CNN is a bunch of faggots

Is CNN right? Are we losing faith in Trump?

I've got to admit. I didn't know what to feel until CNN told me what I should feel. Fuck drumpf.



((fake news))

of course, we aren't Trump's cheerleaders, we're meant to be here to be one of his harshest critics to make we can guide him to the right direction.

Unfortunately he is already playing up pretty hard with his blatant philosemitism.

if you had any faith in a billionaire jackass to begin with you get what you deserve.

I'm glad CNN told me to hate trump, I should've voted Hillary. She would've gassed all the jews, nuked Israel, and killed all nonwhites. Thanks CNN


what a time to be alive.


I just wanted him to become president. Now I don't care about him anymore.

these kikes are retarded, and yet they keep pushing whatever retarded story

Seriously you'd think they'd know when to actually stop. It's getting embarrassing to see.

I can't wait for him to get impeached and hilldog will be the next president. It's her time.

Is CNN ever right? No? Ok then.

shouldn't we speak about how the have hidden the e in alternative to fit everything?

Trump will eventually double down on everything and compromise with the Democrats. It's inevitable.

Sorry Sup Forumstards.

> Are we losing faith in Trump?


fake news

His isreali bootlicking is making me loose faith a little but I still know that his presidency will overall be a great thing for demographics.

Not even how it works...


Well Trump explicitly denounced white nationalists and racism just like the media wanted him to so this shouldn't come as a surprise.

there's no reason to do so

america was clearly fed up with the democratic party way this last election

republicans control everything now, including most state governments

you're living in a wishful fantasy world

she looks better as a frog president

I'm very sure this is the one anti-Trump prediction that will turn out to be correct, unlike the thousands of ones that preceded it that turned out to be wrong!

divide and conquer, fuck CNN and their fake as fuck fucking news

Now they don't only invent news, they invent words.
Folks, the reconversion is starting...

>msm floods alt right websites with anti trump shill bots
>use screenshot of posts to declare that we are losing faith In Trump

Trump's son-in-law is a Jew, a lot of business partners he's worked with are Jews. He likes the conservative Jews. It shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone that he's pretty pro-Israel. He just hates the Hollywood liberal ones and doesn't realize that they're two sides of the same coin.

Still, even if Trump is pretty pro-Israel, he's still more "our guy" than any other president we've seen in the last... fuck, maybe ever.

>make a "Fuck Drumpf" thread on Sup Forums
>report on the thread you made
Fake news at its finest

Hahahah we are the only thing worth talking about. They are obsessed

>tfw your norwegian organic underwater basket weaving forum is running Western society



>kike lover
>nigger lover
>wont build the wall
>married to a bimbo gold digger prostitute
>small hands
>son with autism

People should get in front of their cameras every time they air a story live and call them fake news for the lulz.

Just to fuck with them even more.

cute webm!

Its just demoralization.

Sup Forums of all places should recognize that the media will continue act as biased before the election as they will afterwards, and will do anything to sway public opinion against Trump, if only out of spite. The only power media propaganda has over you, is the power you let it take.

That's a MLK day CNN troll job

fuck ya'll get your shit together and read Sun Zu's Art of War these people who are trying to control the world didn't wake up yesterday they been awake since the beginning of time FUCK

Switching to criticizing trump for not deporting mexicans fast enough was always part of the plan.

I have faith in whoever gives me a good chuckle.
So far, Trump has been golden in that departement

I dont have faith in Trump to do anything but piss off the left, which is the only reason I voted for him, so as of right now I'm very happy

Fuck you, loser. We winning, buoy.

Do you think they hired somebody to read our shitposts all day and report back how the "alt-right" is feeling?

>posting fake news


going after the kid, thats a low blow dude

This is just the MSM unironically trying the "I am now a #CruzMissile" shtick IRL.

>We found 10 people on Twitter that didn't like Trump any more, this is clearly a statistically significant sample.

No politician has deserved faith since JFK; possibly Ron Paul.

I don't play bipartisan politics. I don't fall for the NWO puppet shows. Electing Trump was just memeworthy. Most newfags here unironically believe in him and are unironically National Socialists

Not even in the fucking office yet.

>Unfortunately he is already playing up pretty hard with his blatant philosemitism.
Implying this isnt a ploy a la Breivik to destroy the credibility of jews while doing the work of fascists

It's more like we won, and walls don't get built overnight, so there's not a lot to go crazy over. Though 90% of the front page of CNN's site is Trump related so maybe we're lagging behind them in enthusiasm.

Asshurt lefties now resorting to Propaganda

No, I think they hired people who wasted $40k going to """journalism school""" and have no idea what to write about, but their reddit friends gave them the scoop that Sup Forums and brietbart are important.

only degenerates do that shit

fuck off

Kikes love going after peoples family's.

>Trump wins
>all the reddit stuff cucks who supported him immediately turn on him and everyone else that supported him so the media can claim his fanbase is crumbling
totally not controlled opposition guys

I think you're right, I remember CNN posted about that last year.

No CNN, we arent

get the fuck off our goddamned board

I've been here for years ands it's flooded and more dysfunctional than ever, implying an outside presence

You don't get it, and you never will

Stay, and become on of us, Mr. or Mrs Journalist, and become one of us.

Before Sup Forums and after Sup Forums will leave you never quite the same.

this is some real shit-tier propaganda, man

How can I lose faith on him, he's still making lefties REEEE everywhere.


I can't wait for whites to be the minority and I bet the left still won't figure out why they lose.

Just so you guys know, TRS is jew-controlled opposition for CNN to pull quotes from.

You newfags let them label you "alt right"

Real anons would have never took sides or be labeled, you fucking cucks make us look terrible. I miss 2008 Sup Forums

whites are already minority

wtf I hate Trump now

wanna aware me on what this "TRS" thing is?

They keep sneaking in all these new terms and personalities that we're all supposed to worship or at least know about.

>CNN is now concern shilling

I'm dying
Sup Forums has never been this powerful

what a world we live in...

wtf i hate trump now

Definition of controlled opposition

>the alt right

this is why you never, ever let yourself be branded or have vocal leaders who, if taken down, will take you down with them



what faith,this country is so far left there wasnt any faith to begin with

Only newfag redditors accepted the alt-right label

No, but there's no reason to play nice with reddit now

Richard Spencer was never a leader of anyone except a small section of white nationalists who were too smart to be Stormcucks but too dumb to not still be fucking morons

fuck anyone who actually fell for his shit

Nope. Just a shitty leftist attempt to undermine the right wing.

I am?
Got any statistics to show me, CNN?

>ywn have Marla Maples bring you coat with a smile.

why live?

Spencer just playing CNN for more free media. Nothing to see here but 4d chess fuckery from the king of the north

by: Shlomo Shekelbergstein

They can't predict chaos. If we don't even know what we are doing, how can they even attempt to understand us?

donald trump's been doing a great job at undermining the right wing,you idiots wanted a god and you got stuck with a guy who's gonna be more liberal then he is conservative

if democrats were smart,they'd watch the next 4 years and smile as republicans fight with each other and cause all of the moderate republicans to become independents or democrats

>and Rebeca Moshowitz-Rosenbaum

Praise Kek

Lel no. His comments have been "I give no fucks" the last few days. BTFO media,NATO,Celebrities,EU and Merkel.

I've been laughing about it.
>whilst 50% of his family and friends are Jewish,Crypto Jew or Jew converted.
>Whilst vowing to make Israel and Britain great again not just America. The Triumvirate of Zionism.

We're the Illuminati now mate.

NWO rising and it's not the one they've planned for.

Praise Kek.

I've got to admit. I didn't know what to feel until Sup Forums told me what I should feel. Fuck CNN.

>Drumpf is literally Hitler!
>He'll eventually work in with the democrats
>Ergo democrats are Nazis

>"Blumpf is finished!! Says ever increasing news network for the thousandth time"

the notorious hacker 4chin is obviously the russian hacker CNN
Heard it here first, nice scoop for the unpaid cucks who post legit news.
Are you assuming that we are germanic nazis because you left out the 'e' in alternative. Such bigots at CNN

Guys since the doxing of TRS they really need our help and would really benefit from all the fans donating as much as they can to make sure nothing worse happens and the shows go on.

praise ron

that was fun

>if the democrats were smart
There're not. Which is why this bullshit is being published and the DNC is doubling down on the identity politics message. Which cost them the election, along with a myriad of other reasons.

Why would he when all 3 branches are now under control of the GOP and only 1% away from control of the Legislature itself so they could legally make amendments to the consitution.

Trump handed the GOP the biggest victory they've had in decades and shattered the "invincible" blue wall of the Rustbelt. They're all bending the knee except for the CIA.

After months of hearing the (((media))) complain about how Trump will gas the journalists, I'm going to be mildly disappointed when he doesn't deliver.

There is a solution to all of this..We fight to un-bundle cable.

Right now if you have cable you pay for CNN even if you don't watch it, half the cable channels are democratic propaganda outlets.

You can't vote with your dollar unless you cancel your entire cable subscription. They don't have to make programming you want to watch, it is literally communism.


>CNN comes on Sup Forums
>visits Sup Forums
>immediate confirmation bias
>believing anything on here

What's next? ESPN gets trolled into oblivion over on