Japanese nationalists are happy with Trump's withdraw because now Japan take initiative

>Japanese nationalists are happy with Trump's withdraw because now Japan take initiative.

Good bye america~ Never come back to Asia.

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>That no Canada.

Top fucking kek.

So is this Trumps partnership deal or something?

Someone needs to tell Japanese nationalists Japan makes cars in the US.

All of Asia (including Japan) belongs to China, you impudent little brat. You have Chinese blood in your veins whether you want to acknowledge it or not. All people in Asia came from the Chinese people and the rest of Asia knows this. They respect Chinese people because we are the origins of ALL cultures in Asia. Therefore, Asia BELONGS to China.
You will follow your ancestor's will and bow towards Beijing once we put you in your place. The US is no longer in position to interfere with Pan-Pacific region, either submit or be wiped out. We will not forgive belligerent, unruly children like you.


GM,VW, TOYOTA and NIssan will make cars in Mexico.

Still crying bitch



Hi David. It's nice to see you again.

Still mad about the two nukes, eh Jap piggu?

still mad about Japanese car is superior to American trash car?

No one buy american car outside of US. because it's shit.

Two weren't enough, JAPAN?

>visit japan
>it's just western capitalists whoring out japanese eccentricities for profit

cry some more bitch why don't you go commit seppuku



"made in america" is symbol of expensive shit.

Who buy it? only dumb retards

Hello David-kun.


Japan taking the initiative could possibly be the best thing to ever happen to the world.

You mean it all belongs to the rightful rulers of the Asian empire who are sitting in Taiwan, awaiting their return?

True, even when I see american cars its Ford which we call "fejl og reparationer dagligt" here in Denmark. It roughly translates into "errors and reparations daily"

>don't have nuclear weapons
>1.3 billion mainlander chinks want revenge for Japanese imperalism
>don't even have a proper military for force projection

Obviously OP is either a chink with Japanese nationalists are grade A retards


>or Japanese nationalists are grade A retards*

>"made in america" is symbol of expensive shit.
>Who buy it? only dumb retards
"JDM" isn't a symbol of expensive shit, bought by fucking retards?

we will murder and rape your nation until it is nothing but a cum covered wasteland

They do, and they can't afford the tax.
Subaru has a factory here, Toyota has a factory here, Nissan has a factory here
They will just expand
Stop complaining and crying

I will spread our shitty moe anime to degeneragte your young generation.

It's worse than nukes

>they can't pay 35% tax!!!

really make me think

>still mad about Japanese car is superior to American trash car?
I down graded from a Buick to a Toyota. every time I have to crawl into that shitbox, I miss the old Buick, my wife convinced me to sell, on the promise of saving $0.10 per gallon

are you living in a cave? this is the tpp, the deal that would ruin the internet. the deal that is now being scrapped by trump.

I'm reading your literature faggot, and you can't stop me.

Also Japan is much more affected by the weeb cancer than the west is.

>Japan trying to shitpost when it's been annexed by nearly the entire anglosphere at some point

>Good bye america~ Never come back to Asia.

So wait, are you saying you prefer China?

tends to happen if you sacrifice your car manufacturing industry

>Peru and Chile


So glad TPP is DEAD.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiitu ppppigggu gro gom!

Kek, good to know FORD memes are a global thing

Found On Road Dead
Driver Returns On Foot

Wasn't TPP also a threat to the doujin market? Thanks Trump.