People of color of pol unite!

people of color of pol unite!

up yours nigger

And then gtfo.

I wouldn't mind having all-Negro auxiliary units in my Army. Someone is going to have to clear those minefields.

hol up... we wuz delegates and shieet????

hey m8

Greece kek

Hey man, I got your back any day. MAGA.

Black and white aren't colours remember? primary school colour theory there...

Being white is the best thing a person of color can be.

>Whoaa, look at this based black guy with a Trump hat! The democrats are the real racists!

The proper nomenclature is colored people.

Make sure you wear blue jeans pulled up all the way so there's no unfortunate accidents on the dotr

sup negro

when you woke AF

Fucking idiot. Nig that are desperate for whitey's attention piss me off



I love black people who support their real interests. Don't be a jim crow prop for racist democrats. Don't be a victim to their handouts and backhanded racism like "black people can't afford IDs" - everyone has an ID.

Vote for your brothers and sisters who want you to have a good job, a good home. You DESERVE the right to own a firearm to protect your family from thugs and pushers.

You deserve to not be a prisoner shackled to the cities.

You deserve to move away, live in a good neighborhood with good schools.

Don't buy the drugs the dems are selling, come make America great again my brothers.

git out uncle tom

"call me shaun king"

In general, I don't like people of color.

BUT I definitely prefer conservative people of color FAR more than any ultra liberal whites.

There's no group I hate more than SJW ultra left wing whiny ass cunty as fuck white people.

I would side with a Black conservative every time over any liberal white fucks.

Anyone else feel this way?


you're a good black man

Am i colorful enough for pol?

cyka blyat idi nahoi

How tall are you?

typical cornball brother shuckin and jivin for the white man

wake up!

>that nose

Kill yourself kike

183 cm

>China is ripping us off in trade

Noice. You've made it


Iris scanned and entered into database.

i'ld fuck the shit outta her if you know what i mean

i do not know what you mean

I had no idea that Tien had a transformation




You guys may go "OMG BASED MEXICAN/BLACK GUY" but culture, statistics and democrats say otherwise.
Consider yourself lucky, op.

>lil reese is that you

Also fuck off nigger

Jaleel, thanks dude.

White is a colour

>if I support Trump, white people will finally pretend to like me

>civic nationalists

Yeah Ben Carson is like 1/1000000000000000000. Nice statistical cherry picking nigger lover.

i feel that way
she is hot
a conservative white girl is far easier to find, and far better in every way
like half a percentile of black women arent democrat stooges

>she is hot

Gtfo back to l*ddit zoo-whore loving faggot. God this place is getting destroyed by your ilk.

shut up leaf you're heading for the oven long before any black person.

fuck off turbo nigger

i think he's saying he would copulate until she defecates. sounds gross desu senpai.

can you not read
>a conservative white girl is far easier to find, and far better in every way
>like half a percentile of black women arent democrat stooges
in no world do i prefer niggers to white girls
but give me a right wing black over a blue haired, nose pierced 300 pound feminist


I'm tired of you niggers.

I'm tired of you stinking up my country

I'm tired of you stinking up my city

I'm tired of you stinking up my place of work

I'm tired of you stinking up my school

I'm tired of you stinking up my neighbourhood

And I'm fuckin tired of you stinking up my website!

Sup Forums is a white board! Go to "le r_thedonald XD" if you want people to lament to you about being a "based" groid

whaddup willis
whatchu need?

i'm tired of you fucking up my continent.

Lmao! This website is dead.

trump would either call you "my african american" or have you thrown out of a rally. Good job branding yourself a retard

Mexico is worse than Canada you dip. Stop falling for "le weed man le cucked canada" memes. That's just Toronto and Vancouver you ass.




How do i properly season chicken?

Mexico is a source of cheap labor and hella drugs and is totally dependent on the US.

Canada on the other hand is the source of atrocious Sup Forums posts and dull brainless liberals. Sorry but you're destined for the oven.


this, there is no chance white nationalism will ever get a foot in the door in the americas
in europe, I support a white nationalist government, but that simply wouldn't happen in a liberal colonial country like australia or america, its civic nationalism or no nationalism unfortunately

Make like a syrup nigger,

and leaf.

Fucking cuck, desu

this, leafs btfo lmoa

I would, had that fine continent not been overrun with niggers as well. However Canada is the white man's land, sorry Tonto, we conquered it fair and square.

Dude you're a fucking retard contradicting yourself. You think drugs are a good thing but I'm the brain dead liberal??? Fuck you you fuckers actually ruined Sup Forums, especially Sup Forums

you're retarded if you think drugs are bad LMFAO

Tedrone Cruzins

>muh safe spaces
>not judging a man by the content of his character
Honestly you guys are no different from libtards. They just inverted your opinions. You are, like them, the enemy with western civilization.

cool more retard opinions. we're going to use our leaf blowers to force you into the arctic sea.

Civic nationalism is retarded and utopian. Let me tell you why. It is multiculturalism, but you assume that the other races won't get uppity and shit like usual in order for it to work. Well sorry, they will always get uppity. Only some will be satisfied. This is why with niggers you lose. So fuck you, cuck, and fuck you for quoting MLK. Race traitor.


>whites are the enemy of western civilization

i bet you are one of those guys who don't care if whites become a small minority here as long as minorities go to church and vote GOP right?

Nice comeback man

Yes he is a member of the (((alt lite))) like Gavin McInnes, Cernovich, Lauren Southern etc. and 99% of the newfag cucks on this board.

Fuck you slanty, go fucking kill another whale


yeah, they find one conservative black guy and next thing you know the whole black race is based and race differences are only due to democrat policies. it's fucking pathetic.

And when I explain why that's retarded they just got "fucking leaf"

Not a new fag, so firstly -



syrup nigger, GTFO
rice niggers, GTFO


Sup Forums, like everywhere else on the internet, is full of idiots.

Blacks are not a problem at all, niggers however, are.

Black =/= niggers
There are many types of niggers.


yeah unfortunately a lot of the reddit fags just think trump means "diversity, just with conservative values".

that's nonsense. nigger clearly means black, just as spic clearly means hispanic, and chink clearly means chinese.

do you call asians niggers? do you call blacks spics? of course not, because each race has their own derogatory word.

i don't call chinese immigrants here niggers because that doesn't make any sense.

Back in 2007, it was a blackman on that linked me to Sup Forums

Fucking nigger ruined my life

go back to r/the_donald

Civic Nationalism is possible.
White Nationalism is not.

Aim for what we can hit.

Regular nigger, GTFO

Civic nationalism is just cuckservatism. All you guys want to do is protect low tax rates and Christianity.

Well guess what, many African countries are Christian and pay low taxes, yet they are shitholes.

You can't have Western society without Western people. I'm fine with civic nationalism as a stepping stone to race nationalism, but I don't want that to be the end goal.


>there are people that can only WISH that they were WHITE

The issue is, Civic Nationalism is widely accepted and would be accepted for generations. Ethnic Nationalism only works if the majority outrank the minority. Even if whites mated in America for decades,they'd still be out-bred by niggers. Civic nationalism is the only nationalism that would be widely accepted nowadays.

What a sad pathetic nigger.

>p-pls accept me white people

I have more respect for those niggers that tortured that mentally ill guy than you. Shine my shoes, nigger.

lol cuckservatives encourage immigration though as it keeps labour costs down for their jew friends.

A civic nationalist can oppose immigration or 'certain immigration' and not go full 14/88 gas the kikes race war now reeeeeeeeeee

Lol did you puff your chest out while typing that?

Well if you are going for wide acceptance, why not be a liberal? After all, many of the youth accept liberalism, so I bet you could win on that.

Point is, it isn't "nationalism" if all I'm protecting are a few values. A nation is the people, and if you are telling me the only way to be nationalist is to support my group being a minority because it is "widely accepted", then I'm obviously not going to support that.

Race nationalism doesn't mean going 14/88 or whatever. It just means you recognize the differences and the right of whites to have their own land. That's about it.

Most civic nationalists on here don't even oppose immigration, they just oppose illegal immigration based on their posts.

And let's be honest, values won't mean shit when whites are a minority, because most minorities don't hold those civic nationalist values.