Why don't they just shoot him?

If leftists think he's the ultimate evil, why don't they rid the world of it with an M16?

>having guns

Because an M16 is a fully automatic weapon and it is banned in Washington D.C.

Learn before you post, Leaf.

Your Homegirl
Julie Pinball

You could get thrown into a van for making these kinds of posts now.


They're a bunch of pussies they won't do shit

If they won't shoot him, how will leftists utilize the guns they've purchased recently?

Cuz leftists are eternal faggots.

>he thinks we don't
If you think we won't arm up to fight you fascist your wrong

you don't have guns

you have bongs and dildos

I should get a guitar case like that just for shits and giggles. Nobody would ever think to look for a gun inside of that thing.



Is that a Glock AR-15 Assault Machine Launcher?

if a real Hitler came to power, no one would do anything but throw rocks at starbucks

>wanting Pence as President

Trump's no idiot. He knows libs will ultimately tolerate him if Mike "Shock Jock" Pence is the alternative.

lol fag

>Be leftist
>kill Trump
>Volt President Mike assumes office
>paranoid as fuck, never leaves the white house
>will never be kill
Yeah, gr8 solution

Leftists have no guns, sweety.

The fully semi automatic rotary barrel version

because they are less violent than rednecks or nazi scum

Most leftists don't hate him that much really. Mostly niggers and SJWs, and they aren't going to do shit.

Sup Julie Pinball, how about showing me those tittays

This isn't your picture
The owner of this case is a conservative who put those stickers on to blend in with the liberals

There is no form of legal carry in the District.

it's funny I've never met a leftist who wasn't a sissy, dissipated degenerate, or mental case. Not intimidating in the least.


Because they can't fucking get one.