Brazil Cops

I am thinking of joining the police force in rio de janeiro but I don't speak Portuguese should I?

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are you suicidal?

Why exactly in Rio? You can also enlist to die while serving in your home country, Detroit for example

b-but brazil speaks spanish,maricon

Hot zone in need of cops

Fuck Portuguese it sounds like a drunk Russian who is trying to speak Spanish

bro, you gonna see some crazy shit

>Hot zone in need of cops
so is detroid
But detroid has less niggers.

why would you do that?

I'm not even in Michigan I live in New Jersey I'm an Italian

the carioca´s accent is not portuguese

Brazil Needs me more

Hope you like killing thin brown people

is it even possible to sign up as a cop in rio as an American?

Take No survivors

I'm sorry but what makes you even think you could handle the chaos that our cops go through? People are dying left and right the situation is about to escalate, this isn't some jerkoff fantasy.

Kill all the Monkey's

>rio de janegro


Heritage Nigger
>Great-grandfather served in Italy against the Austro-Hungarian Empire
>Grandfather Fought for Mussolini

Swedes are descendant of Vikings all are cucks
Also Italy sucked at both World Wars

Also your father didn't fight some war

Just do us a favor and stay home. We appreciate the support but hauling bodies is a pain in the ass and it would suck majorly to drag your dumb self all the way to some American embassy in the height of the carioca summer, which is really goddamn hot.

It also may come to your surprise but we fought against Mussolini and fascism in general isn't Brazil's ideology of choice.

Foreigns cant join it.

Also, Rio is a violent shithole.

He was born in America 1960s so he was too young for Vietnam war

Brazil didn't do shit in the second world war

A modest contribution for sure, but we were there.

A battle at the end of the war when the Germans were defeated
Bravo Brazil

Your point being?

Could have been useful in the East but hueniggers took the easy route

Dumb frog poster


Foreigners can join if they wish, as with most public jobs. They need to naturalize first, though.

They fought a lot in Italy too.

If you want to be corrupt and do ilegal things, sure. If not, don't. Also don't be a soldier, be an official. If you want to be honest, you'll have to ignore your corrupt coleagues activities around you all the time. Everybody knows about the "arregos" and "jogo do bicho" and shit like that. There's nothing you can do to change that. The country's morality compass is broken.