Why don't Asians have any empathy towards animals?

Why don't Asians have any empathy towards animals?

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You tell me..

It's because Asians are not fully human. They havn't developed a moral compass and thus, they see animals equal to themself.

They're imperialist drones. They always have been.

If they weren't, they couldn't have held up central planning for so long

because animals are objects and not humans

because animals are food and exist solely for the use and entertainment of humans



Do you have empathy towards chickens, pigs cows, fish etc? No. There is no difference between a dog or cat and these animals, this valuation is truly a cultural construct.

But you'll ignore this because it takes at least a small sliver of an ability to examine one's presuppositions and you are here because you are mentally incapable of doing this.

You have to be a coward to do it. And deserve to die.

same reason that whites in the west are having sex with and pretending to be animals. it's determined by how far on the autistic spectrum a nation is.

Asia is pretty autistic, so you have them making retriever stew.

Europe and the west too, is autistic, but their autism manifests in an over-affectionate nature towards animals. frequently having sex with (1 in 3 American women have experimented with their pets) and dressing animals up and LARPing in huge furry communities.

it's in their untermensch nature

Orientals care only about themselves and will do anything to persevere at any cost, because of this mentality they care about no one, let alone an animal. Shit, they'll even watch cars run over children and pretend nothing's happening.

>implying I dont have cat

Because they have hard time developing sympathy towards each other; animals are not even in the radar.
You'd have to be an Asian to fully understand it.

they are subhumans

non-whites detected.

>Do you have empathy towards chickens, pigs cows, fish etc?
i wouldn't torture them for fun, wang. also dogs evolved with humans to be pets, hence why we feel more empathy to them.

gooks are subhuman.

I've shot at people for being mean to the neighbours dog

he approved

police never even came lol

>1 in 3 American women have experimented with their pets

Source of information?

Aren't whites the ones who do shit like this? Hypocrisy much?

every race does that.

We don't torture them with a blowtorch

Whites are empathetic and assume all the races are as empathetic as we are.

It's a naive assumption. They aren't like us.

See what I mean?

I will never find it humorous to burn a chicken or a dog alive. False equivalency you fucking empathy-lacking faggot.

Just because white people like to have sex and make out with dogs doesn't mean other races do.

>also dogs evolved with humans to be pets, hence why we feel more empathy to them.
but this is an argument of what is. Not what ought to be

They don't even care about people, why would you think they care about animals

Anyway that's the result of having a very high population density. More competition, less of a fuck to give

>Implying you're special for being a prepper on an imageboard
You should get a few more anyway, a single cat won't feed many.

At least we kill them quickly and painlessly.

We don't boil dogs alive and rip their fur off while they yelp out of pain. If you can't put out empathy for animals don't expect whites to be empathetic to you when WWIII finally kicks off.


Whites are cucks allowing doggo to cuck them with their women


>Why are subhumans so subhuman

only whites have empathy.

ironically, this means we need to destroy nonwhites

they are evil aliens

>wants to genocide a race
>cares so much about an animal
hypocrisy much?

because animals are nothing more than fur meat sources. Niggahs gotta eat son !

Animals are loyal.

Shitskins are just puppets and tools for juden.

Pretty easy choice really.

1 dog = 1 billion gooks, 2bh.

Aren't (((your people))) into dog fights , starving and maiming pitbulls just like the huge disgusting cowards they are?

My dog would never try to kill me or scam me. A nigger and a kike would.

Why should anyone of any race have any empathy towards animals?

Animals are only loyal to things that feed them.

Nice shop

dogs cant carry sacks of grains you fools

Cause we don't fuck dogs?

No. We, whites want to understand nature for not to be purged by it. For not to go the way of extinct species.

>Animals are only loyal to things that feed them.
And shitskins aren't even loyal to things that feed them.

Again, pretty easy choice really.

>he thinks dogs can't work
See dog sleds in Alaska you baka

I think I just figured out why shitskins don't like Animals and Whites do. We actually worked with them and farm and build shit. Shitskin only destroys.

A donkey can. What if exactly is your point?

>Why should anyone of any race have any empathy towards animals?

because it seperates actual humans from organic bipedal viruses that simply reproduce and eat.

>Animals are only loyal to things that feed them.

he says even though he's never had a pet

i had a phycologist tell me that being nice to animals is the first step to treating people properly.

Are you implying a white would never try it either?

Oh sorry, I chose the most sane interpretation - that you were talking about eating dog in general.

Instead you fucktards take one example of someone and say that literally billions of people are the same.

>implying they have more empathy for their fellow man

>listening to (((psychologists)))

Did you have mandatory therapy sessions after being caught raping your neighbor's dog?

animals are animals

objects are objects

a noun is a person place or thing

you are retarded

Because they're poor and hungry.
We used to eat cats here too in times of caresty.


It really is.

It's what you do when you have complete power over a helpless thing.

White people treat it well. Shitskin destroys.

Shitskins destroy everything.

sorry dumdum for listening to someone who has a Phd

Why don't we whites have empathy towards animals?

We love to boil lobsters alive.

People have pets of all kinds of species, and can become just as attached to them. Either all conscious animals are deserving of empathic consideration, or none are. Unless you are vegan you are a hypocrite. Trying to use a gradient concept such as "similarity to us" will not give you the results you want.

lol no, i live right by a university and chat with randoms a lot

Asians money number 1

Thats all they care about.

Go there and see for yourself.

Oh and its far worse in Muslim Asia.


Good videos on this channel.

That guy has drowned himself in estrogen therapy and spirolactone didnt he?

Well done sven.

Proportions, m8.

No where did I say that, but yes some generalization is needed to discuss topics like this. Whites in general have better laws against animal abuse and it's the Chinks that think boiling a dog alive before killing makes it taste better.

> also dogs evolved with humans to be pets

Pigs are smarter than dogs, by a lot.

if you torture animals you are a subhuman, i don't know what your point is. dogs especially. you deserve the gas chamber unironically. i would love to torture animal abusers, fuck, i would peel their skin off then throw them in acid lmao. that should be a tv show.

This, Asians scare the shit out of me.

Cats tastes better than Somalian cock.

Oh okay. I had to ask.

That's just women, Asian men are total bro tier. However for all women it is just about money. White, Asian, Black, Mestizo all women care about is money.


"It concluded that most invertebrates — including lobsters, crabs, worms, snails, slugs and clams — probably don't have the capacity to feel pain. Lobster biologists in Maine have maintained for years that the lobster's primitive nervous system and underdeveloped brain are similar to that of an insect"