Congratulations America, you are Russia's bitch now

Congratulations America, you are Russia's bitch now.

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No we aren't.

wow im withered now


Canada pretending like you won't be licking U.S.A./Russian boot as well . Nato and EU is done faggot

the fake news can't be honest of consistent about anything, at all, ever

wtf i hate trump now

Yep and Sup Forums fell for it the hardest

kys muhammad


Eat shit and die wong.

Can't wait for the Northern Wall

>it's a bad thing when hackers release bona fide e-mails which reveal bona fide corruption and election fraud in a major political party

What kind of retard actually thinks this?

Rigging the voting machines is one thing, but this literally only served to make American voters more informed.


>current year
>being a leaf




And what are you, cuck? Talk a lot of shit for being one of the most worthless, weak, and meaningless countries.

It's strange watching a world order that's existed for a long, long time come to an end.

The amount of

>How good is Putin
>Orthodox threads
>Anti gay threads
>Pro Trump threads
>Butthurt Baltics
>Ukraine "No such thing"

threads should be a dead give away

Are there ever

>Anti Russian threads?
>Threads shitting on countries Russia has under its thumb? Belarus the Stans etc

Nope, just anti western and anti former European soviet state threads

Fuck you dumb cunts for not realising

So too will you once we split your cuckhold joke of a country in half.

Enjoy defending yourself against two nuclear superpowers when you got mudslymes and women in key defense positions.

You seem mad OP

>communist crying

Why even try, Canada?

You should have protected your precious bodily fluids more carefully.

Too bad leafs are between russia and Murica so enjoy the nuclear fallout.

Leaf, pls. America is now our bro.

>America is now our bro.

>republicans are the ones in bed with russia instead of the democrats
This feels unnatural.

USrael has always been our friend, you liberal moron!

You're going to be our "bro" whether you like or not you little vatnik.

With the mudslime invasion of forever-cucked yurope, looks like a problem with two very shitty solutions. What's pushing some of the attitudes towards Russia is that at least Russia doesn't permit the faggotry degeneracy that has become unbearable in the West.

Fuck westerners, Russia-China will rule the world.

gopnik shill

Welcome to the meme machine!

Trump just another obama
Fuck off proxyxoxol
Fuck china

Privet cuckhole

>Pro Trump threads
Yes, everyone on The_Donald and probably 70% on pol is a paid Kremlin shill.

Shut up, Worst China Colony.


The meme has already succeeded the about of Bogdanoff threads, which im sure you would know, are a Russian VK meme atm are another giveaway

You're americas bitch so i see why you'd be concerned.

When equals make deals together, they're allies. You'd understand that if you were significant and not just americas bitch.

This meeting was so fucking surreal man

>He thinks I'm using a proxy

Time to buddy up. We'll let you sell your oil to Europe. But on our terms. I'm glad Putin decided to finally join the right team.

Get out of white countries and dont come back

Пocлe тaкoгo я нaчинyю вepить в cyщecтвoвaниe oльгинo.

>I struggle to earn 300$ a month, there is no job, inflation and rise in taxes
>somehow we now super nation whose mighty leader masterfully manipulated most powerful country politicians
>I still struggle to earn 300$ a month, there is no job, inflation and rise in taxes
>also I have to be proud

>Fuck china
Fuck off liberashka.

I'm not running that though google translate. If you want me to prove it I can. I don't know why you Russians are so paranoid.

>Time to buddy up
>implying we fell for "deal for cut off nuclear arsenal" meme again

Canada has always been and will always be the Queen of England's bitch. She is even on your money. God save the queen!

What did you mean by that?

you're a fucking leaf lmao your opinion is irrelevant. How does it feel that your entire country is cucked.
Enjoy having your 14 year old daughters get raped by adult syrian refugees at high school dances lmao. You people are pathetic.

No we'll let you keep the nukes. This time we're going low and slow. You won't even see it coming.

In politics is never about good vs evil; it's about bad vs worse, and that's it.

A multipolar world would still be bad, but a unipolar one is worse.

>In politics

A oнo и тaк cyщecтвyeт, нo зaнимaeтcя дpyгими вeщaми. Лeчиcь oт пapaнoйи. Бopды нe нacтoлькo кpyпныe cми, чтoбы ими плoтнo зaнимaтьcя.

>One journalist claims

Top kek. Meanwhile there is an absolute proof that Clinton used CTR to spread lies and propaganda, but the liberals will still cry about Russian trolls. This was funny especially on Reddit where CTR was producing anti-trump shit 24/7 on several subbredits, but if one person said something positive about Trump they immediately started crying Putinbot/Russiam troll as if Trump has zero real supporters....

Trump won the election but I guess dozens of millions Americans voting for him were also undercover Russians right?

>buh buh CNN told me Russia was trying to influence people!!

Poor baby

If Iran joins the Eurasian Economic Union and agree to trade oil exclusively in rubles, then I believe that would strengthen Russia, and also be good for Iran.

It would be similar to USA-Saudi Arabia relationship, but better because Iran is not a complete shit hole and has a lot of good natural scenery and historic sites.

>win popular vote
>rejected by america
Tpaмпoдибилы, нe мeняйтecь.

>GDP 1/8 of USA
>Population less than 1/2 of USA
>3 years long recession
>median wage $600/month
>economy based on export of raw materials
>somehow able to install thier puppet on the most powerful position in the world
top lel lads

wowwww wtf I guess I'm with her now

fake claims

And you're China's bitch

Do I get a prize?

>ally with russia or nuclear war
hmmm, that's a decision that really makes me think

A мы и нe coбиpaeмcя.


for any non-slav shills read the following:

half of the shit there has been accomplished

if you have money, make investments based on the other half

if you have children, get them out of europe

Provide proof of your conspiracy theory

Pro tip: you cant

I haven't seen that image in years.

>buh buh buh its f-fake!

Poor baby

All verified facts leaf cunt

Time to kys

>Constantly trigger leftists on twitter
>They call me a russian troll now
>Actually do it for free
>Where do I apply for my shitpost bux?

Too late bratya

Tы чтo, cyмacшeдший кapгoкyльтиcт?

>implying it's a binary choice

not to mention
>ally with russia

Not a possibility unless you completely kowtow and cuck yourself to Russia. Both Russia and the US want to be the most powerful country in the world. Putin won't settle for #2, and we're at an impasse because of that. So the only way to get past the impasse and improve relations is for the US to accept being #2 and let Russia become the new Superpower.

But no, it's not that or nuclear war. We've been doing option C: Containment and putting up a strong united front against him for decades, but he's playing 28D chess and causing that united front to fall apart by utilizing nationalism and breaking apart alliances that have held him in check.

But no we're going to "MAGA" which will really result in making us cucked to Russia.

Пepecтaнь пocтить пpoпaгaндy гoмoceкcyaлизмa.

Considering our countries are America's bitch, what does that make us?

Even if this was true
>implying it would be a bad thing

Ho я хoтeл бы быть тpaпикoм.

>>ally with russia or nuclear war
>hmmm, that's a decision that really makes me think
Wow, since when did western leftists become Trumpshills?

While you're bitch of anyone with slightly darker skin tone, your point?

t. cuck

Seriously though, you ARE getting paid for this right? You don't actually think this... right?
I always thought Canadians were pretty free thinking folks but to just boldface believe anything the lying press says about trump being a Kremlin puppet is just depressing. Here's a forecast though. Trudeau is not going well up there. I live in the southwest and get TONS of people from Alberta, Quebec, and even Ontario. They all hate the shills that infested their media. They hate you. You'll have a trump soon enough, and im gonna ROLL.

nice try, Breitbart

Fuck off, Justin.

There were Republicans defending Russia and one of them was Tucker Carlson.

I'd have voted Putin over Hillary in a heartbeat.

It's just... just so sad. I can't even take you serious on the level that you're trolling. It really does look like you're retarded.

You country should be nuked


leaf pls, your last to talk about being someone's bitch


>via 9fag

Day of the Rake come

What do you think's been happening for the last eight years, leaf?

More like (hopefully) partners.

The Leaf
