'BREAKING NEWS: Body of a 16-year-old girl is found on a Rotherham pathway'

Fuck pakis


Same old sad story.
Still they havent the Situation under control.

'suspicious' because it was only covered in 2 pints of cum

I wish I could have had a turn with her first

she probably thought she was getting an exotic date and gifts
but in the end she rejected being the 3rd wife and was axed


Is this even news anymore?

It's simply just a fact that this will happen in our countries now unless "something" is done.

Low class trashy look. Don't really care who did it.

I guess they've raped the pretty ones away.


Looks like a normal teenage girl to me.

paki go home

I hate mudshits but I really can't get angry over some trashy tart dying.

I'm turning Muslim because Canada wont let me own women AKMs and smoke hashish.
But Islam will let me own all that.
Face it Islam treats their women like dog and does what ever
Can't wait to see it happen more in canada.
All these bitches going learn what real rape is and i cant be happier.
-love from canada


How'd you survive the Khmer Rouge and still be smart enough to use a computer?


Institutional intersectional racism forced their hands! Ban UKIP, OPEN BORDERS NOW

Airbridge with Pakistan when?


Seriously tho, Deus Vult when?

Not reported on the BBC.

Not suprised, look at the top 10 stories and mostly uttet shit.
Shows you the type of people who get their news from them.

Probably a sex slave who tried to escape from her Paki captors.

Isn't it about time pakis in the uk started finding their kids dead in the streets? I'd do it but I've got a bad leg at the moment

sometime after tue lol hard brexit is coming

then we can start clamping down on islam,force intergration and target the imams to stop preaching the vile shit and make it more watered down

we can also start deporting scum once we rewrite the human rights laws

Considering how our police behave when someone puts bacon near a mosque they'll probably throw every detective in the nation at that.

Also, remember the order of traitors and enemies.

>"""""""""""""Asians"""""""""""""" at it again

That wont happen and you know it. The government will actually import MORE Pakis.

When are you going to clean up your fucking country you degenerates.
Thank fuck for brexit, you might actually be able to get some things in motion now.