Aus/pol/ - yeah cunt edition

love how all the pollys are getting btfo for spending our tax money on stupid shit.

libs, labs and greens need to fuck off and let daddy leyonjhelm take control

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>let daddy leyonjhelm take control
I will bump your thread even though you said this stupidity.

cheers m8

Friendly reminder that Pauline Hanson received tickets to Trump's inauguration and our PM didn't.

She got sent them by some cuck Republican congressman.

Trump probably doesn't even know who she is.

Tfw Australian and got to vote leave in the British referendum.

Leyonjhelm is a demented old retard

why are the places that are most passionately anti-immigrant also the places that have the most disgusting colonial histories?

basically, Aus and USA are the two worst offenders here.

>"hurr durr gtfo"
bitch your people were sent there because you wuz criminals.

>Melbourne is a festering shithole filled with libcucks, Chinks and SA and governed by the greens

>Melbourne is the most livable city in the world

Auscucks can't refute.

well, australia was a anglo-celtic country, the last decade its been raped the multiculturalism bullshit. they arent offenders, they are fed up.

correction, it still is a anglo-celtic country, over 75% of the country identify as from the british isles or ireland by descent. the other big percentages are german, italian, greek, france and dutch. the remainer are 3% aboriginal and torres strait islander, rest are asian or indian and some rabid african fuckers that should be deported.

how much butthurt from lefties would there be if one nation took control of QLD govt?

im in queensland. i think queensland would love it to be honest. we've already seen what leftist fuckheads have done to victoria and new south wales.

Leyingrlm , fuck his name seriously it's not even Australian. He would have you on two bucks an hour and paying 50k just to get a circumcision or your appendix out.

Whilst I agree we should reduce the taxes on drugs I doubt he'd care much for us.

In order to be a real Australian you need to vote Pauline.

alot of pollies touring rural qld this week, they are scared

I'm of Greek heritage. My grandparents came here in the early 50's.

Australia is, was and always will be the white mans country.

thread theme

Hey mates how are you all?

He's great. Sure is a lot of Leyonjelm haters in here tonight,

vote poline

fairly pissed again, 12 beers deep on a Tuesday and will probably have at least 3 more

wew lad

Noice, what are you drinking? Airplane mechanic right?

Voting Lib Dems next election lads. Get me some sweet firearms and nuclear energy. And I can become a pothead too.


Hello. I am good thank you for asking.

Struggling a bit with heat today but.

It is pretty hot today. Aircon does help a lot though

Remember vote one nation too

Only for poofters and the infirm.

Of course. Don't think I'm ever voting Labor or Liberal ever again. Will they die in my lifetime? I'm only 24

Is he eating bees?

>he's a cheap shitty Target oscillating fan pleb
Fuck off cunt

Probably when we're like 80-90.

This country is becoming decadent and soft.

A real man doesn't use anything. He suffers with dignity and silence.

coopers pale.

>tfw my dad is a gook-getter

how do I deal with this?

Alcohol on a Tuesday is a terrible decision in my opinion

Pauline is our /our girl/, Muslims & Chinks get out.

>what are economics: the post

I'm legit this close to fucking an abo lads. If I do I will report back and tell yous the story

That's disgusting.

>have a job
>work hard - take all the overtime etc.
>save at least 10% of your net after bills/rent/food
>buy a house, pay as much of the mortgage as you can while (barely) living
>use the equity you grow to buy something better, rent out property 1
>get a decent aircon, get a sparky m8 to plumb it in for a few slabs
>sit down in the crispy cold to shitpost on 4chinz

Enjoying some Man at Arms:Reforged atm - breddy comfy phamalam tbqfhm8

Your next cunt

you haven't done it yet?
you we're saying this last year, just do it and post the pics cunt

There needs to be a huge fine then no one would do it.

Aircon is comy tho

You have to at least tell us the story m8

Comfiness is what has ruined this country.

It brought down Rome too.

>tfw not using the high wages of Australia to buy my grandparents house
it hurts lads

I don't think keeping yourself cool during hot weather is what brought down Rome

I'd say no. They'll continue to get 30-40% of the vote and a few other people like Pauline will get the rest.

Australians are too scared to rock the boat they are homos.

>I'm such a hard man suffering discomfort despite modern technology being more than capable of alleviating that discomfort
Fuck fan pleb