How much of a pathetic addict are you Sup Forums?

How much of a pathetic addict are you Sup Forums?

For me it's

I literally use them all every day. At least it's not hardcore drugs or booze I guess

Other urls found in this thread:


>(used to be heroin)

wtf does kratom even do?

used to do anything, weed, coke, cigs, alcohol

Now I'm a "straight edge" but whatever, its better than being an addict

I drink coffee and I have a cigar once in awhile. Other than that nothing.

>Not addicted to whiskey
>Just like to get trashed sometimes

Sometimes I drink alcohol, no addict.

Coffee. Diet soda. Mostly coffee.

the internet

drink alcohol maybe once every 3rd week

used to smoke cigs at parties but I don't do that anymore

tried weed a few times but I don't get the appeal. its a stupid mans drug, ideal for niggers and low IQ inbred whites

Cigs, alcoholic

do coke every now and then at parties

get trashed off beer pretty much every night

fite me fgts

I fell for le vape maymay but I smoked for a decade prior.

Just fuck my shit up

>Swedish Snus
>Amphetamine sometimes
>MDMA from time to time
>Benzos when I happen to have them

Cigs, weed, alcohol. I have an rx for Adderall but I don't take them unless I have a really bad work week. Fucked around in college with coke and painkillers occasionally. Did acid, shrooms, and molly on a few times.

>Have a ciggy every once in awhile.
>Drink coffee maybe 3 - 4 times a week.
>Drink alcohol only with friends/social settings.
One thing I am addicted to is holding my foreskin closed when I pee and letting the foreskin balloon up until the pressure is so great that I can let it all burst out at once. its really useful for cleaning the smegma quickly off of my penis

Was a 2 pack a day IV heroin addict along with benzos and speed and pharmajew meds for 5+ years.

Been clean from everything (nicotine and alcohol included) for a little over a year.

Lifting 4 days a week with a trainer, eating well and doing cardio on my days off. Also have a regular reading schedule and polish about a book a week.

Wouldn't have it any other way.

You're goign to dirty bomb your liver with all of that K-tom

Cigs, alcohol, and the herbal jew. I have an rx for Adderall but I don't take them unless I have a really bad work week. Fucked around in college with coke and painkillers occasionally. Did acid, shrooms, and molly a few times.

>I used to do anything
>two legal drugs and an illegal drug people roll up with one of the legal ones

Yeah you were such a hardass, probably broke a fucking IM needle off in your shoulder trying to fix some nicotine.

Nigga r u tryna die or what

Also wtf does kratom even do for you?

>soda, the caffeinated Jew

I learned too late that it eats your teeth from the inside and now my mouth is fucked. At least I'm not on meth like everyone else around here I guess.

If you want to learn more you could go to your local library and ask the guy with the hemp fabric sweater.

Coffee. I honest to God dunno what I'd do every morning without it. At least it's purely beneficial, though.

Cigs, alcohol, and caffeine for me. Nothing illegal.

I usually have coffee in the morning, and then an energy drink later in the day. I drank Rockstars for a while, but lately I've been enjoying this delicious flavor of Monster called Ultra Black. It's good shit, mayne.

Caffeine for me. It started with rip its and monsters in the military.

Now I have to take 2 scoops of my pre workout.

Same user. You're not alone with your brittle ass teeth.

that's it. I once drank heavily for many years until I developed a moderate liver problem, but then I just stopped because i don't let addiction control me. I drink a lot of tea, but... it's just tea. I don't lose my mind from that.

I wouldn't say I'm addicted, but I purposely drink coffee and smoke cigs to shit out any excess that stores fat. Shit it out before your body absorbs it all.

Sort of feels like a mild opiate body high. Rather pleasant.


cigars now, used to do cigs. smoking sweet tobacco leaves really did curb how much i smoke.

sounds like fuckin Tai Lopez got in your head bud

He's talking about kratom you dip

>coffee every single day, can't go without it
>usually have a beer or two after work

I could give up beer but I sure as shit wouldn't be able to give up coffee. At least I'm not a chain smoker I guess.

Caffeine isn't even that good

>you dip

No i don't


I need these in varying combinations to be fully functional. To be fair, I have a very high standard for functionality.

i just sent my brother to the hospital because he fell down after eating pills and drinking vodka.

complete addict. i took him in after my dad kicked him out. not sure what to do but the hospital will only keep him over night. that is if he doesnt weasel his way out.

the 7 11 down the street sells beer and small bottles all night long.


>the 7 11 down the street sells beer and small bottles all night long.

Such is life in the North East.

Do what you can.

You should stop letting him guilt and manipulate you user, tough spot to be in, but you're going about this like a battered woman here.

Cigarettes, coffee, weed, alcohol.

I wish I could stop smoking weed. It's my only vice.

ok m8 calm down

fuck off we've had drug threads here forever

I used to be an alcoholic, dropped that shit though. It was forcing my girl out of my life and I wasn't having it. I quit smoking too about 3 weeks ago too and picked up running again, feels good.

Drugs are fun but they're an escape. If someone offered me a line for free at a party I'm not gonna turn it down but I'm also not gonna seek that Shit out. But that was never my problem, just the booze

oh i dont i told him he cant live here anymore. hes fuck up and burn my house down.

my dad and sister dealt with this shit for years.

its like he mentally regresses back to being 6. pees in corners. luckily i have some really great friends coming over tomorrow to clean out his room and toss all the bottles.

When I was in Nursing School, one of my old instructors told a story about when she worked in Geriatrics as an ADON. The overnight charge nurse in a ward had like 7 people she was supposed to put fentanyl patches on at 6AM before breakfast, and Days took them off at HS. But Days kept reporting none of the patches were on them. So she talked to the LPN, who said she was absolutely applying them.

So Donna, the RN, shadowed her on the morning pass, and kept seeing this aide going into the rooms after she left. She questioned the aide, and found out that the aide had been pulling the patches off, stripping the outside layer, and had buccal'd the patches like chewing tobacco.

Lots of booze

vodka soda
rum and coke

I have a really, really unhealthy obsession with candies and sweets

This fucking thread again.

Go fuck yourself Reddit!

Check your iron levels.

Fuck man, you know you're doing bad when you start peeing in corners. One night I got way too drunk, started yelling at my girl and pissed on her shit and my PS4 in the corner... been there a few times actually. It's a sad road to go down man, I thank the powers that be every day for giving me the strength to push past that shit

I smoke weed daily, have for the last 20 years. Quit smoking cigs year and half ago. Aside from an occasional beer, don't drink anymore (2 DUI's in a year pretty much ended my drinking days, but it was a hell of a run).

My buddy works on an ortho floor and jokes with his supervisor about licking the metal sink they waste morphine into.


I hope your brother gets his shit together, but youre better off not having him anchor you down for much longer, especially if he's being so dramatic about it all. Sorry you gotta deal with that.

>tfw addicted to video games
>too much of a manchild to man up and stop video games



Stop jacking off. You have a dopamine imbalance.

>you have a dopamine imbalance.

t. juilliard trained endocrinologist.

try cheating, youll see how arbitrary time barriers are in games and how much time you waste on them to accomplish tiny things

Cool story Achmed
Drinking is fine in moderation
Everybody who has to get up and go to work drinks coffee
If you smoke you know you'll die fucking horribly
If you take dope then you're a complete fucking waste of oxygen
Sick of these these muh imam say algohol bad but weed is fine cos it not in muh goran cunts

>Everybody who has to get up and go to work drinks coffee

That doesn't make it acceptable for your body. It's just there's no stigma against this addiction.

>how much time you waste on them

I'm starting to realise that

Who's this post for, Bruno?

Cigarettes, i smoke half a pack a day

I've stopped smoking weed, cigarettes, coffee, and video games.

Once winter is over I'm going back to hiking and hunting. Fucking faggots have no control over their own wills.

I do all of those + coke, weed, acid, and shrooms.

I've also tried crack+heroin for the novelty value.

Am I a degenerate /pol?

>Jews Concentrate

I've got to have myou vitamin C

If you want to wean yourself off of games or at least give you an excuse, play a game that lets you carve your own destiny and show your creativity. Make mods, create maps, run servers. Try ARMA. It's not as great as going outside and riding a bike, but it's better than just completing pointless tasks that eventually end and forcing you to buy the sequel just to solve another puzzle.

Play games that let you think. You can even make money off of these.

>Am I a degenerate /pol?

Only because you're trying so hard t b h

>Nigga r u tryna die or what


is it possible to get extremely stoned if you have a large tolerance? (2g per day).
edibles never worked for me so far.

>One thing I am addicted to is holding my foreskin closed when I pee and letting the foreskin balloon up until the pressure is so great that I can let it all burst out at once. its really useful for cleaning the smegma quickly off of my penis

I also do this.

>One thing I am addicted to is holding my foreskin closed when I pee and letting the foreskin balloon up until the pressure is so great that I can let it all burst out at once. its really useful for cleaning the smegma quickly off of my penis

How do you make your edibles? I hear a lot of people say edibles don't do much for them, fed people good edibles and have been told the same. Maybe it's genetic. (i.e. in all likelihood fatal)

>t.mutilated dick
You're just missing out on the fun, mate.

>doing heroin
>for the novelty value

You're a literal retard.


its all about finding a new source of positive feedback. you know youre wasting your time and you feel bad about it and yet the games are probably the only or one of very few sources of positive feelings for you.


That's about it but I only do it on weekends and lead a productive life going to college and working. I definitely have the urge to do it more often.

im pretty fat, so i think its related to that.
had the crackers in foil with nutella and weed, wasted over a gram making them.

are you saying you want the freedom to smoke taken from you?

Listen to Reinholdt, constructive hobbies are far more rewarding than vidya ever will be. Plus you get to be a dilettante.

>smoke a pack a day
>coffee like a mad man
>light to heavy drinking 4-5 times a Week
I don't even care anymore, at least I have a good job.

Tell me about Keaton. Bought a lot of red bali but don't know how to dose.

Yeah you just fucked up

So you need to be less of a bogan about making edibles... you need to actually go ahead and just steep bud in coconut oil (supposedly has good binding affinity for the cannabinoids) and pop it in the oven for awhile around 240-250 Fahrenheit (so like 7 or 8 celsius)

Then you just use it in place of butter/oil when youre baking/cooking.


Might stop alcohol but not cigs

who else here traveled to another fucking dimension the first time you smoked weed?
it ruined weed forever for me, i can never get that high again.

What kinda Copenhagen?

I bought a small packet, tried it a few times and didn't really like it. How is that retarded? I was always very careful with dosing.

Now I know what heroin feels like and you guys never will. Jokes on you.


Whats kratum?

how much do you think would get me fuccen zooted?
any step by step tutorial links?

i used to be addicted to coffee and cigs, i almost never drink coffee anymore but i switched from cigs to chew, I have a vape in the mail and am planning on using it to quit nicotine

Keep coffee, kick the rest. Although, being in Sweden I can't blame you for any of it m8.

Coke light and mouth fedora

... It's that simple, you steep the bud in oil and heat it to let it bind, let it cool and strain. You kind of have to toss measurements out the window, but the goal is to minimize how much oil you start with. Some people will do this on a burner with a pan instead, but I find that it's a lot easier to just use a pyrex in a convection oven.

If you're talking about wasting weed though, I'm guessing you don't have a lot to spend, and you might be better off just getting some acid than trying to make edibles.

Caffeine addiction isnt real.
Gtfo with your normie bullshit
>omg I cant function without muh starcuckss!!

psychedelics have eluded me my entire life.
i still want to try it more than anything, but i was never able to find even shrooms or acid, and i don't plan on becoming a normie any time soon.