Christian fags btfo

Christian fags btfo

Why would you ban something the virgin Mary used to wear as a sign of purity and chastity?

Catholicism isn't Christianity. Islam is Catholicism.

You should know this, bong.

The difference is the virgin Mary wasn't forced under penalty of beating to wear her veil. fucking retards its not that they wear it its that there forced to wear it.

>implying she was wearing a viel when she gave birth to Christ

Liberals can go back in time apparently

Is there any bibilical or historical proof that she was wearing a veil? I'm assuming it was customs at the time but still


the nuns are still to-day wearing the veil

Catholics are disgusting, bunch of muslim loving faggots.

sorry, hijab

Great so only Muslims nuns can wear Veils.. problem solved.

If you aren't Catholic you aren't Christian

I think hes right and Ive always thought hes right. Modesty and chastity should NOT be banned. What should be banned is muslims.

Christ abolished that part of the law.

The whole of the law now is...

1. Love the lord thy God
2. Love your neighbor as your self

However, neither of these commandments that Jesus gave us are to be applied to government.

Also this.

False Equivalence Fallacy is a common tactic for Islamist Apologists; it's in the top three most commonly used fallacies by them.

>that flag
>t. mohammad

what the fuck is this shit

go commit idolatry somewhere else, leaf

we worship God here

Viva la polenta!

There's a pretty big difference between a hair-covering veil and a face-covering veil. The latter should be banned everywhere, and if not, it should be legal to allow anyone to hide their face by any means they see fit.

She didn't wear it as a sign of chastity. She wore it because it was fucking hot outside


Abrahamic religions were a mistake.

Hijab is a symbol of hate. Libshits btfo

you're a disgusting homophobe

Remind me - how did Muslims become such walking shitstains despite having such based family values?

Literally not sarcasm.

yes the cultural environment is completely different, but if the western societies were not secularized there would be no difference at all

>Why would you ban something the virgin Mary used to wear as a sign of purity and chastity?
Even the very concept of a God is a taboo in a state mandated secular society. Agnostics are outlaws too. Just as Max intended

Not really, considering they were designed from the start as a tool to enslave people and prevent them from making any real spiritual progress.
They work perfectly.

Was fairly common for women to cover there head in the Christian world until a few decades ago. Then the feminist nation attacked and now degeneracy prevails.

>One image is a proof
>tfw you are italian and you actually know what's going on but you like to see how ridiculous people are on pol
Am I the only one here who doesn't drink kool aid?

Well if any muslim woman is the mother of God than she can feel free to wear a hijab

>implying that the only chaste women AREN'T those who have not been chased



It's in their holy text to seek and kill nonbelievers, wherever they may be. It's "holy" to do so.

Literally the same as a nun's garb. Women being traditional is a good thing.

>have a beer on me

We just don't want women to be oppressed and slaves. If they are forced to wear full headcoverings including a mask that is wrong. If they wish to wear a cloth on their head for purity that is different. Nuns wear habits because they want too not because they are forced too by men.

Viva la polenta?

>all these hypocrite Americans ITT

1st amendment applies to ALL religions.
Just as the 2nd amendment applies to all citizens.

I don't like shitskins either, so I hope we import less, but the ones that come in legally get to enjoy the freedoms the constitution lays out.

If muslim women are being pressured to wear it, they have the freedom to say no. If violence is threatened against them, they have the freedom to shoot their attackers. If they choose not to exercise these freedoms, then that's their fault. Banning an article of clothing won't fix anything, it's just virtue signaling to people who hate muslims.

>The difference is the virgin Mary wasn't forced under penalty of beating to wear her veil

I'm pretty sure she was. Arabs and semites were scum back then just as they are today.

>let's not piss off a load of pseudo-jews because some other pseudo-jews do a similar thing

>It's in their holy text to seek and kill nonbelievers
That is also based. The only non-based part is that they are currently shit at doing it.


Digits confirmed, you're all niggers, peace out

>We just don't want women to be oppressed and slaves.


>women being traditional
>staring down at the Communicatory-Jew

Hijab ban is retarded. I can get behind banning the burqa and niqqab but not the hijab. How can you ban people from wearing a scarf on their head?

>if we all worship jesus on the cross, how can we ban crucifixion?

Did you know that Maroni means 'moron' in Italian. Well, now you do.

Equating a shawl worn on her own free will vs a ideological garment that is forced to be worn under threat of a beating.

Muhammad please go away, no one likes you around here.

Maybe 6 years ago
>Not part of the xenophobic party Lega Nord


Fuck off ask for source or SAGE!

It isn't true, Maroni means testicles

Stupid cuck, neck yourself.

I hope this guy fights against abortion, promiscuity, Sodomy, adultery, fornication etc. before concentrating on such trivial thing.

And also, thinking that wearing the same clothes as holy characters makes you closer to holiness is an islamist way of thinking, not a Christian one.