How well do you blend in with the liberal normies?


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Really well.

Until I mention which races I would genocide.

I don't

So you have aspergers?

I suspect so...

By wearing my MAGA hat but telling them im just being ironic.

100% assimilated, like a reptilian or a jew

Of course some faggot would make a steve jobs pepe.

And people actually believe you?

I don't associate with progressive libs.
When I do I don't hide my political beliefs when push comes to shove about it.


Just fine. I don't really give a fuck, but sometimes it's just easier to leave the power level hidden.

Well enough. I start to slip up if I drink too much.

say nothing about politics

why are you shilling your shitty video

Drinking makes it work better. Because then when they start to flip out and all yell at once you really just don't give a shit about it and start carpet bombing them.

It's win/win because either they get upset enough to not want to talk about it or you wind up in an interesting conversation with somebody who didn't think it would be acceptable to be politically incorrect.

>how autistic are you?

Haven't done so well lately. I lost a friend of 20 years after joking about gassing the kikes race war now.

This, but usually around closer friends. It's weird, they're liberal but like me regardless of my views. Conversations about politics always end badly though.

He clearly wasn't your friend then, despite your fuck up.

after 2 slip ups early red pill, (called ignorant , xenophobe etc)
Learnt fast not to express my opinion in groups or with normies. but also redpilled alot of friends/acquaintances who i saw promise in.
Most of the people i red pilled were alpha's dont think beta normies can swallow the red pill

Nah m8 I did fuck up. I'm a belligerent drunk, and always baiting the guy when he's got kids and shit. The key was I forgot that his twin brother married a like and is raising little kikes.

Not changing my views naturally, I imagine hell reach out once the inevitable divorce occurs.

I slowly redpill normies.

When someone asks me my political beliefs I tell them. Only exception would be at family parties, ugh I hate those. If you don't like what you hear you shouldn't have asked.

I have no problems with Jews, just liberals and cultural marxists.

Is this normal in Holland? It's the opposite for me, only the closest people to me know my beliefs.

Pretty well, everyone is a liberal nowadays, I just need to be careful when I have a few pints and start being not so good at hiding my true power level.

I lost a couple of """friends""" that way, over really petty shit too, it's not like I was starting another beer hall putsch.

Doesn't always work.

i'm american indian. if i do meet one, they automatically assume i'm a leftist following nature worshiper. they'll eventually bring up some leftist bullshit and talk about it assuming i agree with them. they get so angry when I voice my counter opinion.

Me neither but come on, secular Jews are some of the biggest pearl clutching liberals that support every type of degeneracy out there.

I've had better luck with more conservative Jews.

I see it as a weakness, people are afraid to consider views that go against the grain. Fuck them.

I dont care anymore i say what i think. I used to just stay quiet but now i cant. Some girl the other day was bringing up how cool it was to have trans friends and how she had like 6 and kept budging me to give my opinion on it and i just flat out said trans are freaks and mentally ill and someone who associates with so many of them must be too. She took it better then i thought but i still ended up cock blocking myself later in the night when the refuegee question came up. I gotta say tho it felt good not bending over for some pussy and saying what i wanted to i cant go back to just keeping it in

That's why I have no problem with them. The conservative ones tend to be bro-tier in my experience.

I hope you tell the white liberals to fuck off and more

Keep persisting, most women deep down don't like submissive betas

Some but I think most of them are only afraid you'll spiral out of control and socially bring them down with you.

I remember a bloke that had his life turn to shit after he started being angry at some arabs that mugged him or something. It was amazing to see how fast he went from popular fun guy at the pub to a social outcast, soon after his wife divorced him and I haven't heard about him since.

Fucking hell that is sad. I find it amazing how far people go to be offended on someone else's behalf.

Not bad at all, I've grown out of my 'le red peel' phase and it's not hard to convince people of your viewpoint when it's reasonable.

An entirely subjective word in the political sense.

They think I'm king liberal normie, despite the fact that I've never capitulated to a single liberal discussion in my time with them.

they seriously think I'm a pro-gun, pro-life, anti-tranny fascist liberal. how does one do this, you ask?

Only have these discussions while they're high. They retain the information subconsciously but when asked to recall it they only seem to have warm fuzzy feelings and a vague concept of what was said in their memory.

reasonable in that you don't push all your views all at once
if you start a political conversation with 'the jews control everything, here are 60 books you need to read to understand' don't be surprised when people think you're a total nutcase

Your statements are contradictory. How can they think you're "king normie" if they know that you are all of the things you just listed, which are for the most part not normie tier stances.

I have a big moustached beard with an undercut mohawk.
When I'm dressed for work with my hair covered I could pass for a hipster, but in my own time I wear motorcycle club leather jackets, baggy jeans, and hoodies.

I'm an old school metalhead who just happens to be millennial aged. As soon as I started my car or open my mouth it's clear where my allegiances are

I say "like" all the time and smile a lot, and when they voice any political opinion, I agree with them.

It's a nu-pe actually.

I work in an exttemely liberal kike industry. I play dumb and tell the truth, i think politics are a racket.
I dont mention i truly love god-emperor-elect Trump.
I also dress conservatively. I fucked up with lomg term friends early redpill and lost one. Now i am verrrrry cautious to discuss (((them)))

I blend in by not trying to blend in. Everyone wants to be "different". Some people seem horrified by the things I say, but I always give them my reasons for saying the things I say.

For instance, I was discussing "diversity" with some normies just the other day. They were horrified when I said I wanted to save diversity by keeping the world diverse (aka immigrants stay in their own countries and not flood ours).

I mentioned how only Caucasian countries actually enforce demographic changing "multiculturalism". After doing so, many of them actually have started looking into it for themselves. I still haven't dropped the "Jew bomb" on them yet, I'll save that one for when the time is right.

What about just say "I'm neutral and don't give a fuck about politics" ?

I look like a hipster so they just assume that I'm one of them. I just smile and nod while trying to quietly slip the less indoctrinated ones small red pills

They'll think you're a moron.

I don't. Most know I am right wing, but I act nice towards all races; they have no idea I'm basically Iron Pilled at this point.

I live in Cuck York City. I constantly need to hide my power levels from friends, co-workers, acquaintances, random people i meet, etc.

Even my gf, who is center-right, doesn't know my true power level.

I just want to own a gun but I don't want to go through hours of paperwork, pay $1500 in fees, get my friends to write letters of sanity to the NYPD, and they still may not give me a license. Even if I do get one, I have to keep my gun unloaded and separate from any ammo. What the fuck is the point?

Sad thing is, I can't move because I work in (((TV/Film))) so no matter what, I have to work/live in a libtard city like NYC or LA


As a liberal, pretty well.

Nobody notices my autism due to my superior genetics and atheistic.

I'm a faggot half-jew. I blend in perfectly until they ask me about my politics. I never lie about my beliefs, so I've had some horrified normies try to wrap their heads around my nationalistic beliefs.

Got into a political debate with 2 lib friends at a bar, mostly about trump and me destroying their arguments about racist, xenophobe bla blah blah. Then, a wild black veteran trump supporter appears, and single handedly BTFO my two lib friends and made their heads explode.

press F to pay respects


Fuck off

Why is that? Can't you just say you are something in between right and left? Center is that how it's called right?

I love how Leftists think non whites are automatically leftist, when in fact whites are the only people altruistic enough to support policies that go against their collective interests.

Most of my associates are right-leaning or full on 1488.
One female I work with is an actual communist. She makes nazi jokes at me and I make helicopter jokes at her. Everyone thinks it's all in good fun. She'll get what's coming to her eventually.

Openly supporting geert wilders is a social faux pas in most situations.