Richard Spencer is a fucking FAGGOT

Richard Spencer is a fucking FAGGOT.

What kind of man gets punched in the head and then does... nothing? Fucking NOTHING.

He didn't fight back, he didn't call the police, he did NOTHING.

That's fucking weird. If a man gets punched in the head, the normal thing is he is going to fight back, or call the cops.

Who the fuck gets punched in the face as a grown man and does nothing about it?

Dude, Richard Spencer is a massive, massive faggot. Wash your hands of this coward, he doesn't even behave like a man.

the person ran away and he was in a haze after being suckerpunched.

The important thing here is that the leftists are starting to use violence, which permits us to do the same. The right is currently playing the peaceful game but it is becoming evident that the leftists want to play hard. The problem for them is that they are all bark and no bite, they will regret this when the real fighting starts.

>Stormfronters ''leader''
>not CIA plant


>guy who punched him isn't a public figure
>meanwhile Spencer has a lot to lose

>Punched while talking about pepe

He stole Sup Forums's meme I'd punch him too desu.

fucking faggot

The antifa queer ran away, what was he supposed to do?

I gotta agree with you getting sucker punched will leave you confused and shook up because you're not expecting it. He should have at least called he cops though but that anonymoos guy was wearing his hood and mask along with his autism fedora

He's been a faggot nazi LARPer day one.

ok "dude"

and Richard Spencer is indeed a faggot but not because of any of the reasons you listed. He is an American mutt and a subhuman negro apologizer.

he's not a nazi at all. Get the left's dick and balls out of your mouth you enormous liberal faggot. Nothing nazi about a peacefully created white ethnostate. Why are you even on Sup Forums?

>What kind of man gets punched in the head and then does... nothing?
A cuck, man.
Spencer is what you call "alt-lite".
You want to see a real alt-righter? Look at Gavin McInnes, he was ready to fuck an Antifa up just for standing there.

>Gavin McInnes
isnt he that fat Canadian idiot who is a "civic nationalist"? Fucking kek day of robe cant come soon enough.

Yes, the same one.
Kinda pathetic he has 5 times the balls of these American "alt-liters", like Spencer.


>punch back
>tomorrow's headline: "white supremacist leader Richard Spencer beats 14 year old Black girl with crowbar"
>go to jail
>do not pass go
>do not collect $200

Can confirm, getting sucker punched is disorientating. And what exactly would calling the cops accomplish?
>I'd like to report an assault
>Can you describe what happened?
>A disguised antifa protester elbowed me in the head.
>Is that it?
>Okay thank you bye.
>B'bye now.
Fucking pointless.

>Better to be a cuck than to stand up for yourself
Spoken like a true alt-lite

This is low quality shitposting.

Reminder that OP really REALLY wants us to hate Richard Spencer. It's to the point where it's strange.

He's literally a paid FBI plant, designed to make the right-wing look bad

>Wash your hands of this coward

Who here besides me never supported this turdburglar? It should have been obvious that he's a grandstanding POS controlled opposition figure. He really wants an acting career.

>Dude, Richard Spencer is a massive, massive faggot. Wash your hands of this coward, he doesn't even behave like a man.

Fucking kill yourself, Shlomo. If you never had any martial arts/combat training you'd fucking run away like pussy too, especially being shocked from someone suddenly btfoing you

anyone in a crowd

hauehauehauehuh i just saw the video he got slapped like a little worm faggot are u kiddiiiiiiing meeeeeeeeee :))))))))))))))))))))

yes he got sucker punched by an old nigger, who cares he is phony anyway

He makes it look good though.

>video ends 3 seconds after getting punched

wew lad, go back to fucking your ugly wife Cernovich.

>Sup Forums goes out in public, gets suckerpunched, looks surprised...
this is who is representing you guys.

And you wonder why you're so maligned....

>tfw you're explaining pepe to a reporter and some dickhead takes a swing at you...

weak bait

"call the cops" are you the biggest pussy in the world or what

He just wanted footage for one of his edgy videos

>fight back
>get charged woth assault
No thanks. We're supposed to be the respectable ones.

Antifa has been shilling this shit all day, They're laughing at you Sup Forums, reclaim your board.

Kill yourself, Cernovich

>assault caught on camera
>literally hundreds of cops within spitting distance

Sup Forums calls him a poofta for not reporting assault.

He contracted syphilis from Tila tequila

>Richard Spencer is a fucking FAGGOT.
he literally is a (closet) homo though

*punches back*
>Richard Spencer is a FBI plant to relate the Alt-right movement with violence!!!!

>punch back someone who ran away literally less than a second after hitting you
>have lightning quick reflexes to hit someone back that quickly
whoa...this really makes me think..guess i'm antifa now...

He posted a follow up video on Periscope that I watched.

He gave more information:

- The sucker puncher actually punched him twice. The first time on the cheek, then he came back and punched Spencer AGAIN.
- Spencer never made any mention of calling the police or a police report. He says that he's going to walk around with security in the future though.

It just seems really weird to be, for a grown man to be punched in the face in public, and then to do... nothing. The proper response would be to fight back or call the cops. He did... nothing. Something's off about this Spencer guy.

>leader of the alt right
>wearing pepe badge
>gets BTFO and runs away from an SJW

hahahahahahahahaha the absolute state of the aut right

does richard spencer live in a garden with angels?
i don't know how he can go out of his home and be relaxed when he is known publicly like a "leader" of the unaccepted alt right

there's literally nothing wrong with being a national socialist

>and runs away from an SJW

Thank you for describing the attacker

permission? Are you a cuckservative?

The left wing media will ALWAYS portray any violence you commit as an unprovoked aggression while covering for their own.

If you were going to do something violent, you should have done it already.

he was minding his own business preaching the god word of pepe and some violent leftards attacked him for no reason


99% of people don't give a fuck about politics

Only to people already in the alt-right camp, he's not helping us expand at all

bait. i'd rock your shit and you'd stand there like a little bitch, too.

know who wasn't a man? the guy that hit him and ran

>le cowards punch

Fuck the alt right.

Someone trying not to look the ebil Nazi the media portrays him as. If he punched back the only video you would see is Spencer punching a LGBTBBQ commie gender queer across all MSM outlets, talking about Nazi hatecrimes.


>why isn't it working

it's not about politics. if you talk on tv and show your white supremacists views you are going to trigger the dumbest nigger even if he has no idea what politics is. i thought he always had bodyguards behind cameras. He must be a 40 year old basement dweller there is no other way to explain that lack of social common sense.

>alt right

Pick one

Wow the D&C shills have given up on attacking Anglin and are going hard on Spencer.
Meanwhile the TRS lads are recording another Shoah and Trump is President. Really makes you think.

>the dumbest nigger

they don't watch the news

He's taking the punches of life. Don't be petty. The guy ran away & was hiding his face.
A pussy is going to cry about it and make a big deal

is this a thing?

I'm certain you would've teleported behind him and used your shadow clone jutsu.

>he didn't fight back
sucker punched by a man in a mask who ran away
>he didn't call the police
the attacker was wearing a mask
>he did NOTHING
what did you expect?

You fags sure are badass on line lol
>If I got sucker punched I'd fucking kill the fucker who hit me BUH-LIEVE ME


AntiFa are pansy ass bitches!

Have you niggers never taken a sucker punch before?

Your brain is rattled, you see double, you can't even hear very well for a few seconds. You take a second to make sure your eyes are alright and all your teeth are intact. The adrenaline rushes in so fast you can't make decisions. You can't leap right up and engage the other guy in combat in the next five seconds. It's not boxing, it's a shitty sucker punch by some middle aged fuck.

I don't even like Dick Dispenser. But you faggots jerking off over "lol what a bitch he got hit by a running man in the side of the head with no warning and didn't go super saiyan" are just showing that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Everyone notice the yuge amount of anti Spencer post after he got trending on twitter? It's almost like the (((elites))) want you away from the truth. Go watch some Milo videos, goy.

Just because 8pol sucks doesn't mean you have to bring your pathetic lefty cum guzzling threads here.

go expose some more neo nazis or something. really do something for your faggy lefty movement.

It's because he has seriously effeminate mannerisms and affectations in the way he holds himself and speaks.

Nigga needs to take speaking classes or something.

Reminder that it's almost exlusively redditors, antifa and Jews who don't like Spencer and keep whining about him.

Kill yourselves.