>congressional investigation into abortion clinics
>find out they're using aborted babies for fetal tissue
>literally killing babies after birth
>telling women to delay abortions, just so the baby could be in a better condition to meet customers demands

There's so much sick shit in this oh my god. It's a fucking CONGRESSIONAL report too

I believe life begins in the womb, but I can't wrap my head around why it is bad to kill infant children...

Nice to see Congress wake up. This has been known how many years? I forget user, I forget.

Sweet get, witnessed. Will say that I hope PP gets BTFO´d but it´s unlikely as the GE said he likes them or "they do important work" IIRC.

Chairman Blackburn set the priorities of the Panel, directing that the interests of vulnerable women and children always inform the investigation and that the investigation encompass the nation’s entire fetal tissue industry. The Chairman’s direction was clear from the beginning: We must investigate alleged wrongdoing and then propose solutions to the problems we uncover. Recognizing that the transfer of fetal tissue for profit is a federal criminal offense, the Chairman focused the investigation on exacting detail, including bank and accounting records, all with a perspective that the motive for illicit profit could contaminate collateral activities in four important ways.
First, the sale of fetal tissue for profit could have a corrupting effect on the treatment of women facing an abortion decision. The Panel’s work has revealed that this corruption extends to the method of obtaining consent from the patient, which is both deceptive and unlawful. Also, those entrusted with patient medical information may violate Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rights in order to enable businesses to match their customer orders for human fetal tissue with particular patients.
Second, the Panel was concerned with a history of babies being born alive and the sale of fetal tissue at some late-term abortion clinics. The Panel’s investigation has revealed that whole baby cadavers of a viable age are transferred from some abortion clinics to researchers. The induction abortion procedure has increased the likelihood that infants will be born alive during abortions, even while the gestational age of viability has lowered due to medical advancements.

If you even do find a woman to make a baby with, you will understand, especially if your baby has a problem.

plz stop digging, mr. rothschild needs his injections!

What do they do with this tissue? Is it's like stem cells?

If it has a problem, it would only disgust me. I would kill it after birth if it was needed. Not like retards have feelings. I just don't understand why this is a bad thing? The majority of abortion cases here in the US are from African mothers. We would be 11 million niggers thicker if it were not for abortions. It's better to get it over with when they are just a baby, anything more makes you emotionally attached.

Shit it didn't load the paragraph breaks

Ill keep going

> The Panel took notice that this video again raised the issue of illegal profit. Another Planned Parenthood executive, the President of the Medical Directors’ Council, bargained with undercover journalists over the price of fetal tissue.

>“You know, in negotiations whoever throws out the figure first is at a loss, right?” She explains, “I just don’t want to lowball.” If Planned Parenthood loses money as they say they do by participating in fetal tissue programs, then “lowballing” wouldn’t be a factor in contract negotiations. And even though she insists, “We’re not in it for the money,” she says, “But it has to be big enough that it’s worthwhile for me.” This again prompted the Panel to seek accounting records and other records relating to Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue programs. See Chapter VIII.

um this has been debunked many times its fucking nothing drumpfkins




>The Panel took notice that this video raised the issue of Planned Parenthood affiliate clinics breaking their own protocols in order to contract and conduct business with fetal tissue procurement companies. The director of research at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast told undercover journalists: “Where we probably have an edge over other organizations, our organization has been doing research for many many years.” When researchers need a specific part from the aborted fetus, she says, “We bake that into our contract, and our protocol, that we follow this, so we deviate from our standard in order to do that.” She also admitted that some doctors change their procedure in order to procure the most intact specimen. This prompted the Panel to study the regulations around fetal tissue procurement and examine how closely those regulations are being followed. She also said of budgeting for fetal tissue, “It’s all just a matter of line items.” This prompted the Panel to see how well Planned Parenthood executives understand the federal regulations surrounding fetal tissue. See Chapter VI.

Considering the majority of stem cell research is done with plant stem cells, and the next biggest is animal, no, they're likely just harvesting tissue for grafting, transfusions, etc

Yes, they use it for stem cell research which has helped thousands. It's literally the single best and most ethical thing you could do, but Sup Forums would rather have each and everyone have its own funeral because muh feelings

Good, who cares. It's just nigger babies anyways. Why let that fetal tissue go to waste.


>The Panel took notice that this video again raised the issue of born-alive infants because Planned Parenthood employees discussed delivering intact fetuses after an abortion. At Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, [Abortion Doctor] said, “Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for a procedure, then we are intact.” Again, because this affiliate does not use the feticide digoxin in 2nd trimester procedures, there is the potential that “intact deliveries” are born alive. This prompted the Panel to investigate late-term abortion procedures. She also said she would need to train doctors to change the abortion procedure in order to harvest the most intact brains if PPRM were to partner with the fake tissue procurement company. And finally, [Abortion Doctor] said, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.” This prompted the Panel to see if clinics were profiting from the transfer of fetal tissue, a violation of federal law. See Chapters VII and VIII.

Stem cell research =\= fetal stem cell research

Very true, fetal stem cells are pretty much useless for science these days. It's all about stomach lining stem cells now.

Should they just throw them in the garbage?

At least aborted fetuses are saving lives

personally i don't think there is a problem with kill the really retarded babies you see it in the wild just because we live separate from animals doesn't separate us from the same nature

The problem is not only on ethics, but Planned Parenthood is paid by taxes.

Yeah, tards are just a burdon on the system. It sucks that our system is set up so that hundreds of millions of our tax dollars go straight to the care of a tard, who won't even make it to 40 anyway. They have no benefit in our society, culture, or the natural order of things.

And thank god
Otherwipe wed pay for even more niglets

hopefully all these abortion doctors and their assistants will be murdered in due time and go straight to Hell.

The problem with your viewpoint is that if "human life" isn't the cut off, then youd better either learn how to spell or kiss your fat retard ass goodbye, because you'll be culled with the rest of them

W-what are they doing with the fetal tissue?

>literally killing babies after birth
probably raped beforehand and then killed in a sacrificial ritual to moloch

Oh yeah I got trips sweet

So confirmed selling baby parts for profit?

how is babby formed?

The report says they're killing babies and selling the tissue for profit

In case you don't remember: that's a felony

Most niggers are aborted so

Science is more important. Hitler understood.

The free market baby

chill its just a little organ harvesting, no biggie. good market demand, and the donors didnt object.

t. AnCap gold member.

>when someone mentions roads

That's good.

It's overwhelmingly blacks, the non-white underclass and selfish, immature, mentally-ill human garbage, taking their own eugenics upon themselves. I say again, this happening, if indeed this report is true, and that the medical waste is being put to any constructive use, is a good thing.

Hopefully we can get a new cancer treatment or spinal repair therapy out of this, if we throw enough fetuses at it.


any time someone misuses the word science like you just dis, it's like a red flag. i know youre a non reflecting, probably neckbeard cucklet now.

> I would kill it after birth


can someone explain this? how is it the same society that accepts abortion is outraged at the discarded remains being used for scientific advancement

I'd like to propound upon this.

The United States had a very strong eugenics program, up until WWII, with "imbeciles" (the disabled, mentally-ill, retarded, etc.), mixed-race individuals, repeat felons and the perpetually dependent classes usually getting sterilized, and sequestered into "idiot colonies". Now, with the genetic fitness of the family being a taboo, the only option to influence our own evolution, that's still accepted in the public sphere, is marketing it to stupid people, under the guise of their beloved "rights" campaigns, as toxic individuality. We should all learn to reconcile nationalism, racialism, and collectivism, with the reality of ridding ourselves of the dependent, the disabled, the criminal, the ill, the defective.

It takes it from "My body, my choice!"
>me, me, me

To collectivism, which scares and intimidates people, who are taught to be nihilistic in everything but the mercantile and the pursuit of themselves, and their own individuality.

Because I do not care that they do? Why let it go to waste?

Judith Thomson provided one of the most striking and effective thought experiments in the moral realm (see Thomson, 1971). Her example is aimed at a popular anti-abortion argument that goes something like this: the fetus is an innocent person. All innocent persons have a right to life. Abortion results in the death of a fetus. Therefore, abortion is morally wrong. In her thought experiment we are asked to imagine a famous violinist falling into a coma. The society of music lovers determines from medical records that you and you alone can save the violinist's life by being hooked up to him for nine months. The music lovers break into your home while you are asleep and hook the unconscious (and unknowing, hence innocent) violinist to you. You may want to unhook him, but you are then faced with this argument put forward by the music lovers: The violinist is an innocent person. All innocent persons have a right to life. Unhooking him will result in his death. Therefore, unhooking him is morally wrong.