Why doesn't he use a computer?

Why doesn't he use a computer?

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Because he to stupid

Because hacking

he doesn't use email either, pic related.

It's unsafe and not needed.

Why would he use one?
He has minions who tell him what he needs to know

look, i know you probably only have a few minutes before they kick you out of whatever McDonald's you're stealing wifi from. We get it... you like your 10 pound Lenovo laptop because you can spill your daily two liter of Sam's Choice on it and it will still play your anime shows in glorious 1366 x 768 resolution on your flat, ugly matte screen. For people who actually do WORK and don't feel like hauling around a cumbersome, ugly hunk of 90's looking shit, Apple products are superior. Oh yeah, and they aren't that expensive for people who actually do work. Enjoy your used thinkpad

because his brain is 777,777x more powerful than even the most expensive supercomputer

He does

He uses twitter doesn't he, a smartphone is a type of computer.

LOL typical dutch faggot sucking apple cock.

Are macbook pros redpilled?

>he's a Macfag


I agree.

Why would u want NSA windows 10 in your office?

>imagine being at computers
>so fat you look and see food


Because he's a fucking retard, can we stop making threads about this faggot now?

What's the best way to build a modern computer without NSA spyware on it?


Your a retard. Trump is going to be great.

because he has a terrific brain


Your from hungry you should understand


>Expecting Trump to be stationary long enough to even use a laptop on frequent occasion

Trump is high energy. Frankly I am amazed he even has an office and even his office just looks like a place to store all his shit he gets.

Have you ever been really fucking busy to the point you never got to go online for a day or two? That is Trump every fucking day.

Jesus, the Dutch have come outta the woodwork today. What's the deal?

Build a computer with russian or chinese spyware instead.

He's too smart for computers.

You don't get to be worth 400 billion dollars without being a genius.

>Bill Gates gives 20 million to Hillary
>gives vaccines to India to extend their lives
>cock is still thoroughly guzzled on Sup Forums

at least i have games *drops pc*

he uses his willpower to send the tweets

I can't imagine what he has on his hard drive.

He actually works unlike you entitled faggots that spend 7 hours of your work day using your computer to shitpost, then complain about how much you hate your cushy desk job.

Lots of golden shower videos.

hes' 70. baron handles all the cyber.

He is rich, he doesn't need videos. He just orders a few hookers

his dad was a publishing genious

hes just a trust fund brat

His goyim tweet for him. Dumb mother fuckers.

>bailouts and bankrupt casinos

he's jack shit without muh daddy's monies

What? His dad didn't have the vision to see outside of fucking Queens. Trump brought the real fame and fortune to the family name.

No wonder he's always going bankrupt, look how disorganized he is.

His brain is a quantum computer you libshit faggot.

>messy desk

This is some woman tier bitching here. Take out the tampons before you type ladies.

if a messy desk is a reflection of a messy mind, what does an empty desk say?

Because of the above, I'll answer your question leaf. Real answer, get a raspberry pi and install Void Linux on it. Done. Extra Paranoid Mode: replace the kernel package with Linux-libre.

You can't hack paper documents from Russia

I know this saying and as someone that has worked in an office environment for going on 3 years now I never actually bothered noticing until now.

You just redpilled me on women and all their neat organized desks.

Generally a messy desk is a sign of a busy person

I know when I am busiest my workplace looks like shit, it's just the way it goes

only cucks ans neets are using computer. niggers are using smartphones.

>Hey user, why do you bring a pencil and paper to class instead of your laptop?
>I don't know, why do I have all As while you have a D average?

get rekt kid


Taylor Swift music.

Thank you for the answer burgerfriend. The raspberry pi looks interesting for minor tasks or automation project but I feel it doesn't quite replace a deskop computer.

He's 70, right? At that age, you're either one of the hundred people who invented modern computing or you're probably mostly computer illiterate.

How do you hack someone without a computer

>10 corner offices per floor


yeah whatever you say "kid"

Because he is important enough that all his electronic shit should pass through the hands of a fucking it security expert.

Does Al Gore still speak on global warming or did he pocket all his powerpoint money and now uses it for coke and high priced traps?


still speaks, still gets money, still walks around with suitcases full of blood. Not joking.

>Clinton campaign
>Too smart

For very good reasons I'd imagine.

Sure thing, bub.

He doesn't own Trump Tower.
The banks do.


yeah you´d like that wouldnt you, especially now when you got shills ruining the media around the clock.

smart guys dont go online coz they know better.

>Kurt Eichenwald

Because he is an idiot babyboomer.

Top Kek

>(pic related)

You'd be surprised. Put an efficient desktop environment on it like LXDE or XFCE, and you might not even see the performance differences in some use cases (e-mail,doc viewing, vid watching) Web-browsing will be impacted due to how fucking bloated browsers and the web are, but yes, you'd be surprised.

Because he doesn't need to. Helps against hacking too.

>tfw too intelligent to win the presidency

the next shit tier liberal argument will be:

"Drumpfs doesn't have any money at all because it's just fiat currency."

He doesn't trust the cyber yet. Chyna is doing the big things with cyber, bIG things, believe me,and there's no point in having a system that can be so easily compromised. We need good computer people, people who can do computers and cyber easily.

Because Barron is in charge of the cyber.

Because he was middle age before the desktop came into use.

>>he's a Macfag

he's just examining their product for evidence of communism, he found a lot of communist computer makers brainwashing people with communism many such cases, bigly

>tfw to intelligent to win

He's the old fashion man. Conservative.


thats a big chair

for you.

not having a clean, efficient desk like the germans.

This is a shop. The real one has a painting of hitler in the back.

aint gonna lie, i am diggin merkels "black planet" globe on her desk.



Might as well not even have a computer.

Looks like every evil guys office ever.

Gas the kikes etc etc

You shills have stamina.


That looks like the receptionist's desk at a mid-priced car showroom. 0/10 generic as fuck.

no german flag SAD!
many such cases

naked refugee sex slaves just out of shot

and notice how merkels desk has easy access to her fuzzy taco, where trumps desk has a "wall" protecting the twig and berries.

He only needs an iPhone with a Twitter app.

>His brain is a quantum computer you libshit faggot.
Every brain is a quantum computer user ;)


because he is a Russian puppet

a couple of boring text files, some family photos and the default browser with with breitbart and drudge bookmarked



I don't think he knows what he is doing right there.

>Kellyanne get in here
>How can I help you Mr President-Elect
>Look at what Barron just sent me. Cute frog pictures, don't you love it? They're the greatest.

400lb hackers

>a quantum computer


If he had a computer in his office he would be jacking off to porn all day long.

>>Kellyanne get in here
>>How can I help you Mr President-Elect
>>Look at what Barron just sent me. Cute frog pictures, don't you love it? They're the greatest.