Still Trying to Figure Out Rhodesia

Got very little feedback. Can someone please explain to me...

1. What was Rhodesia (other than "lol a country")

2. Why do I see it mentioned fairly often? (For example, the Fashthetic threads)

3. What happened to Rhodesia? (A little more detail than "blacks took over" would be nice)

Other urls found in this thread:

Rhodesia, now known as Zimbabwe. Ya know, the place that sucks ass now that blacks run it.



3 minute summary:

>Cecil Rhodes basically starts his own country in Africa because he's crazy rich in assets and influence and he can.
>Brings in/encourages white people to immigrate and help him run his state
>dies, white elites continue his project
>colonialism and empire dies away, no suppourt from Britain
>whites double down to suppress majority rule/civil liberties among African population
>violent rebellion and civil bush war
>genocide of white Rhodesian families
>south africa sees the writing on the wall and tries to help but it's too late

How do you convince a bunch of white people to move to Africa?

Really, how do you convince a bunch of people to move, en masse, anywhere weird and/or unstable?

Mostly the promise of the lifestyle you could live/money that can be made. Especially if you're lied to about how not shitty the place is.

Think about it, if you're some minor member of the aristocracy where you have to compete with thousands of other wealthier and more influential people just like you, and some wealthy guy with his own fucking country tells you you can basically live like a feudal lord in an exotic, warm far off land, it's not hard to see why some people might take that deal.

The whole "malaria" and "dangerous animals" and "lack of infrastructure" and "full of fucking Africans" parts would turn me off, even if there was less rain than England.

Could stuff like this -- encouraging and actually getting large populations to migrate somewhere -- happen today?

I imagine they had created something beautiful. At the time when Cecil Rhodes was alive they probably had a society based on western ideals but in an african climate. I'm sure people who had never traveled in their lives would relish the opportunity to see more of the world, without having to give up a lot of the comforts their own culture provided.

Wrong post.

"Based on Western Ideals"

But still full of fucking Africans, no?

>The whole "malaria" and "dangerous animals" and "lack of infrastructure" and "full of fucking Africans"

Thats the thing though. These problems were completely under control in RHODESIA. Zimbabwe though......

but this was at a time when it was legal and expected to dominate them if they fucked with you

Thanks for the flag.

Zimbabwe sucks because the CIA put Mugabe in power, nothing more.

Had Patrice Lumumba survived, there very could still be a Rhodesia.

Though, I doubt with the constant foreign intervention it would have lasted long. Rhodesia was a very isolationist nation state if it could be considered one.

Basically. They became pretty isolationist and hardline about Apartheid.

It bit them in the ass more than anything.

That, and going against Mugabe who was propped up by both the west and the east at the time in an all out neo-imperialist cluster fuck spelled doom for them.

Sure niggers clearly are a big problem, but not as far as turning off settlers who probably had little first hand experience with lesser apes.

Also look at liberals.

>My google is broken, please spoonfeed me everything thank you

Liberals never threaten to move anywhere with Africans or Mexicans. They always threaten to move to even whiter places, like Canada or Scandinavia.

Given that this is a pol thing about an apartheid country, I figured anything I googled would just be leftist spin.

Wasn't Mugabe sponsored by the Chinese?

I assume that when it -started- it wasn't under control. Curious how they convinced a bunch of Brits to just set up shop in Africa.

Rhodesia was literally the leftist wetdream.

A multicultural nation of blacks, whites, and even Asians enjoying life peacefully and with prosperity in Africa. With food. Lots of it, they were the breadbasket of Africa. This was also happening during apartheid, mind you, just next door.

Then a mix of paramilitary factions from outside Rhodesia, including a certain Mugabe, basically started harassing and staking claims in Rhodesia, forcibly elected him, and it all got fucked and became Zimbabwe, which has starving seasons.

Oh and the U.S., England, and China all helped him do that. U.S. and England tried to spin their way out of it by calling Ian Smith, the last president of Rhodesia, a racist who tried to push apartheid even though he was one of the men responsible for Rhodesia's prosperity.

I wasn't clear, I meant that liberals will deny the truth about dindus who live next door to them. If we have so many liberals who think that diversity is a strength even when live amongst blacks it's not so hard to imagine there would be people willing to colonize africa. I know many liberals don't live with blacks, but those are the affluent ones, I live in washington, perhaps the most cucked state in the US and we have plenty of poor liberals who perfectly happy living in a degenerate fuckhole because it shows how loving and progressive they are.

portugal betrayed them
we could have been so much greater

>They became isolationist
I think you mean every western country on earth abandoned them.

>Build wonderful society in the middle of Africa
>everyone bitches that whites are in control
>know exactly what will happen if you let retarded half-apes run things, say no
>everyone refuses to associate with you
>give your country to the blacks and flee
>it turns to shit where people are starving and a trillion Zimzams will buy you some dirt to eat and piss to wash it down with
>look on with sadness as exactly what you said would happen destroys the beautiful nation you built

I don't know any liberals who actually live in the ghetto, so your experience is new to me.

Growing up, I was very anti-racist and multicultural. I was a kid absorbing what everyone taught me. Then, I went to an inner city high school, and bam, racist as fuck (though, I mostly hate ghetto/black-american culture and I'm fine with fine, upstanding black men from other cultures or who have divorced themselves from the ghetto).

The most interaction liberals have with blacks in America is Brooklyn -- which is just leftist yuppies mostly bankrolled by their parents -- and rallies, where everyone's acting like a fucking nigger, white and black.

High quality version of this meme. but there's no chance Portugal had the population/treasure to keep its colonies going.

Apparently this was Ian Smith at the end.

(I did some reading since I posted in this thread)

Basically white people WE WUZING over african land.

1.) British colony that didn't want to become a country.

2.) Lots of people here like it for being racist even though it was actually less racist than Apartheid.

3.) Robert Mugabe, a Marxist, Black nationalist leader took control of the nation and drove it into the ground. He kicked out Whites and other non-African ethnic groups and caused a famine.

And yes it's THAT Samantha Power -- our current Ambassador to the UN.

Compare Salisbury in the 60's to modern day Harare. It's night and day. Mugabe fucked over that nation

At the time it was mostly plains with a few native tribes. Think of the American west but with Blacks.

I expect this to be America's fate.

First Angola and Mozambique went (the Portuguese were murdered en masse), then Zambia and Rhodesia and finally South Africa.
It's the story of a colonial country that was built from dust into the bread basket of Africa, promised dominion (Like New Zealand) by Britain if it federated (which it did) and then denied it - unless it gave the country one man one vote. The only problem was that 70% of the country was still in the neolithic-bronze age. They were denied Dominion by Britain and so like America ,they declared Independence. The West plunged them into total 100% Sanctions for claiming independence. Worse sanctions than Iraq. Only South Africa supported them. At the same time Russia and China trained and armed rebels in the countries around them and attacked.

They held on against incredible odds and were always victorious. They acquiesced to one man one vote with ONE stipulation. NO Communist majority. Small concession right ? During their second election the populace was terrorized to vote for the Communists and Robert Mugabe took over. That was 40 years ago. Mugabe is still the Dictator. Meanwhile he stole all the white farms and plunged the country into starvation after killing 10's of thousands of Blacks and printed so much money that a loaf of bread cost several quadrillion dollars. That obviously killed anyone's life savings..

40,000 white people are still stuck there with no rights, no representation. The old are dieing of very treatable disease and infirmities.
Many of them only eat when food is given to them. There are no jobs and their money and life savings became worthless many years ago.
In a country where thier fathers and grandfathers were born.

It's a shame on the entire civilized world for letting it happen.
It's the story of a country that fought against 100:1 odds and never lost. They were betrayed by their closest ally for who they had spilled blood to protect for a 100 years.

No country for old men:

I love these whenwe threads. So comphy.

Seriously petitioning to join a white paramilitary anglo outfit.

Rhodesia's Rebellion: 50th Anniversary of UDI

Fun Rhodesia

Requiem for Rhodesia

Karin Smith (radio Free South Africa)

Goodbye Rhodesia 1979

History of South Africa Pt 10 of 12 Rhodesia 1890-1980

History of South Africa Pt 11 of 12 After Rhodesia.... Zimbabwe

Rhodesia, our Brothers in Arms

Looking For Mercy (Zimbabwe Documentary) - Real Stories

Ian Smith (former Rhodesian PM and probably the last trustworthy politician in history) has sadly been proved right

"It was easy to mock Ian Smith, but he was right - both about the betrayals and about the quality of most African politicians." PM Botha from SA agreed 100% with him in his last interview.

"However ponderous, however humourless and unsophisticated he was, Smith had run a successful emerging African country and, although the whites were the main beneficiaries, there was increasing prosperity among the black population.

Above all there was a sound, intelligently managed economy, free from the post-colonial blight of corruption."

Two very related and brief histories


Ian Smith has the last laugh in his grave

The most tragic even of the last 60 years

Zimbabwe was British Colony known as Southern Rhodesia (named after famed British explorer Cecil Rhodes) from 1890-1965. An unusually large amount of permanent white settlers immigrated, originally because of its amazing farmland and later due to its strong economy and perceivably endless opportunities. This also led many working class British and other European immigrants, especially in the years following World War Two. Its success also drove whites from other African colonies to flock to Southern Rhodesia. It achieved self-governance in 1923, partly due to its participation in World War One.

By the 60’s, African Colonies from all nations (minus Portugal) were being released with black majority rule. Whites in Southern Rhodesia felt they deserved independence after four decades of self government, well over half a million white settlers, and a large economy. But by then, Britain had adopted a policy of No Independence Before Majority Rule (NIBMR). Rhodesian leadership found the idea of majority leadership terrifying, said FU to the United Kingdom and on November 11th, 1965 declared their independence from them – the only other country in the world besides the United States to do so.

The country remained afloat due to growing enough food for their entire population (due to white farmers who had been farming on some of the world's best farmland there for generations) and trading with the only two countries friendly to them – Portugal and South Africa.

Rhodesia fought rebels supplied by the Soviet Union until 1979, when they agreed to and “internal peace” and changes to leadership. President Mugabe’s rebel group, ZANU, refused to acknowledge the peace and fought for another year, when Rhodesia officially submitted to ZANU and its native populous.

>Enlisting to support white Zimbabweans

Zimbabwe's main crops once included sugarcane, maize, coffee, cotton, and tobacco. Once known as the “Breadbasket of Europe”, agricultural output declined sharply during the Land Reforms starting in 2000.

Most farms in Zimbabwe were white owned, and had been for generations. After Rhodesia became Zimbabwe, Mugabe pledged to “redistribute” the land. White-owned farmland employed over 30% of Zimbabwe’s workforce, and accounted for almost 50% of all the nation’s exports.

In 2000, Mugabe opted to “fast-track” the land reforms and organized thousands of soldiers to march on white farms, violently ejecting them from their homes and killing them - along with their black and white workers - if they resisted. This continued until 2013, when every single white owned farm had been redistributed. Unfortunately, most farms went to members of Mugabe’s inner circle, and the rest to people without the knowledge or equipment to fully utilize the farm. While in 2001, Zimbabwe was the world’s sixth largest producer of tobacco, they were making ⅓ that a mere four years later. Maize crops had been reduced by 31% in the same period. About 45% of the population is now considered malnourished, while that wasn’t even an issue beforehand. Most of the country now relies on humanitarian aid.





Rhodesia was a British colony that was going to be forced to majority rule and thus declared independence from the crown to prevent this.

This started the Bush War where black Soviet aided military movements against the Rhodesian government which was now facing international backlash for its role in avoiding majority rule. At this point, Rhodesia only really had soft allies in Portugal and South Africa and managed the war incredibily well.

In 1980 or so, Ian Smith, then Prime Minister of Rhodesia, agreed to talks with the British crown as a mediator eventually resulting in the country of Rhodesia-Zimbabwe. The British government claimed some protections for white farmers, such as willing buyer, willing seller, and the system was ultimately majority rule. In the first election Ian Smith lost his position as prime minister, but became a figure in the politics of the country as a member of the opposition. Mugabe's regime took power in an often disputed election. Mugabe was hailed a hero of democracy in the West, and was an extremely popular figure for the next few years as the country went on relatively as normal.

In the late 1980's pressure from the military on Mugabe's government forced the government to backtrack on willing seller willing buyer policies and white farmers were forced to sell their lands to the government for redistribution. Over the next three decades, the government has skated from controversy to controversy as the once rich nation has forced its industries into the hands of cronies who have run them into the ground. Ian Smith eventually left and died in South Africa around 2006. The country itself has experienced a devastating decline while the government has been accused of numerous human rights violations while the white population has mostly been forced into exile or been exterminated.


I don't know if you're shitposting or serious, but I agree, and I'm not sure it can be stopped.




If the power gap between the natives is laughable, and there is no direct competition for resources, why does it matter?

This would be like arguing that Rhodesia was full of gazelle. So what?










If America does fall, it will be slightly different.

There are already places lost completely and decades in the future there will still be places that are over 90% white here.

I imagine it will look more like the collapse of Yugoslavia.

Cecil Rhodes

Self determination, might makes right, all that

also /k/s wet dream

Interesting timing, user. I found an old Saturday Evening Post from May/June of 1978. There was a huge article inside, making a case for Rhodesia. It was a letter written by Ian Smith. Fascinating to read it through the lens of today's Zimbabwe.

>mfw Rhodesia is no more


And then the Black population exploded.

Not true about South Africa - one of the biggest daggers in the back came from Vorster. He thought he could buy time for South Africa by selling out Rhodesia. He wasn't too bright - once the cold war ended so did the US need for using South Africa as a ally against the Soviets and Cubans. He was shortsighted.



Reminds me of the fact most blacks in South Africa claim it as their homeland yet historically migrated into South Africa over the last century; There are very few actual pre-european south african natives left.

I've been looking for sources to back up this fact.

>This kills the liberal.

Take pic nigger

Ok. But why the shorts? Shorts in a war? Ouch. Itchy. And scrapes and stuff.

No wonder they lost.

Always wear pants in a war, bros.

Up until that point South Africa (that's where almost all their oil came from) helped Rhodesia as well as through Renamo to get ZANU. PW Botha talks about it in his last interview. The South Africans definitely helped Rhodesia until they thought they could appease the US case against aparteid by backing away from Rhodesian support.

They never lost the war...
They were betrayed politically by their kith and kin.

The whole world turned its back on Rhodesia. Very sad.

Bumping with Rhodesian Ridgeback, a fine cattle dog.

when I say "letter" I mean it's five full magazine pages long, I'll throw some together real quick though.


The Carnation revolution in Portugal changed everything. Ian Smith realized that Rhodesia was a pawn for South Africa. He didn't have a choice, and took the support he was given. South Africa had it's own agenda under Vorster.

Rhodesia really blew it in 1923 when they had a referendum to join the Union of South Africa and decided against it. If they had, the combined white population would have been ~1/3, more unified, and with more political/military clout.

Some are still stuck there...

Mainly because of these

>white families
>all armed because africa
>probably great soil
what the fuck that would've been great

Yes of course that is correct... here is an interesting quote from Kenneth Kaunda to Vorester
“He negotiated with President Kenneth Kaunda, who had been voted in as “President for Life” in Zambia, which was done with go-betweens. Kaunda said, ‘look, if you sort of ditch Rhodesia, and go against Rhodesia, stop helping them, then we’ll recognize the South African Apartheid government, because we understand you’re just another tribe in Africa, albeit a white one’


And that's how South Africans became kangz.

I am sure there are endless discussions between Afrikaners and diaspora Rhodies about joining the Union of South Africa. At the time though the Rhodesianas were, "more British than the British" and the 2nd Boer War would have still been fresh in some minds.

thread related has links with info on it by a mercenary on the ground

Such beautiful voices, brings me to tears

I thought Rhodies where bred to hunt lions?

seems like rhodesia was far less racist than rhodesia desu

some zimbabweans like ian smith nowadays for opposing Mugabe and not leaving like half of whites there but i know very few who like apartheid leaders

anyone who read his book can confirm?

>probably great soil
It included some of the most fertile land in the world and was the breadbasket of Africa. It had the highest literacy rates in Africa, world competitive universities, developing arts, the works.

When Mugabe became dictator for life he acknowledged that he was taking over the shining jewel of Africa.

self-sufficient African country? (((SHUT IT DOWN)))

Here's a song sung at school bu Rhodesian children.
Goto 3:04 (3 hours 4 minutes)

Found a better video of it

Rhodesian Children singing We''ll Ever Cherish Thee

Rhodesia's National Song, by Jack Watson.

Once a column came a-marching
In the long, long, long ago,
And they came to found a country
That the world would come to know;
It was built on toil and courage
Out of what was wilderness-
So they gave us this our country
To preserve and ever bless.
The early fathers of our land
Have left their trust in us,
On guard for all they won we stand
As those who follow must,
Rhodesia, our homeland
We stand on guard for thee,
Rhodesia our homeland
We'll ever cherish thee.
Once a column came a-marching
In the long, long, long ago,
And they came to found a country
That the world would come to know;
We who follow will remember
That to them this land we owe-
And to others who will follow
When it's time for us to go.
The early fathers of our land
Have left their trust in us,
On guard for all they won we stand
As those who follow must,
Rhodesia, our homeland
We stand on guard for thee,
Rhodesia our homeland
We'll ever cherish thee.

last bit I'll upload, I'd like to know how the country today compares to the rest of its neighbors now. off to read some crap.