CNN is so brave!

Where were you when our unsung heroes stood up to tyranny??

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I read the word tyranny as "tranny".. I have been on Sup Forums too long :(

*stands up and starts tearfully applauding while shaking my head in a mix of amazement and disbelief*

George Takei should be gassed

it's called freedom of the press, moron. it's the first amendment. there's a reason they put that before anything else. trump can't just go around saying these things. he has no right. the press has an absolute right to BTFO him like that, and they will for the next 4 years.

>he has no right

Sure he does. He has the freedom of speech. If he wants to call them fake news, then he's free to. Remember, it was CNN that started the fake news meme

>trump can't just go around saying these things. he has no right.


George Takei needs to be castrated and hung on the day of the rope.

>Spend the past year and a half slamming someone with articles ranging from extremely stretched truth to genderfluid spiritual rape fiction
>Said person defies the odds and succeeds where you spent every ounce of your energy trying to make him fail.
>That person is now making your pay in spades.

This isn't bullying, this is the tell tale story of how someone stands up to their bully and beats them so bad they shit their pants infront of the entire school and then commit suicide that night.

How brave! Attacking a man who doesnt even defends himself from the insult of the kids!

At least George "Cuck" Takei admits that CNN is biased as fuck by admitting they are the opposition.
I expect him to die from dehydratation when Trump is re elected after crying too much.

Holy shit, I am honored to have such a rare guest in my thread. Please, make yourself comfortable


well he shouldn't have the same rights as us because he's the president now. he needs to shut his fake orange mouth and let the press say whatever they want. they have rights, he don't.

Obama took away white house credentials from FOX news you fucking imbecile.



Didn't the left-wing start the whole "fake news" bullshit, with the goal of banning news they don't like?
It's amusing to watch it blow up in their face, but their complete lack of self-awareness is frightening.

>he shouldn't have the same rights as us
He's protected by the Constitution, mi amigo

>change image to Obama
>roll back clock a few weeks
>it's accurate

they dont even deny it anymore

>this media conglomerate finally stood up to a single man

so brave

so courageous

put them on the cover of vanity fair t b h

>discredit the opposition by calling it fake news
Who has done that before?


It's funny how much perspective changes things. I interpreted the whole incident as the elected president of the United States finally standing up to the fake news entity which had been slandering him for over a year.

ugh, why do people like this guy again?

dont they get financed by government?

If so, not anymore.

Good riddance to fake news.

You're reaching levels of butthurt faggotry never before thought possible

But it's ok when the left does it, right?



> CNN says CNN is accurate

Fake news.

>Didn't the left-wing start the whole "fake news" bullshit, with the goal of banning news they don't like?

Yep, that's the beauty of it, Björn

Because he's a gay Jap who was on one of the worst TV shows in American history half a century ago.

The constitution protects ALL American citizens' rights, including those of the president.

He did Captain Kirk's laundry. No other reason.

They made up this term "fake news". Now they're mad when it's used against them.

he isn't "reproducing" one way or another

Lügenpresse, who gives a fuck.

Sage and discarded.

the rights of the press outweigh the rights of one drumpfling. sorry that's just the way it is.

Oh yeah, right.

Gloryfing all things gay,
is the only way,
some would say,
in television today
but I say nay

CNN and consorts are projecting their own desire to shut down alternative media onto themselves to trigger a guilt trip.
Pity that it isn't working.

No, cunt.

>standard alt-right argument style

i win. sorry not sorry lol


Nice digits.


Freedom of the press, yes? So why do they call onews that contradict theirs fake news and wish to censor them? Really gets me thinking pal

>he isn't "reproducing" one way or another

Exactly. He's an evolutionary dead end. People with no children once they hit middle age should lose the right to vote as they'll inevitably just follow selfish, individualistic, impulses to the detriment of society - which is overwhelmingly the case with the destructive anti-social politics almost always supported by homosexuals who, by their nature, have their entire identity rooted in what and who they want to do with their genitals.

the constitution explicitly states CNN ALWAYS GETS AT LEAST 2 QUESTIONS

kekd and checkd

Pls at least put some effort into your bait. This is just low energy

>entertainment channels start pushing the idea of "fake news"
>"everything we disagree with is fake news!"
>Trump uses the term to describe these very people
>"g-guys we should retire the term fake news"

like pottery

Why does anybody even listen to this degenerate rice faggot?

>always liked him in star trek
>only recently find out hes gay in real life
>people post all the degenerate shit he did on air
>people most his leftist bullshit

god damn. why is it always the ones who are most successful who whine the most?

I can't tell if you're being serious. You're either as smart as a mushroom or you're brilliant.

Damn I love winning and I ain't tired of these salts mines.

Stay butt puckered.


Coup when?


I used to like Robert de Niro, Hugh Laurie, that German guy from Inglorious Bastards etc. but now I hate them because they're so fucking obnoxious about Trump.

You really need to be able to sharply distinguish between actors' acting and their political views, because if you can't you'll end up hating everyone in Hollywood except for maybe Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn.

CNN creates and proports this new meme word "fake news"

It backfires horrible against them in a way only trump could do


HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!

>You really need to be able to sharply distinguish between actors' acting and their political views

Hard to do when they bitch on national television about how evil normal people are for not wanting to tank the west

journalism is is protected by the first amendment but when they start using this to undermine the American people with blatant propaganda it would be criminal not to call them out

>progressives now support the fake news outlet that manufactured a justification for the invasion of iraq
oooooooooooooo zo dolerant

because its the current year

Well, you're a retard, but at least you seem to be honestly speaking your mind rather than being a fucking shill so some respect for that.

What did your 8 year old have to say?

CNN has done nothing but oppose him ever since he announced his candidacy. Takei is a hypocrite, though I liked him in ST.

>attempt to discredit opposition as fake news
Which is the exact same thing the MSM did.



This fucking retard said "bully the press"


How the fuck can you bully the press????

First off, the can just report whatever they want... nobody can stop them.

Second off, THEY are the ones that bully everyone.

>CNN isn't fake news

Standard libtard stupidity gets standard alt-right treatment... despite your digits.

yep, that's why I'm afraid I can never enjoy a movie again

Is he retarded?
Does he not see the irony?
Does he not see that Trump was using their lingo back at them?

Cinema is dead anyway

>let the press say whatever they want

Even if it's completely false or libelous?

Except CNN makes up more stuff than it reports. They are not a media outlet, they are a TV tabloid.


people cant tell if this is satire, i weep for what civilization is coming to

>left wing come up with a new, somewhat spicy meme "fake news"
>right wing immediately take it off them and put it to better use
the memes betray you because they belong to us

>Not Mental Gymnastic gold medalists
He probably sucks up Occupy Democrat memes all day and thinks they're real.

And yes, I understand the irony of posting this on Sup Forums.


>4 years

Pray it's 8 years, 2 TERMS BABY, en masse liberal suicide lmao :^))))

>only recently find out hes gay in real life
I always knew he liked dick but didn't know he chugged it

How is it not already a dangerous era post NSA leaks, Obama throwing every whistleblower in jail, extra-judicial killings of Americans etc?

It makes me giddy seeing leftists push back against their own term. If only those poor souls had realized we can shitpost way harder than they can.

stop dadposting

Nowadays twitter and the news in general look like a window to a parallel reality.
It's like they don't live in our world anymore.

Makes me wonder if they'll muzzle themselves as soon as he takes office. I doubt Trump would do anything beyond cutting federal funding. His plan to move the press room to a much larger area to accommodate a wide number of journalists is probably all he needs to do to defang them.

Finally I feel like I'm accomplishing something in life

Kek you're not alone.
Didn't realize it said tyranny until I read your response.

Takei is a disgusting degenerate who should commit suicide.

There's a difference between freedom of the press and flat out libel you stupid fucking idiot.

>attempts to discredit conservative sources by calling them "Fake news"
>get mad when they do it back to you
More liberal hypocrisy I see..

Considering the state of the democrats a second term is highly likely, especially if you consider this time Trump will get the support of the republicans.



Places like Washington and California don't really seem American.

The US is too big with too many different people, it's gonna have to be split up at some point. I think #CalExit will be the first to go.

This is what Obama started ffs, Trump is just mocking it

how can these people be so retarded

Fuck off George