Shit, pol, i dropped the cover

shit, pol, i dropped the cover

>be chilling outside with a mixed male/female company
>one of the females is in a long distance relationship with some spic from the states
>she's telling how he promised her he'll work to come to bulgaria to visit her in summer
>jokingly say "don't get your hopes up, that gypsy will probably be in prison by then"
>her friend gets triggered
>"what do you mean gypsy? just because he has darker skin doesn't mean he's a gypsy and will get in trouble. i'm sorry, but you sound like such a racist right now"
>say "i was just joking, one must be born to gypsy parents to be a gypsy. for example italians have darker skin but they're not gypsies, at least not most of them"
>girl with the spic bf starts explaining how i'm a trump supporter, and all trumpfags are racists, hate muslims, etc: all the bad things in general"
>say "what do you mean being a racist is a bad thing? did you hear how the muslim apes raped at cologne?
>they stare at me like i'm the devil
>one of them says "stop talking, nobody wants to listen to you"
>say "if nobody wants to talk to me, i might as well go home and finish watching my movie"
>pay for my coffee and fuck off
>as i'm walking away i hear one of them shout "fuck you"
>"fuck you too"
i fucked up and lost more "friends" today but it was worth standing up to the libtards

>drinking overpriced coffee with his mixed female friends, talking about their bfs

fuck off youre a poser anyway lol

They don't sound like friends man. Who says fuck you to a friend they find to be racist? Like wtf. I wouldn't do that to a friend I found to be a commie. I'd just be a dick and make fun of him. But I wouldn't want him to leave.

He'd still be my friend, just a obviously stupid one. If he started violent anifascista crap though we'd stop being friends.

NICE pasta.

You were right to try and redpill them and we're right to walk away once they started their RACIST mouth foaming.

NEVER reveal your power level.


Not until the Day.

>being this autistic

Why were you even with these people in the first place? You did well by abandoning them but I have the feeling you aren't the brightest bulb yourself.

Well, it sucks that you lost some acquaintances but at least you were man enough to not pussy out when they started the "Tsk, tsk, user, you sound very problematic and racist right now" clucking.

Just tell them that Hitler did nothing wrong. Cut to to the chase.

fuck that weak shit. i redpill all my friends. most of my family already is.

>taking women seriously
>shiggy diggy
u fucking fagget you should have just laughed it off and teased them in a light hearted way.

This. Start soft but don't retreat. Baby steps
>baby steps is how we win

If they're people you aren't close to and don't particularly need, then good on you for standing up to some liberal cunts. If they're people you have to work or go to school with you may have created some unnecessary problems for yourself. Good luck either way.

lol you guys are such faggots.

Who wants friends you have to watch you language around?

Fuck 'em.


C'mon now. We meet people/are raised with people we may like even if we despise their political views.

dude fucking control your power level

>what do you mean being a racist is a bad thing? did you hear how the muslim apes raped at cologne?

That's where you fucked up.

Liberals will accept anything as long as you phrase the thought correctly and avoid certain words.

Never argue that racism is a good thing.

Just rewrite your powerlevel outbursts in the libtard lingo, dumbass

For example
"I love the concept of an ethnostate because it's the only true way to preserve diversity and the lives of proud PoC"

Diggity doo