard, and active duty bases being raided for equipment and supplies. Militias will gain notoriety By establishing themselves over local media....I could go on, but just know this timeline, the American civil war 2.0, is a very bloody and unrelenting one. The federal government will not relinquish power, they will most likely act in an Assad, Gadaffi, Saddam, Louie the 16th, etc. fashion and fight to the bitter end.

>calling on the first black president goes full African dictator


someone give me the tl;dr please?

>literally Fahrenheit 451 and the ban of facts not coinciding to the naratice.
>can't wait for Foucault's panopticism coming from Americans again.
>an interagency
But seriously the left is trying to bring back the red scare, which is just a fucking laugh. Literally goes against everything they supposedly stand for.

Is this even surprising? The fucking CIA really wanted Clinton to win, perhaps Jeb asked daddy to deal with Trump

Is it even a surprise the McMuffin, a pure spoiler, was fucking former CIA?

Its the liberal media trying to go out with a bang in some sort of way if anything. This is the problem and they are shitting themselves over 8 years of Trump

united we stand.

lets go m8

Remember to wear your four of clubs to identify one another.

We need a Pizzagate style investigation of all the CIA linked people in this election.

>thinking trump will actually be president

Ohhhhhh yeah I get my civil war baby!!!! WOOT WOOT NIGGA WHAT!


They can fucking try, it will be war

Didn't Bezos shill for Hillary and donate to her campaign?

Isn't Amazon connected to the Clinton Foundation?

the ravens will starve



The question is whether the entire CIA gets expunged or only the top, and how many times they end up trying to assassinate Trump.

How does having the FBI and NSA investigate the CIA sound?

>Literal CIA agent runs as independent
>Siphons so many votes from Hillary that he actually beats her while simultaneously giving Trump the state
not sure if /ourguy/

my favorite part of African "democracies" is how when the sitting prezidunt loses democratically, he throws a temper-tantrum and decides to refuse to leave power because NO U so they have a bloody tribalistic civil war. Repeat every few years.

Its just leftypol shilling this garbage.

False dichotomy. You can determine the journalistic integrity of what you're reading by fact-checking or trusting the fact-checking of others.

Free speech allows you to say fake shit because it also allows you to discredit people who say fake shit when it's obvious that that's what they're doing.

The Republic is already dead. We've already entered into a completely different incarnation of America with vestiges of the old.

so what happens next? is shit about to hit the fan?

Well he intended to siphon votes from Trump. He was just a dipshit and didn't realize that Utah would vote for Satan before they'd vote for a Democrat.

>TFW libcucks bitched loudly and non-stop about censorship and spying under Bush, and now they're supporting it because they're butthurt about Trump voters

Your prize will be on some street some place bleeding from a head wound, kike.

Just made this, pass it around.

Portman Murphy counter-propaganda bill is the worst thing since the patriot act. Puts public money toward private propaganda outlets with no oversight

>they supported Assange and Wikileaks when he was leaking on Dubbya's wars and corruption, but then turned about-face and said he's working for the Russians when he starts to pull the skeletons out of the Clinton's closet.

Don't forget she threatened to go to war with them.

what subreddit was this

Bill Clinton signed a treaty with Russia during his administration. The Treaty provides for a broad range of cooperation in criminal matters. Mutual assistance available under the Treaty includes obtaining the testimony or statements of persons; providing documents, records and other items; serving documents; locating or identifying persons and items; executing requests for searches and seizures; transferring persons in custody for testimony or other purposes; locating and immobilizing assets for purposes of forfeiture, restitution, or collection of fines; and any other form of legal assistance not prohibited by the laws of the Requested Party.


dont underestimate the deep red states and their militias




B-But how are the Boomers going to get their Social Security and Medicare if a civil war breaks out?

fugg guys I live in the CALIphate and I only have a .22

just wait until afterwards duh

probably /r/politics

/r/politics is the lowest hive of scum and villainy on the internet besides this place

>and he lost the popular vote
how long will they cling onto this as if it has any relevance?

The second article is mostly unrelated to the first. The second one is relating to the Podesta emails.

r/politics is on /x/-tier shit at all times. They're all CIA mind control experiment victims, all of em.

right up until Trump audits CA