Star trek

Star trek is liberal and cucked as fuck! But can serve up red pills!

Sci-fi is the ultimate red pill!

If you're not into sci-fi u BTFO!

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yeppers, the writers were rosicrucian and freemasons

science fiction is probably the most blue pilled fiction, the real red pilled fiction is sword and sorcery


Tom clancy is the only red pill

Right. I hate liberalism, and love sci-fi! Oxymoron a bit

Eh, I've read a lot of random sci-fi novels from the 60s and 70s and almost all of them are basically fighting evil space nazis with the power of diversity

I disagree. It is liberal, race mixing (alein mixing) etc.

But red pill in sense of "actual happenings"

>science fiction is probably the most blue pilled fiction
Well it depends on what sci-fi universe you're taking about.

Dune and the foundation series are pretty redpilled

True. Star trek! Is straight socialism! If it actually worked! But we are on a collision course with it.

Epic fantasy is the redest of red pills. Fucking sci fi nerds.

The problem with muh "red pill" is it is not only what we want. Sometimes its what will (might) happen.

I'm kind of excited for the new series of star trek, they've got a black femail captain, if she's anything approaching janeway I'm in for the season. Loved voyager, it's a good example of a series done right with good writing and a based black Vulcan that was actually a fan of the show.

Been working my way through the Foundation series. So far it's basically been cowboy nerds conquering the galaxy through the power of capitalism. Good stuff. Asimov's writing style isn't for everyone though.

Epic fantasy is the redest of red pills. Fucking sci fi nerds."

Ok, fantasy. I raise you. Sword of truth series. Read all 10+ of them. What you got?

Or mistborn trilogy (lord ruler) come on.

I've been doing the audio books

I'm doing foundations edge right now

It gets better and different. Did you start with the Prelude to foundation?

Got hooked on TNG, ds9 is actually better. Enterprise is actually cool. Voyager is decent.

Anyone who believes that star trek or sci-fi does not serve up red pills are country bumkins.

The thing about it is, while it tried to be bluepilled and diverse, it really served up the red pills by accident.

The one I think of the most is the Prime Directive.

Don't interfere with inferior cultures.

Well, if we didn't do that, we'd all be fucking white!

No, I'm reading them in the order he wrote them. I'm on Foundation and Earth. Prelude is the next one.

kirk was redpilled.

DS9 was the best Star Trek series in my opinion. It showed the darker side of the Federation, what happens when their backs are against the wall and the lines they're willing to cross for victory. The Section 31 arc and getting the Romulans to join the war against the Dominion were the best Star Trek moments for me.

Also, don't fuck with the Sisko.

I actually liked reading it in order though his writing style is so much better in prelude and its sequel that when I got to foundation it took me some time to adjust

Can you recommend something that is close to being as good as the Dune series?

That shit is perfect

DS9 is fucking brilliant. easily the best trek.
yes. intelligent, brave, could throw a punch.

Futurama is the best documentary ever!


Also, this:

yeah lots of great story arcs and really delved into all the different species and intergalactic politics in a way that other treks only did on a more superficial level.

people who say Star Trek is blue pilled are missing the bigger picture. The Earth is unified. But by what culture? Western White Culture. The blacks, the Asians, everyone is unified under that culture. Not fucking Islam or some other backwards race. Only when they see Western Culture is the Superior Culture can the world be united.

It's also a lot easier to be a socialist society when you have a machine that came make food or any other time of substance known to man out of literal thin air.

It's not really socialism, and they live in a post scarcity economy.

>decontamination gel


It is bulepilled as fuk. But served up redpills for then, today, tomorrow etc..

This. Aliens are all space niggers.

I just finished watching this one the other day and I was laughing how the final enemy was the liberal strawman that liberal paint Trump as. It's like they wrote it with Trump in mind.

True,. Like what humans will do when back is against the wall

I know. I said socialism. Yes, no $ though

It shows a multiracial USA making it to the stars whereas in reality only the homogeneous Chinese will make it.

Chinese, maybe? If humankind is 2 survive most likely as a mongrol race unfortunately

Replicators dont work with air mate.Thats why the whole replicator thing is a retard point as why communism works in the ST universe.
You fucking need to feed them fuel containing all the organic molecules,and that shit just rearranges the structure making steak out of shit.But not from fuckin air.

Good goy, keep worshipping the empreror.

was a member of the

I get that you don't get it.

Oh, I will, healthpack.

People that watch star trek don't actually pay attention to the politics in the background.

I really should make a youtube video showing you how evil the Federation really is.

The Chinese won't ever allow themselves to become mongrelised, only the suicidal white clowns do this willfully.

Hmmm. What's is wrong woth evil.?

The mirror universe is based.
Shame that they will never do a Man in the High Castle like alternate universe series, although it for sure would be a blast. The fact that the 7 episodes in the mirror universe are some of the highest rated and more people like the empire than the rebels in the Star Wars original trilogy stand as proof.

Star Trek is classically liberal, which means it's anti-authoritarian, which means it has as much in common with modern American "liberalism" as a woodcock does with a whale. Star Trek paints an enlightened society where people aren't classist, racist, and other -isms, because they CHOOSE to be like that, because the society they live in affords that possibility to them.

And here's the trick: it does so through a strong, unified culture. It's all Federation this, Federation that. The Federation is monocultural as all get-out. Sure, you say, there are all these different planets with their own customs and laws, but that's comparable to American states. And just like Americans all subcribe to American identity, Federation citizens subscribe to Federation identity. There is no multiculturalism in Star Trek. There is no enforced diversity, no banned words, no blacklisted holonovels. It's as far from modern leftism as you can get without going full Cardassian.

Modern leftism is represented in Trek, though. We call them the Borg. And earlier, in TOS, as the Klingons of that day. The social engineering, mass-executing Klingons.

Whites are currently the weakest link. If china becomes thr sole power of the earth. They will become victims of rasicm and fall like the rest

Nothing wrong with evil goy ;)

horror movies are rated PG13 and Star Trek is softcore porn.

Gas them all now.

So.. Hitler and Trump are right!!!?

DS9 is great because it dispensed with TNG's black and white morality. Right from the start, it says the Cardassians aren't all Evil space Nazis, and the Bajorans aren't all innocent victims.

The Bajorans keep going on about "muh 10 million" over 50 years of occupation, and you sort of wave it off as sci-fi getting the numbers wrong. But then at the end the Cardassians get a REAL space holocaust death toll: 2 billion or more, in the space of a single day.

DS9 is a really smart show about the social dynamics of post-war, post-colonial attitude, and it isn't afraid to aim its arrows at the "you're on the wrong side of history" crowd. And what's truly impressive is that it did it all before it even became an issue. Hell, they did a 9/11 Patriot Act themed episode BEFORE 9/11 even fucking happened! And in DS9, it WAS a false flag attack!

DS9 was on the cutting edge, and I doubt it would be allowed to get away with that shit today.

Yes, the borg does represent the "left" nowadays.

Think like us or else.!

are klingons arabs or niggers?

Enterprise is barely Star Trek, though. There's a bit of base effort in there, but it's literally a degenerate show, sacrificing Trek's wholesome values on the altar of "new audiences".

Not that Gene wasn't an old horndog hippy, but he still had more class than that shitty decon booth, or casting actresses for their silicone implants. Gene was sex-positive. Enterprise is just... sex.

Arabs! Atleast arabs can orchestrate an attack! Nigs are 2 stuiped


In all honesty tpol is my fav sex character.

So maybe thats why I like it, but its good imo kek

They're quite an obvious "dark Federation". The same ideals, but enforced through coercion that is so strong that individual rights literally do not exist in any form. So yes, an allegory for the communist style leftism.

TOS Klingons were an overt representation of communism, which is pretty clear in episodes like A Private Little War, where they subvert a backwards planet by giving guns to the natives.

TNG Klingons are more like niggers or Arabs, and Word is a classical second generation immigrant: He's more zealous than "real" Klingons in his interpretation of Klingon culture, but Federation culture informs his opinion about it, giving him a very different interpretation of "honour" than Klingons who grew up in the Empire. To them, honour is external, and controlled by what others think (like with arabs), but to Worf it's internal, and controlled by acting according to your own beliefs.

Honestly, he's a much more interesting character than he often gets credit for.


Ds9 is epic. But could u watch it first??
Tbh, it is my fav.


I really do need to catch up on TNG, only watched S1

I saw a few weeks ago Enterprise was released on Blu-Ray. I think the whole series is in HD now.

To be honest, I've found a lot of the other female Vulcans to be much more sexy. The tight catsuit is too obvious, too racy. It lacks class.

It's on Netflix

Currently watching that, on season 5 :P

I probably fell in love with her character, not the cat suit.

Different strokes. Right?

DS9 is partway a commentary on TNG. It's watchable on its own, but it really shines when you have the pre-existing knowledge of what TNG is like.

TNG season 1 is legit terrible. Even season 2 is so much better. So do yourself a favour and pick it back up again.

True about worf!

He is like anyone trying 2 deal with modern issues

Watch the better show imo

TNG os what hooked me. Watch it all first!

in the future every war is race war.


True. But today I hate niggers and Muslims and jews!

But if aliens were involed we would unite against said aliens

I like this post. I've watched all of The Original Series but couldn't make it past an episode or two of TNG as it was just...bland and a bit pandering. Does it get better?

Post scarcity is necessary for socialism to work.


Just watch it! It is worth it and then u transit into ds9 which is the best

>tfw this was once in a Star Trek episode

Yeah, Babylon 5 is fucking based. The filler eps were a bit irritating, especially when there's so much going on, but it really takes off. Hard to adjust to the '90s family friendly sci-fi thing, though. I last watched it about 9 years can't imagine it'd be any easier to pick up now.

Like I said in another post, season 1 TNG is terrible, bordering on unwatchable. Two or three good episodes, but otherwise only poor episodes with watchable bits. It was because they were trying to make TOS style television in a later era, so it's thematically tonedeaf.

But yes, it gets better. Season 2 already has some very strong episodes, and after that it's basically high quality entertainment until you get to season 7, when they've clearly ran out of ideas. So seasons 3 through 6 are the sweet spot.

TNG is beginning to seem very oldfashioned these days, though. But then again, the show is older than I am.

It's not much about trek vs 5.

As it us about sci-fi

I'd say that most people on Sup Forums had a strong upbringing with good sci-fi and fantasy to the extent that this isn't really an argument. So, let's do the next best thing and compare sci-fis.

It's a bit hamfisted, but it's not really that bad of an episode. And I'm glad it exists so we can point it out to all the douchenozzles who say "the Federation is REALLY communist!"

Ok. Best sci-fi story ever is ??

Manifold time by Stephen Baxter!

Read it or die

What u got?

Should I grin and bear it and sit through it all? Almost finished watching The Borgias, so need something substantial to watch again between episodes of The Grand Tour and Vikings coming out.




Very good and true post. Some of the things in DS9 I didn't really care for as a kid, but now as a 31 year old man I see it for what it really is.

It's hard to say it's better than TNG, but I have more nostalgia and love for TNG.

It's just incredible that both TNG and DS9 both have a diverse cast that LITERALLY NOBODY FUCKING MINDS.

The captain on DS9 is a black guy, and nobody cares, because it's done right. Like Ridley in Alien(s).

It was there and it was tasteful and you didn't fucking notice it because you liked the characters, whereas now, in the new Star Wars fagfests and stupid fucking Ghostbusters, it's the star of the show, they want you to know its there, and it's a political statement. Because the actual content is fucking SHIT.


you dont need NG to watch DS9 at all

If we're going to go books, you can do a lot better than that. In no particular order:
- A Brave New World (dystopia/sci-fi)
- Fahrenheit 451 (as above)
- The Forever War (don't agree on everything, but some points are good)
- Starship Troopers (book - film is fun if you forget that it's satire)
- Choose a William Gibson book. I'll take Neuromancer because it was probably the most influential, even if it's hard to follow.

I'll give an honourable mention to The Man In the High Castle as the series has turned out visually very beautiful, even if they completely changed the story, but the book is so terribly written.

Let me go check my library for more.

True. Not much "identity politicals"
Maybe sports (but it's baeseball).

Ds9, black captian all the aliens etc..

Nobody cared! No race baiting.

The majority of fedoras live in their own star trek-star-wars-anime-suprman-x-men-comics world.So no.

the federation discriminates against genetically enchanced people though..

Out of respect I will read you're books, well I have already read brave new world (Huxley). Side note (iron maiden has an album by same name, very good)

But u have never read (Manifold time)
Have u?

Because they were entertainment and not a statement. Diversity now is just a codeword for fuck whitey, but also, and ironically, a song by which they march to, to show the "diverse" people, colored people, women, lgbtq whatever the fuck, are just as smart and strong, STRONGER actually, than whitey.

Rogue One made me really really mad because all these rainbow of assholes were doing all the shit and being heroes but then when it came time for Vader to kill people it was JUST FUCKING WHITE MALES.

So transparent. I'm not a psycho who wants to see women die, but if they complain about the discrepancy in the male:female ratio in the good things, like scientific research, company CEOs, and movie protagonists, then guess fucking what, we need to address the male:female discrepancy in sanitation employees, janitorial staff, and underwater welders.

Guess fucking what, most of the grossest and most unsafe jobs in the world are worked by men.

And guess fucking what, Rogue One was supposed to be the Saving Private Ryan of Star Wars movies, brutal and real, well, before the heroics of later in the movie, there was the brutality of the opening scene.

If you want to be a hero, you have to die like a pig too.

Grew up loving Star Wars, but it died for me the day I saw Episode 1 at the cinema when it first came out. Never had the patience for Star Trek when I was younger, but can appreciate the original series as an adult. Might check out the others.

Couldn't care less about comics. Maybe when I was 8? Likewise, I'll watch anime if it's something worth watching like Evangelion, but otherwise couldn't care.

Life isn't so black and white. I know it's hard when growing up the only television you had was watching a drooling mustachioed man trying to pin a turnip on an accordion.

Does Sup Forums seriously think genre fiction garbage is red pilled?

True. Which is false in our future, hopefully not borg like.

havnt seen rogue one yet. sounds like propaganda.