50% forign population

>50% forign population
>almost everyone is albanian
>all swiss I've met are racist, jingoistic, anti-Semites
>a small coffee costs ~10USD
>locals are unfriendly shitty people
>chocolate is worse than belgian
>too stupid to speak proper german
>if you're not albanian you're italian
>cold as fuck
>shitty meme architecture
>no history

wtf I hate us now

>ahmed is mad because Austria denied his rapefugee application

The confederation helvetica has an extensive history back to roman conquest times. It may be the oldest country in Europe even.

and pretentious fucks.

not at all

>racist, unfriendly to strangers, antisemites

i dont see a problem here mohammed.

any stranger. They're like on an island, in the middle of Europe. They dispise (lol) the French, the Germans and the Italians. They just value themselves better than them. But they'll go there to do some shopping from time to time. just to cheat the system. Fucking hell I hate being here.

Aw +Sympathy

>Swedistan talking about insignifcance, history, meme architecture, and foreign population


>all swiss I've met are racist, jingoistic, anti-Semites

>locals are unfriendly shitty people
see point above, to you they are

>a small coffee costs ~10USD
and entry-level jobs pay 60-70k, it's to keep you out

>too stupid to speak proper german
too proud to speak the cucked's language


Yes its like hell here, don't come pls.

>literally Somallistan
>girls willingly getting raped by niggers
>boys are all muslims or faggots
>entire country won't exist soon
>literally committing suicide
>too pussy to stand up for own country
Sweden please remove the cross off your flag its offending the new swedes

>They just value themselves better than them.

That's because we are better.

can i come pls, i feel like pic related here

Estonia's a good based country, don't go.

in ?

>anti semites

Sign me up. Also fuck you sweden this is a nat soc board.

Misinformed aussie, i see shit walking everyday

nono trsut me. its just how OP described it, but even worse. We are only 50% white, the rest are black immigrants and we can only afford one cup of coffee per week.

Everything and everywhere

We are the kings

The swiss gun laws are good enough for this burger. And I wouldn't mind yodeling with some qt Swiss girl either if you know what I mean.

im going on exchange to Zurich in February how fucked am i?

Yes, yes. People are dying in the streets, women are getting raped 24/7, this is hell on earth.
Whatever you do, don't come to Switzerland, I'm saying that for you of course.

then go, no one is keeping you here

>Sweden please remove the cross off your flag its offending the new swedes

we can legally help you with that


> i see shit walking everyday

Also nice digits

Wanna switch sides bro?


its as multicultural as any other bigger city in europe. But its much cleaner and people are generally more polite and well mannered (yes even the blacks). In overall you will realise its a very stable and functioning society.

keep up the good work

as soon as i can

well for instance, you've got the worst people I met in the world, and I travelled a bit. So definitively not everything.


could be worse, still full of foreigners and campuses as liberal as the US'

as in literal african monkeys are here.

Few, but still i see one everyday and it bothers me the fuck out

My uncle works at FIFA, rich motherfucker.

Do you need a homicide detective over there? Lol

>Not mad at the fact burger just said he's gonna take swiss girl

You can make like 90 grand a year over there doing fuck off shit but yes, goods and services are inflated and citizenship is 10 years out with no possibility of arms carrying

>all swiss I've met are racist, jingoistic, anti-Semites
sound bretty good

as long as he's white...

he'll regret it first when he sees her. fucking inbreds

>No history
Saying that a group of people have zero history is SJW speak. Everyone has a long history, even nigs and jews.

I've been to Switzerland last weekend. Holy shit, niggers everyewhere, Ahmeds demanding Sharia, hell hole. Seriously, I don't recommend anyone going to medipacs.

>t. butthurt Germanfag

pls i want antisemitism and rude people around me.

Burgers aren't white they're mostly race-mixed


Probably the worst place I've ever lived.
Best to just visit Milan if you want to see nice things

41 murders in 2014. I don't think so mate.

Why do you hate here so much? I've lived in many different countries in my life and CH has been the best so far.

France was the worst, French people are fucking disgusting with their love of dog shit everywhere.

Eh, I see a few Abos walkin around daily and i don't really care or mind.

It's when i see a muslim every few weeks or so that gets me full nazi mode

>Posted from a "refugee" center.

oh i see some burkas around aswell, but thats less common than the monkeys

Well you don't. Switzerland has it long but flat. Somehow can't get it up. A bit like you, but yours is short as well.

Nice answer, good debating skills. You certainly used all the superior Swiss educationnal system to its best.

Mainly, the people.

Well, that's good news then. Burkas shouldn't be seen MORE than apes

>this thread is an australian like attempt of making people hate swizterland so they decide to not emigrate there
I am unto you, mountain jew.

Why you mad, Sven? Your Somalis and Arabs are our Albanians. Rather have European niggers than tons of real African niggers in my country. At least we don't have any no go areas.

good possibility, would hate CH as well if I was in one of those, visited one a few months back
>underground bunker with liberal bullshit administration
>looks like typical housing for shjitskin muslims tho
>have to live there and do literally nothing for ~1 Year until they tell you if you may stay or leave

None of them should be even fucking seen here.

We're already fucked for having slavic niggers here...

>50% forign population
It's about 25%. Half of which are German/French/Italian/Portuguese.

>almost everyone is albanian
Maybe 1% or so. A lot more in our football teams though, relatively speaking.

>racist, anti-Semites
Not more or less than anyone else.

I have a hard time thinking of a less jingoistic country. Maybe I don't understand the word right.

>a small coffee costs ~10USD
3-4USD typically. But yes, it's expensive as fuck.

>locals are unfriendly shitty people
We like to keep to ourselves, which I guess makes us look unfriendly at times. We're quick to help others, I'd like to think. (It's no coincidence our flag looks like a medpack)

>chocolate is worse than belgian
The few times I had Belgian chocolate I was thoroughly underwhelmed. Maybe those were just some cheap ones. You can get fantastic Swiss chocolate if you're willing to shell out a small fortune.

>too stupid to speak proper german

>if you're not albanian you're italian
Correct. Italians are the biggest foreigner group (closely followed by Germans).

>cold as fuck
It gets quite warm in the summer. We're south of Germany after all. Not all of us live in snowy mountain huts.

>shitty meme architecture
Most of our architecture is just functional and totally fine. Herzog & de Meuron, our most famous current architects, are pretty great I think.

>no history
Correct. We like it comfy here.

I agree. Yet somehow its regularly rated in top 10 for quality of life. Ironic. Im only half swiss but i wish i was half something else instead. I hate this place.

>tfw have PhD and can actually get into this meme country

Switzerland and Southern Italy were the most magical places in all of Europe.

Paris was the second most disgusting first world city I have been to.

Never went to Sweden...because...well...why would anyone go to Sweden?

They're everywhere m8, No country is safe from having even SOME. It's not a battle of "who has none" it's "Who has less" of them.

If it's really that bad, Guess you can move here based Estoniabro

We have a 92% white population, the other 7% is Chinks and 1% is other

>all swiss I've met are racist, jingoistic, anti-Semites
Thank for the compliment. Some of you niggers are alright, as long as you stay out.

But you can choose who keeps you company.

People in other countries are worst, in the other countries I've lived people are dumb, it's amazing how mind numbing it is, at least in CH the average intelligence of the population is smart.

If you're Swiss German or live in the country side I'm sorry, it's whole different mentality and I can understand the shittyness.

>like 99% foreign population
>almost everyone is muslim
>all swedes I've met are feminist, homosexual, cucks
>can't even get coffee
>locals will jihad you
>chocolate is nonexistent
>too stupid to speak proper english - see 'forign'
>if you're not muslim you're jewish
>gay as fuck
>shitty meme architecture copied from 1/4th mongoloid country next door
>large history (of migrant related crimes)

how hard is it to get a job there?

I'm a chef with 6 years of experience in a pretty prestigious hotel and a hobbyist programmer... when i have free time.

Go live in a shitty 3rd world country like I had to like Haiti, a Central American shit hole or Australia like I did and you'll be begging to go back to CH

>no history
c'mon man... Our schools just don't teach us enough about it. We have an absolutely grand history, read into it.

>We like to keep to ourselves, which I guess makes us look unfriendly at times. We're quick to help others, I'd like to think. (It's no coincidence our flag looks like a medpack)
gotta answer that, no you're not helpfull. the coincidence is that some Swiss guy once imagined the Red Cross business model, and put something very similar to his flag on the medpack. But he did it for the money, as you can see if you look into the richest NPO's CEOs.

Then, you are not looking unfriendly: you are unfriendly. As a white, 1m90 85kg kinda educated European male, I've had xenophobic comments told to my face. Only in Switzerland. You're trash and would have been nuked if only you were worth the cost of the bomb.

I finally agree, eventhough it's a matter of taste, that Belgian chocolate > Swiss chocolate. Eventhough you have nice ones.

No you can't, this is not the land of friendship opportunities. The only new friends I made were exchange students. The average intelligence is not smart, user. 90% of the population doesnt go studying because they can get 4K at migros. Sure that's kinda the smart choice, but smart people would chose otherwise.

Wow, and it fits in a 1892*1678!

Being a potential programmer in Australia literally is bad, we have no sort of game industry here at all. You can be an Indie game dev at best.

A Chef with 6 years of experience tho is pretty neat, you'll most likely get a job with it. Shouldn't be a problem at all.

There's been signs that there may be an incoming recession, so hold off for a bit.

Oh and whatever the fuck you do, don't go to Melbourne. Liberal SJW shithole, Go to Brisbane if you want a pretty okay non-cancerous city to live in.

Make it stop

>as in literal african monkeys are here
Why are they still in your countrY?

They dont wanna stay in your country i guess.

>chocolate is worse than belgian

this is just a few battles from a short timespan. you and me are done talking, you unappreciative fuck.

> As a white, 1m90 85kg kinda educated European male
Turns out you have to assimilate or get fucked, not just 'be there'. It's the same rules for everyone.

Yes I can.

Maybe you're just a shitty person and no one wants to be your friend.

Really makes you think

>50% forign population
True but they have them under control
>almost everyone is albanian
Yeah, this is hardly true
>all swiss I've met are racist, jingoistic, anti-Semites
so what ?
>a small coffee costs ~10USD
It's the same in Scandinavia, idiot
>locals are unfriendly shitty people
Only to degenerates and sandnigs, I was surprised about their nice attitude, women and men
>chocolate is worse than belgian
As good as belgian, though
>too stupid to speak proper german
Le memes
>if you're not albanian you're italian
Med masterrace
>cold as fuck
Not colder than Southern Germany
>shitty meme architecture
>no history
>Protestand butthurt about strong Catholic architecture and relevance

Stop crying and just go back cuck. No one will miss you here because no one cares about you

They also have a taste for dog steak, much like North Koreans.

Go back to Africa Ahmed.

We have around 20% foreigners living in Switzerland, the vast majority are Europeans from Italy, Spain, Germany, France and Portugal.

Good people that work hard and when they become citizens they end up being more patriotic and Swiss than many cucked Swiss I know.

The minority of Ex-Yugos are a bit bothersome, but with each generation that passes they also become more and more Swiss.

>The few times I had Belgian chocolate I was thoroughly underwhelmed. Maybe those were just some cheap ones. You can get fantastic Swiss chocolate if you're willing to shell out a small fortune.

You have to go buy some in a specialized store in Brussel or Antwerps, not some mass production crap, it's expensive but certainly worth the money

>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID

Is no one noticing this Swedish shitposter? He's been posting threads about non-Sweden countries for days now. You have all fallen for shitty bait.

Thank you

Consider this: the last time we were involved in a war in this country was the civil war of 1847. A mindblowing total of 86 people died.


Stop proxyfagging you cuck.

> Good people that work hard and when they become citizens they end up being more patriotic and Swiss than many cucked Swiss I know.
Probably 2/3 of Sup Forums medpacks are secondos, and the meme is real.

I dont do games anyway m8, only game i play is Quake and only on the weekends pretty much.

Hows the salary, price of bread, milk and meat?

Right now im getting a little above 1000€ per month for 12-14h days 4-5 times per week.

same for swiss chocolate btw

Swiiss Army Knives > Swedish Fish

Sweden is pretty useless tbqh famalam.

>The minority of Ex-Yugos are a bit bothersome

I want all slavscum and Southern Europeans to get the fuck out of Central Europe and return to their third word shitholes. They are a drain on our resources and add nothing of value.

Maybe, maybe not, maybe fuck yourself. Is there something you do not understand in:
>The only new friends I made were exchange students.

this is a mainly protestant country and the architecture resembles nothing like Italy, France or Spain user.

As soon as I can and with the only regret of coming here in the first place.

>Sup Forumss boogeyman is albanians

did an albanian big cock fuck your wife OP?

ok ahmed

I guess it's the same like here: there's a lot of cheap mass produced shit sold as "Swiss chocolate" as a mere marketing ploy.

You forgot :
>Tax haven

>haven't been to war in almost 170 years
Cuck'd m8


What's wrong with low taxes? Less money for Mohammed?

Why can't you go back right now?