Whites this, blacks this, arabs that, jews that, etc

whites this, blacks this, arabs that, jews that, etc.

What are your thoughts on spics?

The white ones are mostly okay, it's the darkies that I have

Cool Culture
Beautiful Women
Great Family Values
Hard Work Ethic

Yet still manage to fuck it up in America

The facts that you use the word "spics" lets me know they are better people than you

>Beautiful Women
no racemixing allowed ;^)

>Cool culture
I disagree. They take our culture, then say its theirs, then destroy all our infraestructure we built for them and then blame us becoz muh gold
>Beautiful women
That degrade past their 30s unless you have enough money for plastic surgery
>Great family values
>Hard work ethic
Maybe 20 years ago

Congratulations, you bought the MSM propaganda.

Oh. And then, when it benefits them, they are Aztecs and shiet.

Those are just chicanos and technically they shouldn't be called spics as their main language is english and their culture is practically african-american.

every spic woman I've ran into has an attitude that comes across as bitchy

I undestand spaniard, a lot of people are brainwashed to "muh guld", "muh genocide", "muh rape". But Mexican people always get abused by their authority (the mayan kings, the spanish kingdom and now our current gov.) and it's all our fault.
Sucks to be Mexican desu


They need to go back.

mexicans are hard worki-

we're not going exti-

they aren't a drain on our soci-

Only time we had a chance, people chimped out to the only gov that worked and U.S.A helped them.

Now Mexico has no solution.

They're incompetent, unintelligent, and generally inferior as a people and it's no surprise that the areas they move to en masse end up becoming like Tijuana.

America is worse for their presence.

Spics were created by the jews.

Im just mad because there are some people from parts where there are no gold mines and ask me to give them back their gold. I don't have any gold. Im just a poor bastard that has enough luck to live alone.

Spics make pretty good food. That's about all I care to know about them.

Spanish are okay. Mestizos aren't.

Illegal immigrants should never be tolerated. If they're willing to enter your country illegally, then they're acting purely out of self-interest, and don't care for the country, and by extension, its people.

They would be fine if they stayed in their own countries. I don't think anyone would have a problem with them. Honestly I hope post wall/mass deportation mexican American relations heals. If they weren't destroying the education system and the labor market and doing all of the drug trafficking they wouldn't be so bad.

Americans are surprisingly lax about effectively having Mexicans make up the majority minority in every single state of theirs.

What used to be enclaves of Germans or Swedes is purely taco now. Then again, America accepted becoming just another failed Latin American state when they pushed through the 1965 immigrant act.

Pure coincidence.