Salt thread


>the age of plunder
What the fuck is this meltface's problem? Clinton would have >plundered the mid east in its sandy butthole

What a fucking cunt

Guess the car accident didn't do the job, in fact made him a bigger sperg.

I wonder what he thinks of his fans

And people call me irresponsible.

Well guess what I'm responsible for this!

>empty rhetoric
wow, look how great he writes. Guy has always been a hack. Kubrick took his piece of shit, turned it into a masterpiece and King whined about that too. Trump will take a piece of shit country, turn it great, and this faggot will still whine.


>writer of babbys first novel in charge of criticing anything

From the guy who tricks people into buying books with his name on them as author when he didn't even write them.

whenever he pipes up i make sure to remind him that Kubrick polished his turds

is that art bell?

The Age of Dumb
He called it right.

>Taking the opinon of a hack burned out coke user

Daily reminder his wife was a liberal hippie who sucked BBC on campus

really? Example?

He's not that smart, he is uninformed. He writes horror novels, his most recent one was about a charismatic man powerful who turned out to be the devil, and he believes in that stuff.

I'm not touching Shitter with a million foot pole but has Patton Oswalt said anything yet?

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>if you voted for him

Nigger the reason I voted Stein was because DEMOCRATS alienated me far more than you realize.

HuffPost always delivers.

You're welcome.
*paid for by the proceeds of The Shining.


>Kubrick polished his turds
>mfw Stephen Kang likes the shitty straight to tv adaption of The Shining more than the one with the axe-wielding Jack Nicholson maniac

>doesn't knows William Bell

>you're responsible
And I love it.

That was actually one of his better lines. Does he not understand the message Trump was conveying?

heart attack soon getting soon

got mad respect for steven king, love the guys stories; but really he should shut the fuck up he basically writes hack stories these days; and mostly gets away with shit because his characters are always really easy to digest, but with some depth (usually him exploiting his addict past).

Sounds like exactly what the leftist liberal shitheads did and stil do, fucking kek, THE OBLIVIOUS PROJECTION IS PALPABLE.

Damn, beans are dumb. We really are overdue for a mass-deporting.

Why don't the left actually attack Trump for something they can argue with?

Republicans and the Tea Party didn't autistically moan every time Obama walked or talked. They latched on issues that pissed people off.

This shit is just annoying especially when Trump has objectively done nothing wrong.

>The age of empty rhetoric
Is this the first time this faggot has paid attention to politics?

This after 8 years of Barack "Hope and Change" Obama no less.

Look how progressive I am with my black child

If he hates this country so much, maybe he should go back to Mexico. Oh wait, he'd never do that because this country is better than pretty much every other.

>modern leftists
>Having the brain capacity to argue with anyone

You view these people as part of everyday humans when you should look at them as something akin to animals

Their psyche is different
It's based on click whirr response
Similar to triggers on dogs

>Sit you tell the dog
The dog sits
>Yell you tell the leftists
The leftists yell

You get the picture

Don't you see? The Tea Party protested Obama's policies and elected people that stopped some of Obama's policies therefore the left is 100% validated in rioting several times since the election itself and again at the inauguration before Trump has done anything at all.

King just mad he hasn't done anything half-decent in a decade. It's a classic strategy for dying celebrities: virtue signal to remind people they exist. Be sure to trigger Stephen King by reminding him how bad a liberal he is because he used to write 'magical negroes'.

see you in 10 years when the rest of the world aren't dependant on fossil fuels and you ameritards are. Stupid fucks that still live in the 70's

>Literally Shaking: the article
They think Trump saying he wants to focus on America is "scary".


i rly hope i get to live to witness these people dragged out of their homes ,given public trial to see them scared and crying and then shot

He's just lost in his own imagination. SAD! He should go outside every once in a while.

>Republicans and the Tea Party didn't autistically moan every time Obama walked or talked.

They did. Way beyond what anyone has done for trump. Just look up some of that shit such as when they chimped out over him having a tan suit on or him just bicycling / golfing. Like I don't want to defend liberals going nuts over every minor trump scandal as the holocaust but republicans are way more petty and trying to play them off as the reasonable ones is hilarious and might only be possible if you've never had any contact with them at all

>penguin still thinks it's relevant
Haven't you picked a new forced meme already?

you don't really believe this old fuck shits out 1000+ page novels like every 8 months without ghost writers?

>Just look up some of that shit such as when they chimped out over him having a tan suit on or him just bicycling / golfing.
No, they didn't. Conservatives never once rioted during the Obama era.

At the Orlando protest

What an idiot. Anyone who makes a living through arts or entertainment should just keep quiet. Obviously the artists & entertainers are primarily going to be democrats because if you rank the importance of their work it's essentially useless, a luxury, they'd be first to get killed off in the event of an apocalypse.

Mmmm que culo on the right in light blue jeans.

No matter what, it was worth it for Sup Forums. Isn't it so?

Glad that King isn't good anymore so I don't have to feel guilty about shunning him after this election


>imagery of life is imagery of violence
I am so calmly mad right now...


These people have no actual clue what they're protesting, do they?

>those hips on the right

I'm sure those are all totally homemade signs and not provided to them by some "occupy" organization that leads back to George Soros.

Founding father shit right there


I never did like King. His stories ramble on and are not very interesting. Much like liberals.


empty rhetoric? that speech is better than anything this fucker wrote in his life

Comment open for all

ay mami

No, it's a recruitment drive for socialists using Trump to rally people

There are 3 possibilities why they are protesting so early and so heavily for no good reason:
1.) illegal
2.) employing illegal
3.) paid to protest
You normally don't see Americans even protest. Send those people to Sweden, they need protests more.

Oh come on, i can never enjoy his books again

I read his books. I bet King goes to lots of pizza party's

Says the guy who makes a living writing about cat and dog zombies.

>empty rhetoric
yeah obama was pretty bad


>giving them the respect of using their name

It's huff paint, for that is all they ever do

he can't find ONE ghostwriter that can write a good satisfying ending?

They shouted FUCK FOURCHAN NAZIS right next to me, I showed them the pol catalog

I really don't see the appeal in that. Stop trying to not fap for a week, you clearly not made for it.

this pendejo bleeds salsa, that's why he doesn't get it


Every retard has an opinion but twitter lets the world know about it. If he was smart he would stay out of politics and write more novels. But we had a rough transition of power and cucks gotta vent publicly.

I didn't see a single protest against this dangerous bicycle riding golfer, though.

Both reps and dems hate Trump because he's out of their cabals.

Confucius said:

>How you can understand if a man is bad or not? To judge if a person is bad it needs that the good persons talk bad about him, and the evil persons talk good about him, if both good and bad persons talk bad about him it means that there is a prejudice

Trump is out of Skulls and Bones, Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove and all of that shit, I think this is enough to judge him at least away from certain conspirators and certain hidden agendas

Nothing a little leg-stretching in Maine won't fix.

>huffington post complaining about degeneracy
This truly is the best timeline.

Very little. I think the same of them.

>has a literal jew give a sermon after he speaks

Huffpo is in it's own reality.

>women protesting
>still on their phones

>huffpo throwing around the word degenerate

People in USA have some really bad experience with people like Trump.

There were no riots, cuck.

Anyone have that picture of those people taking pictures of the Antifa trash can fatality?

I saw some fag holding an Anarchist flag on one hand and an iPhone in the other.

Can't wait for Trumps second term, when he'll be able to use the Horn of Eld to strike fear into his enemies.

Stick to making cheesy 80s horror novels you silly old man.

>can't wait for impeachment

But Hillary didn't win...

>the penis is evil

In 10 years there won't be Swedish Sweden.

They can take the long way

LOL, if you showed that picture to people 50 years ago, what would they say?

What does your indipendence from fossil fuels help you Sven, when Ahmed does an allahu akbar next to you or Matumbo rapes you because you are more feminine than your women.

Liberals should recreate it to show solidarity with soldiers and live ammo and everything.

he is not saying conservatives rioted, read him again.
bitching and complaining about trivial shit did happen though, how old are you seriously? were you 14 in 2009-2010?
geez, don't make me remember teaparty again.