Racemixing is degener-

racemixing is degener-

>racemixing is ba-

I'm not cherry picking at a-



He's not mixed, he's just Arab.


Great,her mother just threw her genes down the toil-

his mother's white

His mother is English,his father is Paki.

Now post his height

where are the tits?

She's a mentally ill liberal and has a disgusting muffin top

>halfbreeds are ug-

>brown eyes
>flatter chest than most young boys
>shit colored hair that needs dying to like a white person

Liking fat girls is degenerate.

>liking bbw's
For fucks sake.

She's just plain Portuguese.

Fag-user here

He is a 4-5/10 at max

He looks like the kid who was popular in highschool and early college and developed no real world skills at all.

He now lives off his looks and mild popularity

>there's no dangers to racemi-

i didn't realize a fucking faggot who uses Sup Forums was a litmus test for attractiveness, Jesus christ why even mention your gayness its unnecessary


>god I hate when white guys date asian woman,and completely ruin their gen-

I'd rather have Euthanasia

With all these cutoff posts you would think candlejack were he

t.low test skelly fetishists

race mix are interesting

>brazilians are all monke-

You're just proving the point by posting a bunch of ugly mongrels

Keep the bloodline pur-

t. brit

Why do you know this?


Half asian men don't become angry beta-ma

WTF!? I love race-mixing now!

she looks like stacey dash(1/2 afro 1/2 mex)

racemixing is degener-

her mum is a kike anyway

another cute example

>I would never date a mixe

There is no such thing as a plain Portugese. There were visigoth who got conquered by muslims and there were some visigoth (btw they were white) who managed to defend Asturias. Later, when Aragon and Castilia were busy with reconquista any white person from Asturias could become a nobleman in these two kingdoms cause they were considered superior because they stopped muslims and stayed white.


literally monkey kek


>Brown nipples and areolas
Fucking disgusting

That's like saying there's no Anglo-Saxon identity.


please don't shitpost, They will think we are retarded as Serbs

It wasn't always like that. Seems to be pregnancy darkening that stayed, partially.

she does look good, but she had a surgery (you can see her having more negroidal face bones in her earlier pictures)

Stop memeing and post more THICC girls

Posts an irishman. Why are croatroaches so stupid?



wanna marry her right now


W why don't you want me senpai?

Take an Eurasia instead

>black women look the more attractive the more their facial features are closer to caucasian
in other news, water is wet

don't forget about millions of brown people and ape faces, not worth a few lucky good looking half breeds

Because black girls have the skin consistency of shit.
That's ignoring how loud their families are and how their hair looks like shit without a fuckton of expensive work done.

>no mixing allowe-

I bet she has to beat him off with a stick when he tries to hump her leg.